Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next day I was at the back of a Chinese shop with Jamie protectively besides.I barely slept because it was cold,I had a lot in my mind and my baby cried half of the night.Thank God I bought her a warm blanket and her clothes were pretty warm too so it definitely wasn't the cold

I was chased away by the Chinese guys at 08:00 while I was looking for food to buy with the R40 that I had.Before I go I put on spirit on my baby's umbilical cord so the healing could be fast,changed her nappies and wrapped her with the blanket. While I was about to pick up my bag and handbag to go I saw nurse Silvia and she saw me too before I could hide

"Wait!aren't the girl who was screaming giving birth yesterday?.. oh you are homeless?how was the sex?nice?now deal with the bastard!"

The words broke my heart but I couldn't do anything about it because I already had a lot on my mind.So I picked up my things and my baby and started walking not knowing where I was going. I just knew I had to buy bread and something with salt,maybe nuts with salt also because I heard it's good for a breastfeeding mother.My pocket couldn't allow me to buy anything fancy so I bought chicken stew,bread and roasted,salted nuts and my R40 was gone. I sat there,ate and I asked for water.It was dirty but I drank it anyway like someone who didn't have a choice. While I was eating a lot of people were staring pitifully at me.I had a feeling they knew me because my parents were nice to everyone else but me, but I ignored the pitiful stares anyway

It was close to twelve o'clock and I was tired from walking so I decided to sit on the side of the road and feed my baby and also clean her.But what I didn't realize was my ex friends Tracy,Romeo,May and my ex best friend April were heading towards me and were pretty close so there was nowhere to run to. 'Oh God!' I said to myself because I knew it was going to be hell

"Well well well isn't this our mother of the year with her stupid doll" April said stepping on me intentionally and laughed grabbing Romeo

I couldn't believe it, this was the person I trusted with my everything. I started crying silently

"oh she is crying! give her milk're gonna be nothing and do absolutely nothing  but beg your whole life you loser" said Tracy and I kept feeding Jamie

"Guys lets go we might catch her disease,I dont wanna end up with a fatherless baby,homeless and jobless like her" May said walking away

When they were gone I stood up determined to find any place to sleep because I wasn't going to sleep out with Jamie again.But before I do that I had to withdraw the R500 that I was left with.After that I just went to the first house that I saw but there was nobody home,I tried the second one without luck.I only got luck at the fifth house.

"Can I help you" a tall, sophisticated lady said to me after opening her door

"My name is Charlotte Jeking and I'm looking for a place to sleep or stay with my baby.I will do anything that you want me to do so I can be able to feed myself and the baby,anything at all please I'm begging you, I don't have anywhere to go and I got a day old baby,please help me"  I said close to tears

"Aren't you a baby too?what can you possibly do?how come you have baby?I don't want dirt in my house please go" she said trying to close the door but I hold it with my free hand

"Help me please,I don't know what to do or where to go now!" I cried and she thought for a second

"Ok you're lucky my maid just left me,you dont eat in my house,you stay in that room close to the gate.I work from 8 to 15:00 and I also got a three year old son.he comes first before that thing you're holding you hear me?.I don't want to see your baby in my house so you leave her or him there while taking care of my son,you're only allowed to go and feed it when you hear it crying you hear me?you wake up at 5 and sleep at 9 and you do everything for me,even wash my underpants and I pay you R1200 a month. Take it or leave" she said looking straight at me

She was scaring me so I just nodded because it was better than nothing. 'Atleast I got a roof over our heads' I said to myself. She went in,took my room keys and showed me inside "I'm Thandie but you call me Miss and this is where you are going to stay" she said stepping aside.It was dirty and I could smell a dead rat somewhere. I prepared a place on the small bed for me and my baby to rest a little but before I could even put my head down I heard her screaming at me.

"Are you freaking kidding me right now? I don't pay you to sleep I got clothes that needs to be hand washed so take your behind to work you whore!" she said

"I'm sorry Miss Thandie" I said opening the window for fresh air and left Jamie alone there as I started working.

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