Chapter Eight

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Eren's POV

"I have a question," I say as Aamon chews on a wooden toothpick. Aamon looks at me from the corner of his eyes. "Where are we?"

He snickers, which annoyed me. "If you think we're safe, we aren't. We're still on their territory, and right now they're still looking for us,"

"Last question," I cleared my throat. Flashback of seeing Reiner made me mad. "Why was Reiner here? Is he, like, the boss here or something?" Aamon's face fell.

"He's still alive?" I nodded. "I thought I killed him."

I shook my head in disbelief. "What do you mean "you thought you killed him"?"

"When he was still in the womb, I had to kill him or else the Braun family will continue. If the Braun blood continued, that means the gang will continue to grow, so my mission was to kill him," he started shaking his head as if he was thinking of something really hard. "You know him right?"

"Went to school with him,"

"You guys friends or something?"

I scoffed. "I hate his guts,"

"I still do,"

Minutes turned to hours and we were completely still at the same spot. By now, I would've thought Aamon had some plan to escape this place, but when I asked him, his answer was simply, "what plan? I'm waiting until my ride gets here." I honestly don't even know what he mean by his ride.

"You know Sebastian, right?" I asked.

"Stop asking questions! Gosh, how does Levi cope with you?" He groans. "It's like, I can't even have--" Aamon stops talking and quiets down. His ears perks up and he looks around. His index finger raises to his lips, silently tell me to be quiet. Carefully, he walks towards me, making sure the leaves underneath him didn't crunch.

He grabs my hand and speeds up to the tree. "Be quiet,"


"Seriously? I'm not Levi, Eren, I will hurt you," he glares at me.

Voices surround us, making Aamon even more careful. He hides me between bushes of leaves, making me blend in. I looked at Aamon and he disappeared like air. I could hear my heart increase beats as the voices neared us. I was scared as in what would happen if they caught me. I was scared of moving. What if I move and a leaf drop onto someone, giving them my location? My mind was spinning of multiple questions and scenarios.

Calm down. Eren, calm down. Aamon will protect you at all cost. It's his mission.

Tears. I hear Levi's voice loud and clear. He is definitely right next to me, watching me, that or it's just Aamon's presence.

"This way!" I hear a guy shout.

I tense up, my calm heart starts beating faster again.

"Some of you guys stay here!" Another guy shouts, running a direction.

"Who are we looking for again?" A guy says. He's standing right underneath me. Oh god! Help.

"Two guys. Levi and his lover. They are together right now, but we don't even know where they are," a girl answers.

Two gunshots were fired, but it's not loud. You had to listen closely to hear it. What's happening down there? Who fired the gun?

"You could stop worrying now," Aamon said. I sit up and I see him cover in blood. How? Don't even wanna know.

I stood up and looked down the tree. I was about 9 feet in the air. "Get me down from here!" I clung onto the nearest and sturdiest branch.

"Coming princess,"


How many days has it been? I'm tired and I'm hungry, but nope, Aamon just won't let me off the hook. "Just a bit farther," he would always say. How much farther to be exact? Ugh! I've asked for him to carry me, but nope. He just laughs and then start calling me these stupid names. We walked maybe another three or five miles, we reached to an empty road. We've stood here for a good ten minutes by now, and we still haven't seen any cars.

All there was to see was a big black road, trees, and the sky. I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, ugh!

"Can I ask you a question?"

Aamon looked at me, he was tired, but he knew his job. He scowled. "What?"

"Are you tired?" I asked. Aamon yawned, stretching.

"No. If you are, go ahead and sleep," he said with a smile. My heart thump. "You alright?" I nodded.

"It's just, I haven't seen Levi smile for a long time,"

Aamon looks at me, just staring at me. I was a bit confused, so I just looked out into the trees. I could hear Aamon chuckling to himself, so I turn my head to look at him in curiosity. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"He misses you," Aamon says while looking at the sky, what a cliché mother fucker. "He's asleep, yeah, but he also controls his dreams. Once in a while, I could see visions of his dreams, they're all about you. He's secretly crying."

I smiled, small tears dripping down my face. I didn't see him for years, I didn't talk to him for years, the only time I did talk to him, he was stolen from me. Ugh! Why can't Levi just come back?

"Come here," Aamon says. I didn't know what he meant, there are many ways he can interpret that. I was shocked when Aamon pulled me into a hug, a tight, warm hug. I couldn't help, but cry even more. He cooed, smoothing my hair. "I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused."

I shook my head. "You only came to rescue me, for Levi's sake. Thank you."

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