Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen: 

- vronnie

"Who the fuck are you?"

My foot was pressed against his chest, making sure he doesn't stand up, and my fist were already in position for a fight. I don't like my dad, not even close to love, but something is off and I've already promised that I won't let anything happen to us. He had a slight confused face, and that's when I knew that this wasn't my father.

"I said..." I slam my foot on his chest, getting a loud groan from him, "who the fuck are you?! Fucking answer me before I fucking kill you."

"Stop," a new voice appears. The person that came out from the corner is the real Hades, then who the hell is this person? As I look back down, it was one of the knights. "You did a great job, Aamon." Hades appeared in front of me, having his big hands on my head as if it's a praise. I glared at the man, plastered on his face was a big smirk. My eyes turn into slits. I removed his hands away from me.

"What the fuck do you take me for? An idiot?!" I growl.

"I see you've changed. You have become the son I've always wanted," he smiled, which is fucking creepy. I sneered. "Why are you here?"

"To retrieve my body,"

He stops in his tracks, so I also stop. "And why in the hell would you think I would have your body?"

"Don't even think about lying to me you fucking old hag," 

He chuckles. "Alright, you got me. You're working with a witch, am I right?"

"I killed her already," I smirked. "I don't like working with others, too much work."

"I like the sound of that, but when you do get your body, how in the hell are you going to transfer the body?" 

"Do you not know you old man? Witches are fucking weak, of course I'm going to ask a warlock," oh gee, this is fucking tiring. Just give me my fucking body and I'm out of here. I know damn well you don't want me here any longer.

"Why don't you just keep the body you have right now?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Look old man, I'm friends with the guy that the body is dating. And I'm dating someone, so I can't have sex with that someone, because then, my friend would be really mad at me. And of course, if I have sex with my friend, the person I'm dating would be pissed and break up with me. You see the problem? And believe me, I want to have some sexual intercourse, alright?" My eyes narrowed and my sarcasm was off the roof, but come on, how stupid is he? 

We continued to walk mindlessly with some chit chat. I was annoyed, I actually wanted to kill myself then stay here, but we can't let that happen. He led me to the living room, where we sat and talked a little more. Things like, how was Sebastian, how was my relationship, whose body this was, who was my friend, little things about my life. I only answered shortly as I didn't want to give away my entire life. 

"You want your body?" He asked for the nth time.

"For god sakes father! Yes, I do!" Fuck, shit, holy fucking shit. I just fucking called him father. Screw me Sebastian. Just screw me hard tonight, I deserve it.

Hades chuckle with a smirk. "Alright,"

With a snap of a finger, all his men came out. They all armed with armor and swords. What in the fucking hell is this?

"If you can kill all my men, I'll give you your body. But if you don't, well, that body will die and I'll sell your soul once again,"

I growl, is he being fucking serious now? He drag me here just for me to kill his men? Well, if he says so, I will. I stand up and Hades disappear somewhere. I crack my knuckles, looking at my surroundings. They all were ready to kill me, but I was already piss that I have to interact with Hades, so what better way to take my anger out then kill all his men? 

Three of his men came at me, but their armor gave them a disadvantage, so as I duck down, they all stab each other to death. I just laugh at their stupidity. 

"Hades, this is what you want me to deal with? They're fucking annoying me already. I want a real fight," I scream, making sure he heard me. I guess his men were mad at me because a lot of them came at me. I grab the closes one to me, snapping his neck and taking his sword. I stab the guy to my left, and as the guy on my right came towards me, I grab onto his sword and tug him in front of me, letting the guy running at me in the front stab the guy I held onto. I throw one of the swords I was holding straight to the guy in the front, letting him fall to his death. The guy who came from behind had slip and his sword went through his head, and not gonna lie, but that was quite stupid. What kind of people does he hire?

"Go! Go ! Go! Go! Kill him you idiots!" One of the guys yell, and double the amount of guys had came out. I was already getting tired of it as I could see their moves. In one hand I had a sword and in the other, I had use one of the dead man as a shield. As they got closer, I use him as a decoy and threw him at the men coming at me. That should take them a while as the body and armor were quite heavy for them, but for me it was like lifting a piece of paper. As four guys came closer to me, I used some of my power and broke their swords. Some of them were bent and some of them were snapped into half. I smirk as I jump on one of the guys and dug my thumbs into his eyes.

"Cry! Cry blood you bitch!" I yell as he screams in pain. I could only laugh, but when I got bored I snap his neck. I look at my next prey, and he shivered under my look. He didn't want to show anyone that he was weak, so he charged at me. He had a bent sword, so he should think of something fast. Too late, I had suddenly gotten underneath him and kicked him hard. Blood spurt on me, but his heavy body had bumped into three other men, flying all four of them into a wall. I smirk, but I was caught off guard as someone stab me. I gasp, but it was nothing. As I look at the man in front of me, he knew he had messed up big time. But I didn't fucking care, this wasn't my body. When Levi wakes up, he won't be too happy having a hole in his body. My eyes turn into a blood red color, and that instantly got him scared. He didn't exactly let go of the sword, but his grip loosened. I pulled the sword out and threw it out on to the crowd, hoping it killed someone at least. He trembled intensely under my glare, but I was fired up now. 

I threw a punch to his face and he instantly goes out. What a fucking weak bitch. It's just one fucking punch.

"Why are you guys only watching?! Go all at once!"

A lot of them were coming at me, but I didn't dare show weakness. Well, I wasn't even scared, I was too busy being mad to even notice any fear. I went to the closest guy, leaving him frozen with a power I discovered recently. He stayed still, leaving me time to go behind him and elbow him to the back of his neck. He went down, and another guy came at me from above. He swung his sword down, but I dodged it, making him stab the man on the ground. I only laugh at the stupidity. The man who came from above was frozen in shock, so I went to him and held him and gave him a long knee. Simply, I drove my knee into his body, but because I had a lot of strength, I ended up opening up his body. I was laughing like a maniac, already forgetting about the hole in Levi's body. I feel a sharp pain in my back, then another sharp pain to my legs, then one on my arm, it was then I realized that I was being stabbed. 

I turn around to face the guys who had driven their sword into me. I use my power to take them (the swords) all out at once, then faced them towards the men. My eyes glowed purple as I controlled the swords to kill them three. I was already becoming weak, a lot of blood was spilling, shit I need to quicken my regeneration.  

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