♡ Chapter One ♡

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♡ Eren's POV ♡

"Good work," everybody said to each other. A lot of my co-workers got up and left the floor and some stayed back. Alia, my cube partner, always stay behind for an hour or two. Maybe five. So, we probably only get about three hours of sleep.

I look at my watch, Nine O'clock. I sighed, yawned, then ruffled my hair.

"Here," Alia handed me my cup of coffee as she sipped on hers.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I took it out of her hand. She only gave me a nod, walking back to her side of our small cube space.

I place my coffee down, looking at my mac book. Everything was in place and I had two-hundred twenty-three pages down already. I passed my goal of one-hundred fifty.

I yawned again, stretching my muscles.

So tired.

I rub my eyes, then went back to typing.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slam my hand on my annoying alarm clock, but it still wouldn't shut up. I groaned, shuffling in bed to unplug the plug.

I yawned with all my might, stretching at the same time. I look around my bedroom, noticing my laptop on my bed. I was so tired yesterday, I forgot to close my laptop.

I turn my mac book on again and I noticed I had three-hundred sixty five pages down. I sighed in relief.

I rubbed my face, walking towards my bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, dried my hair, and got dressed. I made myself a little breakfast of rice, egg omlete and chicken soup. I looked at my watch and it was time for me to go. I packed my charger, my phone, my mac book, and then headed out.

Work wasn't to far away from me, that was a good thing. It was probably a seven to ten minute walk.

Entering the building, I smiled as I felt the warmth.

"Eren!" Alia called out to me. Damn, I could see her eye bags from here. "Good, you're here! I need major help! I had like two-hundred twenty-something pages down, but when I woke up this morning, everything was deleted!"

"Did you click save?"

"Yes!" Alia grabbed my hand and started to drag me to the empty open elevator. "Like, my heart is non-stop shaking. Our dead line is Sunday, Eren! Sunday!"

"Alia, calm down. I'll see what I can do. Alright?" I gave her a warming smile. She smiled back, calming down, but she wouldn't stop tapping her shoe.

We got to the BL floor and we went to our cube.

"Morning," everybody says as we enter. We greet them back.

She lays her laptop down and opens her document. Nothing was on the document and my heart stopped. She was gonna be in some real trouble.

I clicked on the reload button and still showed nothing. I clicked the redo button and down the scroll went.

I cocked a brow. That was weird. It was like her words disappeared, but their shadows were there.

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