Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: What's done is done

"Even in moments of the deepest despair... I guess we can still find hope, huh?" 
- Hange Zoe

(Levi's POV)

"I think... no, I know that we should break up,"

He was crying, but this is the best for both of us. This is the best for him. All I've ever done was bring pain to him, he deserves much more. 

"Why? I don't want to," he mumbles, not even looking at me in the eye. He was hurting again.

"Please don't cry Eren, this is the best for you,"

"Why?! Why are you breaking up with me?!" He yelled loudly. I've never seen him raise his voice, to me at least. It was scary, tears rolled down his face, he was trembling, I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't.

"In my life, comes danger. I've only brought you pain, and you don't deserve that. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone way better than me, someone to your standard,"

"And who says my standard is higher than yours?! I've waited five fucking years Levi, I thought  you were dead and I never cheated on you! I didn't wait five whole fucking years for you to break up with me!"

And with that, he stood up, and ran towards the front door. I was shocked and surprised. I just broke up with someone that is loyal and no one is that loyal. I regret this so much, but he won't be targeted again. He won't be in my mess. He won't be in pain anymore. I wince when he slammed the front door, should I chase after him? No.

"Harsh dude," 

I look over at the stairs and see Aamon.

"Do you not remember what he's done to you? He changed you, like, a lot. When I look at you, I can't even recognize you anymore," Aamon had a small smile on. "One day, you'll see him with another man, and then you'll start crumbling down about the mistake you just made."

"Shut up!" I yell.

"He's one in a million,"

"You don't think I know?! I know that!"

"Chase after him. Hold him and apologize. Didn't you see his face last night? Swollen from crying and dark circles from the lost of sleep, I bet you he didn't even eat, he's fatigue. What if he were to pass out in the middle of the streets?"

"I don't care. I need to stop caring,"

"Hey," Sebastian came out from the staircase with a piece of paper in his hands. "You haven't read this, right?"

He hands me the piece of paper and I read it.

Day... I don't even know. I miss him and I regret not going back to help him. Everything is my fault. He's in pain because of me right now. I question if he's dead or alive, but I know he's strong, so he's most likely alive. I will never regret meeting him, he's shown me so much things and let me experience many things. He showed me what fun is and he's an amazing guy, truly. Many people judge looks, but people judge him more. Many people (including me) thought he was just some guy who likes picking fights, but there's so much things than that. He's a sweet guy that is protective, not many guys are like that. He's kind of a horn dog, but that makes us alike. If I see him again, I'll hold him and tell him:

Welcome Back, Master.


Well, this is the end. Sad ending, they broke up and not gonna get back together. Who ends books like this, of course me. This is the end, Aamon and Sebastian starts fucking. Levi and Eren break up. Yep, that's the end.

No, I'm totally joking.

I guess I'll have to do another book. What are my plans? Well, if I tell you, the whole book will already be spoiled. Well, until next time, bye bye. (Of course I'll tell y'all when I post the first chapter of the next book)


Edit: I'll post the first chapter tomorrow (Saturday). The book is called No Regrets, lol so Levi. Okay, well, bye my Riren lovers.

Welcome Back, Master (LeviXEren)Where stories live. Discover now