♡ Chapter Two ♡

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♡ Eren' POV ♡

We were all assigned to a cube, luckily we all had our own cube. There were two cubes by the boss's desk and two other cubes outer. The other cubes were in another room, but in the same floor as us.

Rivaille would check up in the other room every ten minutes and whenever someone wasn't doing their work, he would scold them. I was amazed that he was so into his work and that he could raise his voice. If he was Levi, they were both different.

Rivaille was into his work, Levi would doodle. Rivaille raised his voice more often, Levi was silent but talkative. Rivaille was tall, Levi was short. The only thing they did have in common, were their looks and intelligence.

I push away the thought that Rivaille was Levi and continuing my work.


I looked over my cube, eyeing Markel who was across from me.

"Did you get the invitation?"

I cocked a brow. "What invitation?"

We both were whispering so Rivaille wouldn't hear us. Who knows what he'll do and it's kind of embarrassing to get yelled at.

"Check your e-mail," he mumbled. I nodded my head, sitting back down on my spinning chair. I opened a new tab and logged into my e-mail and there it was. I clicked on it and my eyes kept widening after every word I was reading.

Dear Eren, this is your ex-boss. You are assigned to have dinner with your new boss, Rivaille Savior. Your other co-workers are assigned to different boss's, so please, take awareness.

Your dinner with Savior is at 6 on a Saturday. Please meet him at Quincy.

I groaned really loud, making everyone look at me. I apologized quickly and headed back to my documents. Ah shit. Why this Saturday?!


It was already nine and everybody was ready to head out. Usually I'd stay back for hours, but Rivaille scares me so I decided to go home.


I jump, scared of that voice.

"Y-yes, Mr. Savior?"

"I'm assigned to you for the dinner, right?" He cocked a brow. Damn, he's pretty hot.

"Yes," I slowly nodded.

"I am sorry, but I can not make it,"

"Oh, than another time, I guess?" I smiled, relieved I didn't have to go to dinner.

"Sure," he faked a smile. "You may head out now."

"Thanks," I mumbled my words, heading towards the opening elevator.

♡ Levi's POV ♡

"Don't fucking touch him!" I yelled.

"We told you not to talk to him, didn't we?!" Enrick said, a smirk forming.

"I only told him I couldn't meet him for dinner!" I clench my fist, but one of Enrick's men punched me in my abdomen. I gulped the things coming up my throat, back down. "Don't touch Eren! Don't touch him, please!"

"Fine, I'm letting this one slide, but interact with him again, we'll kill him on the spot. Got it?" He dropped his phone inside his jacket pocket. I glared at him, my fist still clenching.

"I know I'm under Alrik's control, but if you kill Eren, you know I can kill all of you in a glimpse, right?" I grinned like a maniac at him. I can see him gulp, but he masked it away with a glare.

"Maybe turn back to the killer you are and we'll let you go," he shot back.

"Not a chance. I'd rather risk my life than risk the love of my life,"

"Shoot him," Enrick said. One of his men shot me in the thigh and in the arm, making me wince at the pain. Through out the five years of going through the torture and pain, this is only like a bee sting. You don't know what dirty things they have done to me.

Five years ago

After I told Eren to leave while I take care of the rest, I successfully killed each and everyone of them. I was covered in their disgusting blood and there it began. More and more kept showing up. I soon got tired and someone caught me off guard. One of the guys shot me and I was down.

Soon enough, two big and tall men started dragging me. We stopped in front of a large, wooden door.

"Come in," that annoying voice commanded.

"Boss, we have captured Levi, but he has killed most of your men," one of the guys holding me said.

"It's alright," Alrick, that sick bastard, smirked. "Sit him down and chain him up."

"Yes boss,"

The two guys sat me right in front of Alrick, kneeling me down. They chained my hands to my feet, impossible for me to escape, but not for the other Levi.

"So, what is the reason why you turned back to this Levi?" He sneered, tipping my chin with the tip of his shoes.

"Rather eat shit than tell you," I spat right on his shoes.

"Hit him," Alrick shrugged. One of the guys punched my face, but it was only like a little kid hitting me. "I believe the correct answer is, Eren." He grinned widely.

My eyes widen from shock. "Don't you dare get him invovle!" I glared at the taller figure.

"Hmm," he hummed, playfully scratching his chin. "Isn't this what he looks like?" He snapped his fingers, a guy bringing out a photo. Alrick smirked, showing me the picture. It was Eren wearing the school uniform and he was smiling while I was next to him, giving a small smile.

"You little bitch!" I was about to charge at him, but was pinned down by his men. "Don't you dare touch him!" I yelled. My blood boiled, but I clentch my hands into balls.

"How about this," he looked at me, "you don't interact with Eren. No talking, no touching, no interaction, so on so forth, got it?"

"And what if I break all those things?"

"I'll kill Eren right in front of you," he smirked evilly. "But, if you want your freedom, turn into that killer. The person who killed coutless people in a blink of an eye. The killer, who killed his own lover."

"Yeah right," I growled. "I'd rather torture myself than become that ruthless killer."

If I turned into that killer, I don't know if I can turn back to my normal self. The only person who can make me turn back is Eren, but I can't risk him getting hurt.

"Fine, have it your way," he growled, smacking me with his foot. "Just know, until you forget that useless boy toy of yours, you're staying with me."

"Fuck off!" I yelled.

"Maybe some punishments," he smirked.

"Fuck off!" I yelled again, even angrier.

"We," he used the tip of his shoes to tip my chin up, "are gonna have so much fun. Aren't we?"

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