Chapter 11

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Eric's POV

From the first time I saw Charlotte I knew I had deep feelings for her. After learning about her life and all the hardship she was going through I knew it was not going to be an easy road, I knew it was gonna take more than trust to get to her.
So I decided to annoy her with my presents,three months down the line it started getting better and before I knew it I was deep in the friendzone. So I decided to be her friend and be a father figure to Jamie but my feelings always got the best of me,especially when she absentmindedly told me that she loved me. I went from calling her by her nickname to calling her sweet pet names,to her it was all friendship but to me it was way too deep. I was so heartbroken when Thandie chased her and Jamie out of the house, I felt like I did not mean so much to her yet to me she meant so much but it was all forgotten when she called.
When she opened her facebook and put our picture as her profile picture and just me and her as a cover photo it gave me hope. The next morning I woke up and decided to come out to her,tell her all my feelings. I went on to prepare my breakfast, I had moved out of my parent's house and now working at law firm part time. I was not going live on my parent's money like other people who were born rich. I decided to call Jamie that Saturday.
"hey Eric, wussup? she answered her phone
"hey boo.Mmmm depends,you free today?" I said to her
"Depends on what you have on mind hahaha" she said laughing.
"Lunch at my house?just the three of us?" I said quickly trying not to pullout.
"Depends on what you are cooking sweetheart" Charlotte said slowly I almost didn't hear it. At first I thought she was really flirting with me that time but then again that's how we talk and text most of the time so I pushed that mind aside, though I had hopes.
"Only the best for my lady. I got you babe, just come with my baby Jamie ready to eat" I decided to flirt back and luckily that day the odds were on my side.
"Oh is it?alright daddy,we will be home a little earlier. Just don't miss us too much baby" She said completely shocking me,'she called my place home!' I screamed inside that I almost chocked on my breath. But of course my baby was waiting for my reply.
"You sure don't know how much I love you, I already miss you,bring your cute self here now!" I said taking a risk but it was all true,I knew by then how much I love everything about Charlotte,her way of thinking,the way she talks, the way she put everything to mind before taking it to action,her baby,her features. Absolutely everything about her. I knew my feelings for her were now way too scary, I had to let it all out soon.
"hahaha okay Eric,let me bath real quick,see you soon" she said
"See you soon,bye for now" I went on to cut the line and started preparing an English meal.

Charlotte's POV

When Eric invited me to his house I got so excited. We barely had time to catch up because I was always with Sandy,which was amazing I must say but I had missed Eric. He was being weird somehow but I didn't give much thought to it, I knew when it comes to me my happiness came first which was weird because he didn't seem romantically interested in me. Or can a friend care for you that much? the way he told me he loved me it seemed a little different from our usual playfully flirting. I ignored the thoughts and went to bath with Jamie,told Sandy that we were going to be at Eric's then headed to where he stays.
Upon arriving he hugged me,took Jamie then let me in.
Everything was good it almost look like a date.
"Pasta!this looks amazing Eric. I swear it looks like we are on a date or something" I said looking at the perfectly made food.
"It could be if you want it to be" Eric said smiling at me. The atmosphere seemed different that day,he was saying things like he meant them, looking at me lovingly and he didn't let go of my hand like he usually did.
"It's been long since I have been on a date hey so I will take you up on that offer. and is that how you ask a pretty lady on a date?" I said sounding a little too happy
"Char can you please say yes to a date with me?" He said sounding way too serious for my liking,like he really cant live without me
"But can it be a good date with Jamie here?"
"Not good but perfect Char" he said sounding more serious "Plus I really have to talk to you about something after this" he added
"You are being too serious Eric, I hope it's nothing bad" I said digging in my food.
"Oh don't worry its nothing bad.... I hope"
After that we ate silently,the food was amazing and he put some nice music on the background. All and all it was perfect and different, a good kind of different. I could see all through the meal that something really eating him inside but I decided to ask him after the meal.
"So we are done,wussup?why are you behaving like this and what is it that you wanted us to talk about" I said turning to him, giving him all my attention. It seemed like he was having a battle with himself but I waited patiently.

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