Chapter 3

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Staying with Miss taking care of her son Joseph was not easy but atleast I didn't have to worry about where I and Jamie would sleep.The first days were harder because I didnt have enough food but she cared less.I bought pampers with the little that I had and she would just give me the food left for dogs. She would slap me at times and her boyfriend David,who is always at her house would push me around making fun of how I got pregnant too early.Miss Thandie would laugh and tell him how much of a bitch I am.Their three old was a sweetheart though, he fell in love with how cute my baby is the first day he saw her but he wasn't allowed to play with her because she might give him a "disease" like Miss said

Jamie just turned five months old so I was planning to go out with her since Miss usually take her son and boyfriend out of town every weekend,maybe go with her to the park because we are always locked inside the gate.I got the lock combination when she was secretly opening for Joseph's father.How did it take me five months?well the woman is the most secretive, hideous agent of Satan I know.

I was saving R400 every month so I had money to buy Jamie few things.This time I got to water the white neighbor's flowers,clean his yard on weekends and he will be giving me R350 a day.

I finished cooking and cleaning then headed to my room to prepare for my day tomorrow and also feed my angel.In the middle of it all I heard a knock on the door,I left what I was doing and opened the door

"Oh hello Miss?" I said shocked seeing her there at the middle of the night.She never come to my room
"I don't have time,I got called at some work workshop,there is an emergency so I gotta go now.I need you to go sleep with Joseph tonight so come lets go" she said.
I went back inside to take Jamie and her milk so we can sleep in the main house tonight,it had comfortable beds too.I took her and headed outside
"Oh no honey you ain't taking that filthy thing in my house.Leave her here and go,my son can't sleep alone"

"But Jamie is only 5 months old Miss she can't sleep without me,I have to change her twice at night and give milk" I said begging her to let me go with my baby

"I don't care and I never did! you leave her here and go now Charlotte or I will beat you before I go!"

"Okay MissI said putting Jamie back on the bed,wrapped her protectively with the blanket since there was a lot of mosquitoes. I made sure the door was locked before I follow Miss to her house to sleep with Joseph.I don't know why she didn't take her son to his father's place.
"I'm coming back on Sunday, take care of my son or else you will pay for it dearly!" she said while taking her bags then left without even looking at her son

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