Chapter 8

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Walking around looking for a room to rent was exhausting and the cab driver who was following me around wasn't cheap either. At least this time around I had money enough for food and rent. The worst thing is it was during the night so people thought we were buglers or something. After about 5 hours I found an advert on a road side about a lady who was looking for a roommate. I called and was given the address and directions. We drove there and the cab drive just drop me off. I knocked the gate and waited.
"Oh hello" a lady who looks not older than 27.
"Hie, I'm Charlotte, I spoke to Sandra on the phone,can I speak to her please?" I said offering her my hand,she took it.
"Oh I'm Sandra, we can talk inside" she said leading me inside. "I was actually looking for someone without a baby and also a little mature buy we will see" she said laughing.
"Oh trust me I'm very mature, I can assure you that, and about the baby, I'm really desperate right now as you can see. I can move out as soon as I find another house" I honestly said
"Slow down and sit there" she said pointing a couch opposite her. "Okay the rent is R2 000,00 we will share that, also share the kitchen and we take turns cleaning. I don't mind babies so chill. You can move in tonight and we will talk about everything tomorrow since I have an off day" Sandra said and I handed her my money for the rent.
"Thanks Sandra, I will take my bags so you can show me the room" I said picking up some of my bags and she helped me settling in.
"You can call me Sandy and your baby is so cute, goodnight" she said pocking Jamie's cheeks.
"Thank you,night Sandy"
Finally I was settled with my angel sleeping besides me on a bed that surprisingly came with the house. I slept peacefully but as the morning came I forgot I no longer have to wake up as early as 04:50 anymore. When Sandra woke up after 07:00 I had already cleaned.
"Morning early bird! you really don't have to wake up that early Charlotte"
"Sorry if I woke you up, Its just that I've been waking up that early for almost three years now" I said sounding so apologetic.
"No you didn't wake me up, I'm just telling you to relax,you are free here. Anyway where is the baby,whats her name again?" She said looking around.
"Oh Jamie, she is dressing her dolls" I sat on the kitchen chair waiting for the coffee to boil
"Love the name,so do you work,go to school or something?"
"I'm actually looking for a job, I recently got fired hence knocking at your door at midnight and I also recently got my high school certificates, I couldn't do it earlier because I refused to abort Jamie" I told he truthfully.
"Oh if I hear something I will tell you, I won't ask much about your life because I know its personal and we just met"
"I might as well tell you all about it since we now stay together"
"I wouldn't want to invade in your privacy, I'm no saint" She said sounding so serious.
So I told Sandra all about my life,there was no need to hide it from her because she was going to find it all out anyway. She promised to help me find a job.
"I can't imagine myself going through what you went through. To lighten up the situation lets go window shop in town" Sandra suggested
"I need to rest,maybe some other time. Anyway I have one friend,can he visit sometimes?"
"Just a friend?" she said wiggling her eyebrows
"Just a really good friend Sandy" I said laughing
"Alright okay! your friends can come, you can also see some of my friends coz you need some fun in your life baby girl!" Sandra exclaimed.
That day we spend the whole day doing nothing but talking about our lives. Though we weren't the same age, I found a friend/ a big sister in her. We even ended up calling people who she thought can help me find a job fast. We had a six year age difference but I was just as mature as she was.
Days went by without me not telling Eric where I was, because I left my charger at Tandie's house and I was dragging going to buy a new one. I thought of asking Sandy to use hers but I realised I saved all my contacts in the phone. The only was to get a charger. A week came and pass without me not finding a job, I thought having high school qualification would make things easier but there were some people who had degrees yet jobless.
On the ninth day Sandy got me an interview at a bank near her work place, I even forgot that I had given her my CV and she put her number on it. We became so close on those few days. My charmer of a kid won her heart.
"Char do you have any formal clothes to were?they want bank tellers so you have to be formally presentable"
"OMG I don't, what do I do?"
"Say no more girly,I got you some. We are the same size right?" she went on to choose the best presentable clothes in her closet and gave them to me. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart and went to prepare for the following day.
So tomorrow came and I went to the interview. I answered all their questions confidently though some were beyond my reach. While coming from the interview I bought a charger and make my way to mine and Sandy's place where I left her playing with Jamie.
"Jay mummy is here,tell her we want to hear everything or she wont get to taste what we attempt baking" Sandy said.
"The interview was okay Sandra, I cant thank you enough for all this and taking care of my baby while I was there" I said while putting my phone on charger and switching it on charger
"Its okay, you have a sister now. Wait is that your phone making all the noise?somebody really missed you" she said mocking me but I just laughed and went to check it only to find out that it was Eric and Thandie. I just opened Eric's

💝Snob💝: hey Thandie told me everything and I tried calling you a million times,where are you?
💝Snob💝: Char its nearly 22:00 where tf are you?
💝Snob💝: its been a week and you are not returning my calls Char! I thought we were better than this! Let me know how you are and Jamie,let me help you Char if! Please!!!

I skipped other texts where he was shouting at me and opened the one he send that day
💝Snob💝: I really miss you. Call me please Char.

I showed Sandy all the texts and we both decided to call him that very moment. He picked up pretty fast

"Char! Thank God! how are you and Jamie? Where are you? Why did you switch off your phone? please tell me you are safe! Why didn't you call me when Thandie fired you? I told you I got you and I freaking meant it! you made me go through a lot Char!"
"Eric I'm really sorry, I didn't want to trouble you with my baggage. I forgot my charger at Thandie's and I only bought a new one today when I was coming from an interview at Barclay's bank. I'm safe I met someone great, I will send you my address"
"At Barclay's? I know a lot of people there and I believe in you so you will get it,send it now and I will come tomorrow morning, I missed you two"
"I miss you and Jamie miss you as well. See you tomorrow, bye Snob"
'I love it when you call me that boo hahaha. By Char"

"Ncaw he is so sweet, tell him to stay for dinner tomorrow I wanna meet my little girl's boyfriend" Sandy said after the call.
"He is not my boyfriend Sandy!" I said slapping her and Jamie stared at me, this was the first time I felt so free to be in the presents of someone rather than Eric.
I went to sleep feeling like different rain was pouring now

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