Chapter Six

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As Lafayette shut the door behind him, sighing as he re-entered his dorm, he looked over to see Thomas wide awake, holding an unreadable expression as he stared at Lafayette.

"Who was that?" Thomas asked groggily, though his eyes didn't show a hint of sleepiness. He absentmindedly ran a hand through John's curly hair, raising an eyebrow at Lafayette.

"No one," Lafayette shrugged, starting to walk towards his bedroom before Thomas' voice cut through the room.

"Who was it Laf?" Thomas' tone sounded more demanding and firm this time. Lafayette stiffened, not being able to presume how Thomas would react if he told him the truth. "Just tell me."

"You're being ridiculous," Lafayette insisted, shrugging Thomas off. "Like I said, it was no one, mon ami."

Thomas stood up, carefully setting John on the couch, not wanting to wake him. "If it was no one, then you would just have told me, so who was it?" Thomas voice was quiet, aware that John was sleeping, but it still held an undertone of annoyance and curiosity. Lafayette turned to him, sighing as he crossed his arms.

"Well if you really want to know so badly, it was Alexander," Lafayette said bluntly, shrugging.

"Alex?! What did he say?!" Thomas said, taking a few steps towards the Frenchman.

"Nothing, he just tried to tell me he didn't do it," Lafayette said, eyeing Thomas, who turned from curious to fuming in seconds.

"He tried to tell you he didn't do it and you turned him away?!" Thomas felt anger arise in his chest as he grabbed Lafayette's shirt collar, slightly startling him. "He's your fucking friend Lafayette, does that mean nothing to you?!" Thomas barked, holding an enraged glare at Lafayette.

Lafayette gently shoved Thomas' chest, pushing him backwards so that there were a few feet between the two. "Yeah, he is my friend. He's my friend and that's why it's my job to tell him that he did something horrible. He's my best friend, your boyfriend, John's boyfriend. It's not my fault he ruined all of our trust by what he did."

"Did you ever stop to think maybe he didn't fucking do it?!" Thomas yelled, pointing a finger at Lafayette. He heard John stir behind him and he whipped around, checking to see if John was still asleep after the loud outburst. To Thomas' relief, John still had his eyes shut, clearly deep in slumber. "You know what, Lafayette? Fuck you." Thomas said, scoffing. "I'm going to go find Alex."

"Thomas wait," Lafayette pleaded, grabbing Thomas' wrist, only to have Thomas tank his arm away, storming out of the room before Laf could get out another word.

Thomas resisted the urge to slam the door behind him as he left the dorm. As soon as the door was shut Thomas took a deep breath, running his hands through his thick hair, trying to compose his thoughts. He knew that part of what Lafayette was saying was right, that Alex did do a horrible thing. But Thomas still had the opposing rebuttal, did Alex do it?

Truthfully, neither of them could prove their arguments, and that's what hurt Thomas the most, he just wanted answers, he just wanted-

"Alex?!" Thomas exclaimed as he saw the small man, leaned against the wall outside of Lafayette's dorm. Tear stains were visible on his face, he looked a mess, a pathetic mess and Thomas couldn't help but rush to his side, crouching next to him, taking his hand.

"I didn't do it," Alex mumbled absentmindedly. He seemed half asleep, like he didn't even notice Thomas was there. Thomas put a hand on his shoulder, firmly shaking Alex, hoping that would pull him into conscientiousness. It seemed to work, Alexander's confused brown eyes shot open, immediately darting to Thomas. "Tommy?" He asked softly, not fully believing Thomas was actually there.

"Hey Lexi," Thomas said smiling. He knew that he shouldn't totally give in, that there should be a part of him that needs to stick to reason, to be on board with Lafayette's argument. But he couldn't do it, not when Alexander looked so vulnerable and sad. "I'm here."

"Thomas," Alex felt tears start to fill his eyes as he stared up at his boyfriend. "Thomas I didn't do it I swear! You have to- You have to believe me. Please believe me..." Alexander trailed off, tears pouring down his face as he gripped Thomas' sleeve desperately.

Thomas sat down next to Alexander, pulling the shaking man into his lap, rubbing soothing circles into his back. "I believe you Alex."

"Really?" Alexander asked, wiping his face, not having much effect. Thomas nodded, wrapping his arms around Alexander's lean waist. Alexander buried his face into Thomas' chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

Thomas looked down at Alexander's frame in his arms, it made him smile, having him back.

"God I missed you."

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