Chapter Seven

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"Thomas?" Alex asked, looking up at Thomas with sad eyes, red and puffy from crying. Thomas looked down at him, raising an eyebrow. They had been out there, just sitting against the wall outside of the dorm for at least twenty minutes, neither of them saying a word. "Does Laf hate me?"

Thomas looked down at him sympathetically, knowing how hard all of this must be for Alex. "No Alex, he doesn't hate you. He's just very angry. He's only angry because he's so sure you did it." Alexander sighed, looking down at the floor.

"What about... What about John?" Alex said, biting his lip. "Is he upset? Is he mad at me?"

"John is... Well John didn't take the news well. He's extremely upset, but I don't know if he's angry. I don't even know if he thinks you actually did it. You know John, he can be unreadable sometimes," Thomas shrugged. "But like I said, he is really upset. You know how sensitive he is."

"I wish this never happened," Alex mumbled, feeling tears prick at his eyes, threatening to fall. "I-I don't even know who would do this to me. To us."

Thomas wanted to say something, but he couldn't find anything to say. He just nodded and tightened his grip on Alexander.

"What if J-John doesn't believe me? What if John hates me? What if- What if I never get him back?" Thomas noticed that Alexander's breathing was starting to get faster, soon nearing the point of hyperventilation. "I'm going to lose one of the men I love for something I didn't even do!" Tears were now cascading down Alexander's face as he shook.

"Alex?" Thomas asked, trying to get his shaking boyfriend's attention. It wasn't working, Alexander's eyes seemed to be glued to nothing. "Alexander listen to me." Thomas gently cupped Alex's face, making their eyes meet. "Everything is going to be fine. I believe you, John will too. Calm down, love." Alexander nodded, his breathing starting to slow as Thomas brushed his thumb over his cheek, wiping away the tears. "Do you want to go inside and see John? I don't know how he'll react to seeing you but-"

"Yes," Alexander said, pulling himself off of Thomas' lap.

Thomas shrugged, standing up before looking Alexander in the eyes, a serious expression covering his features. "Lex are you absolutely sure about this?"

"No, but I need to see him," Thomas nodded before knocking at the door, his arm around Alexander's waist.

"Thomas you're back!" Lafayette exclaimed, looking relieved. "With him," Lafayette gave Alex a sour look. "Thomas are you sure this is the best idea, John could wake up soon."

Thomas glared at Lafayette, pushing past him, entering the dorm, pulling Alex along with him. "That's the point Laf." He took a seat on the recliner, pulling Alex into his lap. Both Thomas and Alex looked warily at John, who was still asleep. Lafayette gave them a look as if they were insane. "What?" Thomas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You really think that John seeing Alex is going to be a good thing?! You fucking idiots, he's going to have a breakdown!" Lafayette rubbed his temples, sighing in annoyance.

"Oh come on, it's not like he's going to react that badly," Thomas said, looking up at Lafayette, slightly chuckling. "I mean seriously-" Alexander smacked his arm, making Thomas' eyes dart to him. "What was that for?" Alexander didn't respond, he just pointed at John. Thomas looked up, seeing John sitting upright, fully awake, his face blank. "John?"

There was a few moments of silence, John just staring at Alexander before he spoke. "A-Alex?" John asked, his voice sounding meek and broken. Thomas took note of the tears pooling in John's eyes, how his bottom lip quivered. Neither Thomas nor Alex said anything, neither of them really knew what to say. Alexander stood up, taking a few cautious steps toward John.

"John I-" Alexander didn't have a chance to finish the sentence before John jumped up, throwing his arms around Alexander's torso tightly, sobbing into his chest. Alexander's eyes widened in surprise as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around John's thin frame, threading his fingers in John's curly mop of hair. "Shh, it's okay, I've got you."

Alex heard muffled "I love you"s repeated over and over, feeling John's grip tighten. Alex smiled, feeling himself start to cry.

"I love you too John."

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