Chapter 10

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Three months working as a bank teller things were starting to work out really good for me. I was no longer the girl with only three pairs of formal clothes and two pairs of pumps, I was no longer the weird 19 year old who barely spoke. I even gained friends.
And since it was my pay day I decided to treat Sandy and Eric, appreciating them for all they did for me financially and emotionally. I formed a whatsapp group with only the three of us and texted

Me: we are going out tonight,my treat and that is no discussion. Come as you are XX
Eric: Yay its my girl's pay day! but I wanted to share the cheque😒
Sandy😍: Y'all can share idk, just tell me the place Char and I will be there 'as I am'
Me: I said we are not going to talk about that Eric! Sandy my good person anywhere you want,you just let me know
Eric: Mcdonalds😀😀
Sandy: Protea
Me: Im not going cheap on you guys today so Protea it is.. see you there at 8 sharp! XX.
I went back to work happy,this was the first time I was doing something for them and it felt so good. The day went so fast,it was time for me to go pick Jamie at her creche so we can both go and freshen up at home before heading to Protea Hotel. I still had 3 hours to prepare when I got home so because my daughter was so dirty from playing,it took me some time to clean her and myself. When we were all done Eric came to pick us up.
"We are meeting Sandy there, she was finishing up some paperwork at work" I told him as I was sitting Jamie at her sit.
"Alright! gives me time alone with my girls" he replied laughing
"I will make time,just that I've been really busy Eric" I said as I was getting in the front seat.
"It's alright Char,just that I miss you. okay lets take selfies!" he said taking my iPhone 5 that he helped me buy on contract.
We took beautiful pictures together with Jamie in-between us for few minutes then headed to our destination.
Luckily we arrived the same time Sandy arrived, Sandy got her iPhone 6 out and started taking selfies with us. The pictures where so beautiful and the fact that Sandy taught me how to apply make up and shape my eyebrows did miracles to my face.
"You guys are so on point I must admit, slay queens! you look beautiful Char, even without the make up" Eric said
"I love your heels Char. and thank you Eric,you are such a sweetheart" Sandy said.
"Thanks guys,lets order now. Its Friday but Jamie got to be in bed by 10" I said to them blushing.
We ate and talk until it was half 10 and because Eric was taking alcohol, he was starting to get tipsy so we decided to go home.When we got home Sandy took Jamie to bed and I was left to talk to Eric a little more.
"I wish I was the baby daddy though,you two are amazing, bundles of joy,your daddy is an asswipe for kicking you out" Eric said out of nowhere
"So do I sometimes" I then realised what I had said after a minute then tried to correct it "W-What? you are joking right?" I exclaimed
"I'm serious Char. I'm going home. I love you?" he said opening the door for me.
"oh b-bye I love you too buddy" I waved at him but he was already gone. I went inside and as a person who cant keep things to herself I went straight to Sandy's room and told her what took place
"You can be so stupid sometimes,cant you see? its all written on his face the guys totally have feeling for you! I thought you knew" Sandy said laughing.
"oh shut up! maybe it was just the alcohol, give me my baby. night Sandy" I took Jamie and left her stunned.
I didn't go to sleep as soon as I wanted to. All what took place just before Eric left kept playing in my mind. That's when I realised that I mistaken my feelings for Eric for friendship.

Just because I couldn't sleep I decided to open a Facebook,Instagram and twitter account. I didn't know how all these applications work but since I couldn't sleep I decided to learn all about them and give it a try. I put the picture with me,Sandy,Eric and Jamie as my profile picture. One of the waitresses helped us to get that picture so I put it on all those social networks. I posted a lot of pictures on Instagram and followed a lot of people then went on Facebook.
Surprisingly I already had 35 friend requests,maybe it was because of the picture because we really looked classy in it. Most of them were my high school classmates who went on to text me, asking me about my whereabouts after I accepted their friend requests. I ignored them,they laughed and called me names when I was kicked out of school and they probably laughed when they heard that I got kicked out by my parents. I replied people I don't know and started editing my profile.
The friend requests kept on coming and I even saw Eric's so I accepted them all and he posted on my timeline
Eric Davids > Charlotte Jeking
Look who decided to join us here😀😀 my boo! we really look good on the profile picture
Carlotte Jeking: Oh we really do😍😍😂😂 night Eric
Eric Davids: Night baby
I went to sleep forgetting all the other friend requests and after sending a request to Sandy.
I woke up late the next day with Jamie not in the room. I went on to find her only to find her eating her cereal prepared by Sandy. To say that I had found a friend in Sandy was an insult,she became more than that, she became family. We made small talks while eating breakfast and checking our phones.
"I saw your facebook and instagram, welcome to 2016 baby girl..and I saw Eric's post mmmmh" she said smiling at me
"Well thank you very much, I think I will love facebook and instagram.. and about Eric's post,he is always like that" I replied her
When I opened my facebook a big surprise was waiting for me, my amazing ex boyfriend  who got me pregnant send me a friend request.
"Char what's wrong?" Sandy asked me
"Jamie's stupid father, my asshole of an ex boyfriend send me a friend request" I said fuming
"Do you trust me?" She said
"Did you just ask me that?" I asked her
"Ok accept the fucking request" She demanded and I did as she said without asking questions because I trusted her completely.
"Now just wait and watch sweety! update me on everything he say to you alright" Sandy said and I knew this was gonna be more interesting, exactly the opposite of what I was thinking

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