Chapter Fifteen

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"Laf please calm down," John cooed as he rubbed his distressed best friend's back as he cried, his head buried in his hands. "Please just tell us what happened," Thomas and Alex glanced at Lafayette, the two not sitting as close to the crying man as John.

John was more the type to deal with these sort of things as well, him being the most emotional in the relationship. Though he had to admit, it was a little difficult when Lafayette couldn't seem to muster a word through his tears. Thomas reached out, taking Lafayette's hand. "Laf, buddy, whatever it is that's going on, you can talk about it. We're your friends."

"I-I-" Lafayette choked out, wiping his puffy red eyes. "I was fighting with Hercules a-and I told him to sleep on the couch. After five minutes I went back out, p-planning on bringing him to bed because I can't sleep without him next to me," Laf paused staring down the the ground. Thomas squeezed his hand, trying to shift his focus. "And he was gone," Lafayette leaned into John, sobbing into the freckled man's chest.

"Hey it's okay," John mumbled, holding the shaking Frenchman in his arms. "Shh, it's going to be alright Laffy."

"I-I waited for a while to see if he would come back but he didn't," Laf blubbered, clinging to the fabric of John's, or rather, Thomas' sweatshirt that John was wearing. "S-So I figured I'd check h-here since I don't know of any other place he'd go. I don't know w-what to do," John's borrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why would be just take off?" Alex mumbled to himself, just as confused as everyone else in the room. Thomas let go of Lafayette's hand, standing up, pulling out his phone. "What're you doing?"

"Calling him," Thomas muttered, pressing his phone to his ear. The other three watched him intently, only to see him huff and pull the phone away from his ear. "No dice," he mumbled, sending a text to Hercules along the lines of "where the fuck are you?". Thomas sat back down on the couch, pulling Alex close. "I don't understand where he would have gone."

The three jumped as the door swung open loudly crashing against the wall. "Alex!" Hercules shouted as he barreled into the dorm. "I really need to talk to y- Laf?" Hercules' eyes softened almost immediately as he saw the crying man curled into John.

Lafayette bolted up, almost knocking Hercules over as he threw his arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Hercules asked, gently running his hand across Lafayette's back. He looked at John, Alex, and Thomas, but they didn't seem to want to say anything. "Guys, what's going on?"

"Where were you?!" Lafayette screamed as he pulled away from Hercules, punching his shoulder. "I was so worried about you!"

"That's not important right now," Hercules muttered. "And you told me to sleep on the couch, which is basically you telling me to leave. I thought I might as well do something useful for once."

"Herc I-"

"Look it doesn't matter right now. I get it, you're probably going to break up with me, and you probably want me to move out but I really need to talk to you Alex," before anyone could get another word out, Hercules grabbed Alex by the arm, dragging him to the bathroom, locking the door behind them. "Did you date James Reynolds in high school?"

Alex took a step back, a disgusted look on his face. "Excuse me? Of course not."

"Alex, I'm your best friend, and that means I can tell when you're lying to me," Hercules said firmly, crossing his arms. Alex sighed, looking down. "Look Alex, this is really important. I need you to be honest."

Alex bit his lip, looking Hercules in the eye hesitantly. "I dated him, yes. But you cannot tell John and Thomas." Hercules nodded, leaning on the sink. "It was junior year I think, and he asked me out. A-And I said yes, and at first it was fine, but he kept accusing me of cheating, calling me a quote, 'dirty little whore'. I couldn't take it anymore so I dumped him, and he wasn't exactly happy about it."

"Do you think he wrote it?" Hercules asked, feeling slightly guilty about prying on Alex.

"He could have, I really have no idea. A lot of people don't like me, and a lot of people don't like Thomas. No one really has anything against John, because John is a ray of sunshine, but like I said, Thomas and I have a lot of enemies. I have no idea who wrote it." Hercules nodded, crossing his arms, pondering.

"I've gotta go," he mumbled, unlocking the bathroom door before rushing out of the dorm before any of them could stop him.

"Where's he going?" Thomas asked as Alexander exited the bathroom, sitting next to John on the couch. Lafayette was now leaning on Thomas, nearly sitting on his lap, quietly crying.

"I have no idea."

A/N: I was planning on making mullette make up, but that didn't happen. This chapter kinda sucks though, sorry guys.

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