Chapter 16

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For long I've been taking care of my own such that having someone who meets me halfway was still overwhelming me. Sometimes I felt like I was taking advantage of Sandy's good heart and I would let it be known but she kept reminding me otherwise.
I thought I knew love until I met her and Jamie, I've been taught and be told about family bonds but I never lived it, I've heard about true friendships and I thought it was what I had in high school but nothing prepared me for the realizations.
Sandy became what I couldn't categorize, she was more than a friend but she was also more than family. She was an angel, a God send send to brighten my day , though a little but appreciated regardless. There is nothing worth that I could give her to appreciate her presence in both my and Jamie's lives. Who knew it would all be like this?

I made my way to Sandy's room, wanting her opinion on what I was wearing because I didn't want to end up embarrassing myself. I knocked softly on her door and heard her telling me to come in.
"Gosh I'm nervous, it's like I'm meeting him for the first time" I said stepping in her room.
"Damn you look beautiful! You're  going to be just fine don't worry, Eric won't look anywhere else" Sandy tried to calm my nervousness "I'm glad you allowed yourself to give love a second and I'm mostly glad that it's Eric. He is a great guy, be yourself as always" she continued
"When I took time to think of all that happened I realized I never hated him, I was never angry at him but I was angry at myself for trusting the wrong person, not seeing my baby daddy as he was. But all this happened for a reason, I got to meet you, Eric and oh my gosh, Jamie my precious jewel. I'm also glad it's Eric, that's why I answered his call and said yes when he asked me out" I said dreamily thinking of how he just called in the middle of the night after not speaking to each other for weeks "H-i-e umm I actually thought you weren't going to pick up, God I miss you! I'm really sorry about what I did, I didn't think at all I was full of range and it led us here, I just need a second chance please, I shouldn't have aired your story like that" he said
"Look I was just thinking, I really appreciate what you did and it's kinda overwhelming for someone to jump in and defend me like that anywhere. I was never mad at you I guess I'm just scared, what if I get used to all this, what guarantee do I have that you will remain this amazing person to me?" I asked
"That's the thing, take life as it is, live for today. Right now I know I will always be there for you and you have to believe me when I tell you that that I love you because I seriously do love you with everything, all that I am and all that I have. I want to build something strong with you and Jamie, I want to be the male figure in her life, her role model. Let me show you how you should be treated by going on a date with me on Friday? 8:00pm?Please Char" he said and I was silent for a minute "I mean if you don't want it's fine, I can't force you to like me that way" he continued sounding panicky
"We can try, I do have feelings for you and I really missed you also, Jamie missed you" I agreed to the date
"Yes! You won't regret this I promise, I go to Jamie's school always just to see her, my princess can keep a secret yay!. Now go back to sleep, I can tell you're tired. Sleep well babe" .....
"Wake up Princess! You totally zoned out, what were you thinking? Fantasizing about Eric already?" Sandy said bringing me to life
"Shut up, it's almost time! He will be here any minute, how do I look?" I asked her and there was a knock on our door
"Hot! Now go before you wake Jamie! Have a great time, don't overthink anything okay and Jamie will be fine" she pushed me out
I took a deep breath contemplating my decision but all was forgotten after I opened the door coming face to face with what looked like my whole dream. He smiled showing off teeth brighter than my future, his beautiful deep brown eyes that digs up your soul looked through me searching for any doubt. I have known Eric and never doubted his fashion sense and he topped it today.
After seeing no doubt in my eyes, I assume, he extended his hand smiling.
"Jesus! You look more beautiful every time I see you, how is that even possible?" He said kissing my knuckles.
"Thanks snob, you look amazing as well. You really cleaned up hey" I giggled as he leaded me to his car
"Merely trying to impress you,my lady. Did I win in that department?" He beamed.
"Not that you needed to, but you sure did. I was kind of skeptical about this in the morning but I'm glad I'm here" I honestly told him while he opened his passenger's door for me to get in. "Such a perfect gentleman"
"I aim to please hahaha. I'm glad you're here also Char, I missed you a lot. I'm mostly thankful that you said yes to this. I'm kinda nervous if I'm being honest , I pray nothing will go wrong" Eric said laughing nervously
I squeezed his hand "It's just me Eric, I want this too so you have nothing to worry about. Now drive, let's see what you got in store for us"

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