Chapter 6

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Days went by and the results were out a week after. My biggest struggle was going to get them, I was so nervous just thinking of them was giving me stress. To top up my stress it was said that only 30% of all people who wrote exams that year passed. What was I in the middle of all kinds with excellent teachers who took them all through the year? I taught myself and I read myself to sleep. All this made me drag going to take them. On top of all the stress Thandie wasn't better,just like always her main priority was making my life a living hell.
The only positive thing in my life,besides my daughter was Eric's adoration for Jamie. His coming to see me everyday for no reason whatsoever made me start liking him,for that short period of time I realised that he wasn't so bad,he was a genuine guy and his love for my daughter was just as genuine. He would even tell Jamie that he was her daddy sometimes, me being insecure and having a bad past experience with men I told him to stop,I did it to protect the only person I have in my life. What happens when he decide to leave me?

So that day I didn't have much to do because miss was working late. Eric also came to keep me company so it wasn't much of a boring day. Just because he was being nice and treating my angel right I cooked a nice lunch for him,using miss' food of course. And to make him more happy I asked if he could go with me to collect my results for 'moral support'.
"Seriously? okay lets go!!!" He said sound a little more excited than expected
"Okay brother slow down! Not today hey I'm not mentally ready for it all right now,70% of people who wrote failed and I'm sure I'm one of them" I said busting his bubbles
"I'm sure you did great, if the opposite happens then there is always next year,I mean you are a freaking teen for goodness' sake,don't worry too much about it. I will be there to help you if you fail,though I know you did well" he said trying to make me feel better
" I see you trying to make me feel better brother, I wont be a teen for long but thanks for being here. You're not so much of a snob after all, we have come so long hey" I said truthfully
"Oh so you thought I was a snob?really Char?am I that bad?" He exclaimed
"Oh no! honestly at first I thought you were but not anymore,I think you are a really great guy,trust me. sorry buddy. And I'm Char now" I said
"Yes you are my Char shut up! I'm glad you think positively of me now,you don't know how that actually made me feel. And if I'm that great then why am I still single please? My girl Jamie didn't even give me a hug today" He laughed after saying that and so did I.
"You wanna know why you are still single? Find that out on the next episode of Dragon Ballz ,you will find someone in time. And who is your girl again?where is the diamond? please go away" I said sarcastically.
"You are not nice Char! Dragon Ballz?really? and yes Jamie is my own girl,diamond or not" he laughed "anyway when are we going? I'm getting impatient seriously. lets just go now please!" he said begging me
"First you force me to cook you lunch now its my very own results? Okay we will go tomorrow,come pick me up as soon as miss leave I wanna go early okay" I only agreed because I was tired of him begging
"Sure?? Yeees! of course I will pick you up I'm the one who got a car between us"

"Oh you are laughing at my misfortunes now? I will change my mind now!" I said trying to fake being hurt.
"Sorry baby girl,don't change your mind please"
"Alright,forgiven" I said
"Okay let me go now before I cause problems, I want to go and do something,be ready at exactly 9 okay?" He said hugging me and made his way to the door
"Alright bye Eric Snob,at least kiss my baby before you go you fool! you know how much she loves you"
"Phew I wonder if her mom loves me at all,okay baby Jamie bye,see you tomorrow Char"
"See yah Eric"
After he left I went to work in the main house with Joseph and Jamie and since miss wasn't going to be home early I just prepared her food and went to my own room leaving Joseph asleep in his room.

The next morning I woke up just as early and surprisingly Thandie went to work earlier than usual leaving her son at the creche she enrolled her earlier that week. I did my work and finished then bathed with Jamie. At 08:27 Eric was already there seeming more excited than the previous day. I didn't say much because I was nervous and he didn't ask me any question,maybe he understood my nervousness so he just drove us to the school that I wrote my exams at. When we reached the school's parking area I remained seated in the car,I felt like I was stuck on the seat. My life depended on that result slip
"Char c'mon lets go,I got you all the way,I told you that from the first time we had a talk, I'm here for you hey" he said after about 10 minutes waiting for me.
"Ok, I can't run away from this anyway, take Jamie for me please. Lets go"

We walked in silence until we reached the offices,he just nodded for me to get inside and I did while he was waiting for me outside.
"Morning m'am I'm here for my results,where am I supposed to collect them?" I asked nervously 'oh my God! please God! just 4 subjects of the 8 I wrote please' I said to myself
"Your name and surname please" she asked
"mmm Cha-Char-Charlotte Jeking" I stuttered

"Okay just a second,scared?" she said going through a bunch of results slips
"Well ye-yeah"
She handed me my slip but I refused to look at them "thank you ma'am,enjoy your day"

I quickly walked out of the office and handed Eric who was waiting for me the results.
"I want you to see them first and then you tell me okay?"
He just looked at my results,he didn't say anything. I couldn't read his reaction then he heavily sighed and showed me my results.
"I told you I will be here right?" he said while giving me a tight hug
I cried loudly like a kid,I couldn't believe it. And he didn't let go,he understood my outburst.
"I was only praying for 4 subjects Eric! But look at God! All 8 passed with 60% and above!"
"I told you, you are amazing,now lets go home so you can change. We are celebrating this" Eric said holding my hand, leading me to the car with Jamie on his shoulders.

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