Chapter Four

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The four had been talking for hours, avoiding the elephant in the room, speaking on every subject except the thing that none of them wanted to mention.

Until Lafayette decided that enough was enough.

"So what are we going to do?" Lafayette asked, his tone sounding annoyed and exasperated. He couldn't seem to stop pacing, even with Hercules making many attempts at calming him down, it didn't seem to be working.

"I don't know," Thomas said blankly, shrugging. "What can we do?" He gently rubbed John's back, the smaller man having fallen asleep in his arms.

"We, or rather you, are going to have to talk to him," Hercules said, looking up at Thomas, pulling his eyes way from his hands, that were neatly folded in his lap.

"No shit, Herc," Lafayette snapped, looking down at his boyfriend.

"Lafayette," Hercules said, his tone firm and serious. "Do not snap at me like that," He said, giving Lafayette a stern look.

"I'm sorry mon cher," Lafayette said, his eyes softening. He took a seat on Hercules' lap, taking his hand. "This is stressing me out, I'm sorry for losing my temper." Hercules nodded, allowing Lafayette to rest his head in the crook of his neck. "So talking to him, is that an option?"

Thomas sighed, looking down at John. His freckled, tear-stained face looked semi-peaceful in his sleep, though Thomas knew that as soon as John woke up, that peacefulness would disappear. "Not yet. He wouldn't be able to handle it," Thomas said, looking back up at Lafayette and Hercules.

Lafayette gave him a sympathetic look. "Well, you two can't put it off forever. Not talking to Alexander will only hurt John more."

Thomas nodded, pulling John closer, lacing his fingers through his curly hair. "I know, but I'm worried that if he even sees Alex he might burst into tears. John's sensitive... I don't understand why Alex would do this. It's not-" Thomas choked, feeling his eyes start to tear up. "It's not like him."


"He wouldn't do something like this!" He said, his voice slightly raising in volume. "Not when he knows how much it would hurt John. How much it would hurt me. He wouldn't, he just wouldn't. He couldn't..." Thomas trailed off, staring off at nothing, tears starting to roll down himself. He wasn't one to cry, especially not in front of other people. He just couldn't help it, the weight of everything crashing down on him.

"Thomas?" John's soft voice seemed to echo through the room, piercing the silence that previously filled the space. "Are you crying?"

Thomas bit his lip, nodding, tears still cascading down his face. John hugged him tightly, burying his face in Thomas' chest. John wanted to say something like "don't cry" or "it's alright", but he couldn't bring himself to. It wouldn't have made anything better.

"I think you two should get some sleep, it's late," Lafayette said gently, standing up, pulling Hercules up with him. "We're going to bed, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Hercules patted Thomas' shoulder before following Lafayette down the hall, disappearing into their room.

"Alex..." Thomas mumbled, his eyes tightly shut as he held onto John like his life depended on it. "He couldn't..."

"Shh, you should sleep Tommy," John said softly, looking up at his boyfriend with said, exhausted eyes. Thomas nodded, leaning down to lay on the couch, pulling John onto the same position, his arms still tightly wrapped around the smaller man. "Goodnight Thomas."

Thomas kissed John's temple after he had wiped the tears from his face. John smiled sadly, upset that Thomas had to cry in the first place, upset that he hadn't been thinking more about how Thomas was feeling through everything that had been happening.

"Night John, I love you," Thomas mumbled, already feeling sleep wash over him. John gave him a soft, barely there smile, knowing Thomas couldn't see it.

"I love you too."

The Reynolds Pamphlet - Jamilams [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now