Chapter thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: My home the Underworld

"You should give up on being a soldier. Throwing your life away is not the only way to fight"
- Mikasa

This world is filthy. This world is a world where I had grew up to hate and love. I am Prince Aamon, my father, Hades, is the king of the Underworld.

A lot of people would say that school is hell, but if you were actually here in actual hell, you would cry to go back to school. No one treats anyone nice here, as it is a sign of weakness. If you don't believe me, I get it. I'm actually really nice, I know right, so hard to believe. But because of my kindness, I have died many times and came back alive many times. My father didn't want his only son to grow up weak, so if he had ever saw me become kind to anyone lower than us (which is everyone), I was dead meat. He was no father to me and I was no son to him, but because he was the only person I had, the only thing I could do was become him.

Maybe that's why I'm like this, mean and rude. Sebastian has always told me that I never show my true feelings, and if I somehow do, it's a very weird feeling for him.


I look at Sebastian and a smile appeared on his pretty mouth.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, alright?" I shrug him off. I inhaled deeply as I stare at my home underneath us. Memories of my father flash upon me. Him stabbing me as I failed to follow him. My blood on my very own hands as I bled to death. Him yelling at me with the name of Worthless Child.

"Why are you grinning like a maniac?" Sebastian asked, catching me off guard. Am I really this crazy? To think of something so horrific, and yet to be smiling?

"Sebastian," I called, getting his attention.

"Yes, Aamon?"

"Am I a monster?" I ask, looking at him. He smiles and nods.

"Yes you are, but you are a very... nice monster that saves lives," he smiles, but this smile was a smile I have never seen. This smile was as if he was unsure, I guess he is also having some memories.

"Do you think of me as a monster?" I asked.

"No, I do not. I think of you as my lover, do you not?"

"O-Of course I don't! D-Don't just go blabbing things out!" I blush. Sebastian, you idiot.

"Hello my two love birds!" Rico pops out of nowhere.

"Hello," Sebastian greets.

"Old hag," I roll my eyes. "So, how long were you there?"

"The whole time," she laughs and sits besides me.

"What are you doing? Can't you see I'm with Sebastian? Go sit somewhere else," I shooed her away. I want Sebastian all to myself, is that too much to ask? It hurts so much, as I know what might happen when I pay father a visit.

Rico smiles at me, as if she knew what I was thinking. "Look, I know what's going to happen Aamon, but we can avoid it. You're worried, we all are, but for your sake and Eren's, we will get both souls and bodies back. And if something does happen to you, Sebastian is quite possessive, don't you think?" She whispered the last part, but I still ended up smiling. I'm so weak. "Okay, we need a plan, and I think I just came up with one."

--- --- --- --- ---

Father has never love me, truly anyways. I never gained his trust until I was 25. I was a delinquent, never home as I was always exploring outside. Outside, meaning Earth. One night, going back home, I was wasted, that's how I met Sebastian. Sebastian was crying on the front porch of his owners house, and somehow I forgot all about my father's words. I asked what happened to him and he told me everything, so I canceled his contract with his owner and brought him back with me.

Of course I took the punishment. Died and came back alive, then I took care of Sebastian. And then we got down and dirty about three years later.

--- --- ---

"We are not putting his life in danger!" Sebastian shout, which made me piss my pants a little and Rico take a step back. It quite scared me, as Sebastian is usually calm and hates himself when he's noisy. "You said we can avoid it, so we are going to avoid it!"

"We are," Rico sternly said. "As I said, we can only let Aamon handle everything. If you or even me intertwine in the middle, we'll be killed. He'll get the body, and when the body is out, I'll do the spell, and once the spell happens and the body transfers, you'll get them out of there."

Sebastian, I don't even know what's going on in his head. A mixture of sadness and anger. Ah, now I get it.

I found myself putting my hands on Sebastian's, his glaring eyes softening as he look down on me.

"I won't die," I smiled. "Plus, even if I do die, I'll come back alive."

"It's not only that Aamon!" He shouts. He took a deep breath in, then started to sob as he puts his head on my shoulder. "Have you not thought about Levi? The only way they kill you is if you're in Levi's body, and if they kill you they also kill Levi. And haven't you thought about your dad? When your spirit is out when he kills both you and Levi, he could cast that spell on you and you'll be sealed in that amulet forever! Rico, if they find out a witch is here, they'll kill her on the spot. It stressing me so much! It's if I lose you and Levi, or I lose you, Levi, and Rico. I don't want to be alone, and I love Eren, but I don't want to be taking care of a depressed brat!"

He's talking a lot, that's unusual. I smiled, gripping his face with my hands. I lift it so we met eye to eye, and when I got his attention, I leaned in and kissed him.

"Stop stressing. I won't let anything happen to Levi, Rico, you, or me,"

I'm weak. I'm weak. I'm weak. Stop showing your weakness to everyone! Sebastian, why must it be someone I love dearly? I guess, I'm just as weak as my father says I am. Hm, funny.

--- --- --- --- ---

I'm shaking. Why am I shaking? Stop shaking Aamon! You're stronger than this! Ha! Oh gee, shaking at the front of your house, that's funny. Home sweet home.

"You're home," I could hear a voice from inside. My stomach turns into disgust and I'm just filled with anger. The huge door in front of me opens up, revealing a man who is my father.

"I'm--" I'm very reluctant to call this home, but to stick to the plan, I must call this home. "--home."

"Come in. Come in, my son," he smiles. Something is up, he's not friendly. He's never friendly, nice, anything that becomes a synonym to those words, he always called weak. Something has happened, he must know about the plan. "By the way, whose body are you in?"

Anger is boiling inside of me. I'm not one to hold back, so I pushed him onto the ground. "Who the fuck are you?"

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