Chapter Seven

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♡ Levi's POV ♡

I look at Eren's beaten up face. Alrick's 6 men touched Eren everywhere, from his nipples to his groin. I could see my lover shiver under their touch, wanting them to stop. I wanted to scream for them to stop, for them to not touch my lover like how they touched me.

Sadly, I couldn't. I had lost some of my strength due to crying and Enrick had put duct tape over my mouth. Tears were still falling down my face as I watched Eren also cry.

I wanted to get out of this place. No, leave me and take Eren. He never deserved this. If he never had met me, he wouldn't be in this mess. He would probably be dating a girl, having a great career, having small kids chasing each other. But no, I stopped it by bringing Eren into my situation.

"Would you mind telling us where he most feels it?" The twins say in unison, looking straight at me with their eyes and lips.

I glared at them as a rejection.

"Fine," Alrick stepped in front of me, making me lose sight of Eren. He grips on to my hair roughly. I noticed he had moved to the side to let Eren see, and Eren did see. His eyes were heart broken as Alrick rips off the tape and puts his disgusting mouth on mines, already putting his tongue in my mouth.

I did nothing, just sat as Alrick continued putting his tongue into my mouth. My hands ball into fist. My eyes started blur. My teeth starts to hurt. I feel a burning sensation on my skin.

"Ow!" Alrick yelps as he took a step away from me.

It's now or never. I dare unleash you into this world.

♡ Eren's POV ♡

I stare as Alrick made out with Levi. I wanted to do something. I wanted to hurt Alrick, not just hurt him, but kill him. How dare he touch what's mine My head was hurting while my heart was trying to rip itself out of my chest. Please Levi, do something. Anything. As long as no one touches you.

"Ow!" Alrick yelps, getting me out of my mind. He took a step back and I swear, this was not Levi.

This Levi had skin near red, some parts of his body was darker, and some parts were lighter. His teeth had turned to razor sharp shark teeth. His finger nails were long and sharp as a demons. Was this the other Levi he had told me about? He was even more scarier.

Alrick and Enrick looked at each other with smirks. "He's back!" They say in unison. I was horrified. Not by Levi, but by the twins.

"Let me go!" I scream. I try pulling myself out, but the chains we're stronger than I. "Levi!" I yelled, getting his attention. He glared at me, it was as if he didn't know it was me. Or who I was.

"Attack him," Enrick pointed to me.

Levi's eyes turned bright red. I could feel myself lose color. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach, sweating everywhere possible. I wanted to cry, I wanted to die, I wanted Levi.

Levi kept coming closer.

"No! Get away from me!" I say as I kicked him.

Alrick and Enrick just smirked.

Levi stopped in front of me. I was expecting him to hit me or throw me across the room, but no, he got on his knees and looked me in the eyes. I glanced at the twins and their face was mixed with confusion and horrid.

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