Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: Black Magic

"Someone who can't sacrifice anything, can't ever change anything" 
- Armin

"What? What's wrong?!" Aamon asked, a little bit freaked out. He made his way back to the front. His blood had stopped in an area that was dark. Rico, Aamon, and even Sebastian, three powerful human beings that I knew of, had horrified faces. I thought it was just a forest that went on forever, but when I asked what it was, the truth sent shivers down my spine.

"Aamon, we're not going," Sebastian gripped onto his arm, me behind him.

"We have to Sebby!"

Sebastian balled his fist, I have never seen him so angry. "Aamon, I am not going to deal with your tantrum. We are not going back to that hell house!"

"Sebastian! We have to try! Even if it means that I get imprisoned for a century, you'll still be here for me... won't you?" Aamon actually seemed sweet and nice for once. He had teary eyes, which got Sebastian to blush. Sebastian pulled him into a hug. Rico appeared next to me and touched me, the heavy air around me left and I let go of Sebastian. I could actually stand up straight. But who says I'm straight? No one.

"I can't lose you. Not again,"

"Aw, how cute," Rico say. We both eyed the couple, I got a little annoyed because Sebastian is hugging my boyfriend's body. But I brushed it instantly because this was Sebastian and Aamon's moment. Levi wasn't here, not right now.


"Where do you think you're going?" Aamon said, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"With you guys, duh,"

We were back at home, getting ready to leave to Aamon's home place, the Underworld. Rico, Sebastian, and Aamon were going, leaving me behind. 

"Oh no," Aamon pushed me back into the house. "We're going to the Underworld, demons and monsters, are you out of your goddamn mind?"

"Yes! Yes, I am! I am not going to stay home while you guys do everything! I wanna help, too!" I whined.

"They will smell you and devour you, Eren," Sebastian said. "What if we get Levi back, but you're dead? How do you think he would feel?"

How dare he? He knows talking about how Levi feels is my greatest weakness. I pout, pushing Aamon and the two others out of the door and waved goodbye.

"Come back, mostly you Aamon. If I don't see you come back from your home place, I'll kill you when you're back,"

Aamon only laughed, giving me a bear hug. "It's okay Eren, I'll come back. I'm sure of it,"

"You better," 

I notice tears already rolling down my face. Aamon cares for me, I know it. Sure he pushes me around and threatens me and acts as if I wasn't alive, but he genuinely cares for me. Under that mask, is a real nice man. Goddammit, he better come back. The talk about him not coming back scared me, I got really close to Aamon. He's funny, sarcastic, and overall an overprotective person. It hurts so much. 

"You all, come back safe AND with my boyfriend," I look directly at Sebastian and he nodded with a smile.

"Of course. He saves my life, I save his,"

As they all turn around to leave, I say my last goodbyes. What the fuck am I going to do while they're away? 


Short chapter :/
Next chapter, which point of view do you want it to be? Aamon, Sebastian, or Rico? If you guys don't answer, I'll just do Sebastian, but I want you guys to choose and be happy. Okay, until next time, Vronnie out.

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