Chapter 4

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Two years down the line I was still working for Thandie.I've dodged being rapped by David twice and I also managed to register for metric with the money I was saving so I was starting my exams in a weeks time.I prayed,fasted and read after working for Miss tirelessly.I burnt food thrice because of my books and I've gotten beaten for it.Thank God she didn't know my reason for burning food because if she did she would have done something worse because she doesn't even want to see me doing something nice or kiss my Jamie,she would shout for no reason
Days went by fast and I was only left with one day to write my exams.Most of the people my age are already in college or taking gap years but look at me preparing for high school final exams.In the middle of my thoughts miss came and told the baddest news I've been praying against

"I'm not going to work tomorrow so I want you to do a spring cleaning the whole day!I'll be watching you" She said
"To-tomorrow?I can't go out tomorrow?? s-spring cleaning" I said panicking
"Yes tomorrow, you're my slave so I make all rules here" she turned and walked out
'oh God! how am I going to do this?!oh Lord please help'

I didn't sleep that night,my exam was stating at exactly 11:00 and I didn't have any excuse to get away from this.I woke up as early as 04:00 to do what I was told hoping I could lie my way out when it's time. As promised, Miss woke up just as early. She wasn't even trying to make a stupid conversation with me like she usually does but I cared less.

I continue with my work like I had nothing in my mind, I tried to be fast but there was just too much work. I was halfway through my work around 10am, time wasn't on my side now. 'One hour left' I said to myself. I continued, I wasn't let out of site by my dear boss so One hour turned into twenty minutes. Just when I was about to give up on my dream, a friend of her called and she rushed saying she was gonna be gone for four to five hours. Just like she ran out of the house I took Jamie And Joseph to my examination center
Luckily the center wasn't far, just ten minutes a walking distance from where we stay. I knew I smelled so bad but getting into that exam for twelve coming days was my top priority. I knew God was smiling on me that day when the female security guard told me she was going to play with Jamie and Joseph until I was done with all my exams.

he exam wasn't hard for me since I studied every time I got so I was done in one and half hours. I thanked security guard and took my two people home. I had to bribe Joseph with an ice-cream for him not to mention anything to his mom. We managed to get home in time and my mood became better, working was easier that way.
My next exam went just as great, miss stayed more at her friend's house because her friend was sick so with work and wanting to be there for her friend, she was barely home. It went on until I was done with exams and she was going out of town that weekend. I had money close to R7 000 saved in my account for emergency, anything that might happen since luck run out of me the day I lost my grandparents.  No one knew about the money  so I was going to treat my daughter a little also . Everyone thought I was a spender yet I leant to only buy things that are on sale when I had Jamie., life does that to people  I planned everything well and just wait for the weekend to come. 'I might be poor but my angel deserve this once in a while'
I reminded myself not wanting to pullout of this.

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