Chapter Twelve

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"Thomas, how dare you act like that?!" Alex scolded, glaring at Thomas from across the couch as he peppered kisses onto John's forehead. Lafayette had dragged Hercules to their bedroom after they got back to the dorm, wanting to have his own conversation with him. Alexander was holding John on the couch, the two keeping a distance between them and Thomas, who was parked at the other end of the couch.


"Do not 'babe' me," Alexander hissed, his tone making Thomas slightly flinch. "I understand you're angry with Laf and Hercules, but that gave you absolutely no right to ignore John as he was trying to get your attention because he was having a panic attack!" Thomas looked down in shame and guilt, regretting how he acted. "It took me ten minutes to calm him down. Thomas look, I'm not mad at Laf, and I don't need you to be."

Thomas shut his eyes, shrugging. "I just... Well I'm just mad that he treated you like that."

"Tommy I know that, but it's in the past. Can't we just all be okay with each other?" Thomas looked up at Alex, nodding. Alexander smiled softly, motioning for Thomas to get closer. "Come here."

Thomas looked hesitant, his eyes falling on John, who made grabby hands at Thomas, obviously missing Thomas' attention, not caring what had happened in the car. Thomas' face brightened as he got closer to Alex, pulling both Alex and John into his lap, wrapping his arms around the two. Though Thomas' face showed faint signs of distress hidden behind the grin plastered on his features. "J-John are you alright? I'm really really sorry about what happened, I didn't mean to make you upset." John nodded, pressing a kiss to Thomas' lips. Thomas enjoyed it, but was still worried. "Are you sure baby boy?"

"I'm sure Tommy," John insisted, resting his head in the crook of Thomas' neck, making Alex smile. John wrapped his arms around Alexander, pulling him closer. John's smile faltered for a second, much to Alexander's concern.

"John?" Alex asked, cupping John's face with his hand. "Are you okay sugar?"

John looked up at Thomas nervously, fiddling with his hands. "A-Are you going t-to fight with Herc and Laf anymore?"

"No honey," Thomas said, peppering kisses on John's face. "I'm not. And when Lafayette and Hercules are done talking I'm going to apologize, and we can talk about it with them. Does that sound good?" John nodded happily, a grin on his face. Thomas returned it, kissing John then Alex, smiling down at his boyfriends.

The three waited until they heard the sound of a door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps and murmurs as Lafayette and Hercules entered the living room, hand in hand. Lafayette looked blank, contrasting Hercules' look of guilt and nervousness.

Hercules took a seat in the recliner, wincing as Lafayette sat on the floor. He was used to Laf sitting in his lap and cuddling into him, and the coldness from his boyfriend was almost unbearable.

"Well Hercules," Lafayette began, giving Hercules a side-eyed glare. "Do you have something to say to Thomas?"

Hercules nodded, trying to ignore Lafayette's annoyed tone. "Thomas I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to get so angry with you I wasn't thinking-"

"Hercules stop," Thomas said, his nearly emotionless tone making Hercules pale. "It's okay, most of it was my fault. I started the argument, and for that I apologize. It doesn't matter what you and Laf did, is in the past and I'm willing to move on. We've got bigger things to worry about. So, what do you say? Put the past in the past?" Hercules visibly relaxed, the tense front he put on dissipated.

Hercules nodded, smiling gently. "Yeah, that'd be okay."

Thomas returned the smile. "Excellent."

A/N: This book is kinda going downhill, but I'm trying, I promise.

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