Chapter Seventeen

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"Laf, you really need to calm down," Thomas said, his tone concerned as Lafayette charged towards the Schuylers' dorm. Lafayette stopped in his tracks, nearly making Alex, John, and Thomas crash into him.

"Peggy called me saying by boyfriend was bloody and you're asking me to 'calm down'?!" Lafayette screamed, crossing his arms. Thomas shrunk back, afraid Lafayette would decide to punch him. Laf and Thomas were the same height, but Thomas feared Lafayette could beat him to a pulp if he was angry enough.

"Let's just go, we're wasting time fighting with each other," Alex muttered, pulling Thomas by the arm.

Lafayette was the first one to get to the door, knocking on it quite aggressively. He didn't have to wait any more than a few seconds before Peggy swung open the door, inviting the three boys into the living room.

"Hercules!" Lafayette gasped as he saw Hercules curled up on the couch, his face bruised and battered. "Oh mon amour, what happened?!" He rushed to Hercules', peppering kisses all over his face, careful not to hurt him. Hercules didn't respond, he just stared at the ground. "Herc, look at me. Who did this to you?"

"James Reynolds," Hercules mumbled, shrugging.

"Oh my god," Alexander said breathlessly, clamping a hand over his mouth. Thomas raised an eyebrow, looking down at Alexander. "Why on earth would you even go near that guy after what I told you?!"

John and Thomas turned to Alexander, looks of confusion on their faces. "What did you tell him?" John asked.

"Nothing," Alexander said, brushing it off as he walked towards Hercules. Thomas wrapped his arm around John's shoulders, noticing how John seemed to be worried by Alexander's lack of honesty.

"Baby I'm sure it's nothing," Thomas whispered in John's ear. John just shrugged, trying is best to shake it off. "John honey, seriously calm down, you're going to start hyperventilating if you get any more worked up."

"If it was nothing, he would tell us," John said, looking up at Thomas. "Never mind, it's not important right now."

Lafayette sat down next to Hercules, wrapping his arms around Hercules cautiously, fearing he might hurt the man if he made any rash moves. Laf cupped Hercules' face, pulling him in for a soft kiss.

"Why'd you do that?" Hercules asked as Lafayette pulled away.

Laf raised an eyebrow. "Because I'm your boyfriend, Hercules. Did you somehow forget that?"

"W-Well I-I didn't know i-if you still wanted to be with me, you know, after what happened. Y-You were so mad," Lafayette's jaw hung open in shock. "A-And I'm really sorry about a-all of it and I hope y-you can forgive me."

"Hercules, I love you so much. I could never stay mad at you," Lafayette said, pressing feather kisses all over Hercules' face. "How could you ever think I would break up with you?" Hercules shrugged, avoiding Lafayette's eyes. "You're the best person I have ever met, I couldn't wish for anyone better," Hercules smiled in relief, letting Lafayette lean on him.

"I told you," Eliza muttered, shaking her head. "So, why'd he even do this to you?"

"Well I accused him of writing the Reynolds Pamphlet," Hercules took a glance at Alex. "And I said... other things," the group gave him looks of confusion. "Nothing really, just accused him of writing it."

Peggy raised an eyebrow, putting a hand on her hip. "Oh please, you're an awful liar, Herc. What else did you say to him?" Alexander looked at Hercules nervously, wary of what he might say.

"Does it have something to do with what Alexander told you?" John asked stepping forward. Thomas grabbed his arm, only to have John yank it away. "No Thomas, I want to know. What did Alex tell you that was so secret that he can't even tell his boyfriends?" Hercules opened his mouth, ready to blurt out some excuse before Alexander cut him off.

"I dated Reynolds in highschool," Alex said blatantly. John stared at him, a look of hurt and anger on his face. "John, look-"

John ran out of the dorm, much to the surprise of everyone in the room. "You what?!" Eliza screamed, looking nearly as angry as John looked. Alexander's eyes darted to Thomas, who's eyes were welled with tears.

"Alex we were together in high school. You, John, and I," he muttered, crossing his arms. "You cheated on us?

"No Thomas that was before we were together, I would never cheat on you and John," Alex said, grabbing Thomas' hand. "Babe, I swear on my life-"

"I need to be alone," Thomas spat before yanking his hand away, storming out of the dorm.

Peggy chuckled, shaking her head. "Lexi, I think you fucked up."

A/N: I kind of need a pick-me-up guys, I'm feeling down tonight.

The Reynolds Pamphlet - Jamilams [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now