Chapter One

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Thomas was sitting on the couch in his dorm, bored out of his mind. Neither of his boyfriends were home yet, both of them were in class, and Thomas couldn't wait to see their beautiful faces.

So he sat restless until the sound of a door opening filled his ears. He shot up, seeing John in he doorframe.

"John!" Thomas grinned, walking over to the freckle-faced boy. "John?" Thomas' eyes filled with concern when he got closer, seeing John on the verge of tears. "Baby, what's the matter?"

John bit his lip, trying to stop himself from crying, but to no avail, soon tears started cascading down his face. Thomas' eyes widened, he pulled John close to him, both his arms around him. John sobbed into his chest, his knuckles white as he gripped the soft fabric of Thomas' sweatshirt.

"Shh, I'm here," Thomas cooed, rubbing John's back. "Do you want me to call Alex?"

John stiffened in Thomas' arms. "No please don't call Alex!" John said, breathing heavy. Thomas raised an eyebrow, looking down at John. "Please."

"John, what's going on?" Thomas asked, concerned.

"Laf- Laf showed me-" John choked, covering mouth with his hand as hot tears rolled down his face.

"John, whatever it is, you can tell me," Thomas said softly, pulling John to the couch before sitting down. John did the same, curling into Thomas' lap.

John nodded, wiping his face, trying to compose himself. "I-I went to class, and it went fine until Lafayette talked to me after class was over, he said that Alex- That Alex cheated on us. He showed me this thing, 'The Reynolds Pamphlet'. Alex cheated on us then told the whole campus," John looked up at Thomas, who wore an unreadable expression. "Tommy?" John asked, his voice small and squeaky.

Thomas didn't respond, he just pulled John closer to him, cradling the smaller boy in his arms. John rested his head on Thomas chest, finding comfort in the warmth, though now that Thomas knew, it made the situation even more real. Alexander cheated on them, and that was something John couldn't handle.

"We can get through this John," Thomas said as John started to cry once again. "I'm here."

John jumped at the sound of the door being opened, seeing Alex step into the dorm, pulling off his jacket, looking over at the two. Concern filled his eyes when he saw John.

"Oh my god what happened?!" Alex asked, starting to rush towards them before Thomas held his hand up, silently telling Alex to stop walking. "Thomas, what's going on?" Alex asked.

Thomas glared at him. "Leave."

Alexander knit his eyebrows. "Thomas I don't underst-"

"Please leave," Thomas said, his grip on John tightening protectively. "I'm sure you could stay with Laf and Mulligan, or maybe Burr, anywhere but here."

Alexander looked hurt, having no idea what he did wrong, but he decided to listen to Thomas, not wanting to make him and angrier or John more upset. So he abruptly left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Thank you," John mumbled. "But we're going to have to talk to him eventually Tom," John said looking up at Thomas.

"I know, but you're not ready for that," Thomas looked at John's eyes, his usually happy green eyes now red and puffy. The sight made anger bubble in Thomas' stomach. "We can talk to him another day, right now you need to rest." John nodded, letting Thomas carry him to their bedroom.

Thomas gently set John on the bed before climbing under the covers next to him. John instinctively cuddled into Thomas.

"Thomas?" John asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


"I know what he did... But I-I still miss him," John said, pressing his face into Thomas' side. Thomas looked up at the ceiling, feeling tears prick at his eyes.

"Me too."

A/N: Wow Anna, adding another book to your updating schedule? Is that smart? No, not at all.
I hope you like this, I kind of do.

The Reynolds Pamphlet - Jamilams [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now