Chapter 17

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It's been a month since I said yes to Eric and we've been to only one day because of our busy schedules, working and studying isn't something to be taken lightly. Lucky for me he always come see me on lunch break or whenever we're free for an hour or two. Our relationship became even stronger.
The biggest issue we had on the table was going to see my parents, I've been postponing it for a while and I kept getting pressure from Sandy but Eric was surprisingly supportive.
It was on a Friday night and I was currently  with him, at his house watching a series on Netflix not saying anything yet not concentrating.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Eric pulled me out of my thoughts realizing I had stopped concentrating
"Make that 2 pennies babe" I replied jokingly
"Very funny, now tell me, are you okay?"  He asked again worried
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Just contemplating going to see my parents"
"Well I can go with you if you want? I know you are going with Sandy but I can also tag along, you know, the more the merrier?" He said smirking but yet sounding serious.
I actually had thought of going with him for moral support and keep me in control but I decided against it, one of the reasons being I wanted to do this on my own and fight my own battles. I felt like I had involved him in my messes enough, and this being a family thing I didn't want to get him involved.
I also tried to convince Sandy not to come but she insisted on being there and she wasn't backing down.
"I think I will be fine, don't worry about it" I said to him
"If you say so, so when are you planning to go meet them?" He asked
"I mean I can predict the outcome and seeing that we're two weeks from Christmas, I wouldn't want to ruin the holidays for everyone so I think I will go on the second of January as I will still be on holidays"
"Alright, You said your holiday will start on the eighteenth right?" He asked
"Yep, 7 days to go! No work, no exams to stress me out and no waking up early to send Jamie to school" I exclaimed enthusiastically completely forgetting about my parents, who doesn't love holidays? And knowing that I will get to spend most of my time with people I love makes everything worth a while.
"Someone is excited! Well you and me both because I'm closing a day later than you, I just wanna be with you all through the holidays, just our little family" He said smiling dreamingly at me.
"That's all I ask for. You, me, Jamie and Sandy" I said getting lost in his eyes.
"I wouldn't wanna have it any other way" He whispered.
"Neither would I" I whispered back
"You and me......"
"Together my snob....."
"Always my love" He said as he silent me with his passionate lips.
Running shot of air, I lightly detached myself from him panting from loss of enough air in my lungs and grinned like a mad woman.
"Argh it's nearly midnight, I have to go" I said
"Or you can just stay the night? We know Jamie is okay with Sandy seeing that she didn't go out today, I can take you home at whatever time you want tomorrow " Eric asking seeming hopeful
"I mean I feel like I'm taking advantage of her, I know she doesn't mind being with Jamie but I just can't help myself"

"Just call her and tell her you will be there as early as 8 o'clock, I've known Sandy for a while now and I believe she is as genuine as they come, it will be no bother to her,please?" He begged
Biting my bottom lip and deciding quickly I got my phone out and dialed her number that was already on speed dial. She picked up after the third ring and agreed that Eric shouldn't drive to and fro as it was late and being a rainy season, it was dangerous and roads were slippery. I let her know that I was going to be home by 9am.
After wishing her a goodnight I hanged up and got ready for bed, needless to say I would never get used to Eric's cuddles.
Being his little spoon send me to a blissful sleep quicker than I ever imagined. I was never the one to believe in "The One" or all those soulmate crap but admittedly I found mine, my "The One". He had become one of the reason for my smiles, the reason I wish to wake up alive every morning, the reason I stopped giving up at one point in my life. He became my cheerleader, something I never saw coming. Opening up to being his girlfriend didn't only benefit me only but it also benefited my angel, Jamie loved him and he also loved her. Something I never dreamt of.
As soon as I slept it was already 8am and Eric was waking me up. I don't know how I overslept, I'm usually up by 5am. I don't even use an alarm, my problems and dreams wake me up.
"Just go back to sleep Eric" I groaned
"Well good morning to you too beautiful. I just wanted to tell it's already 8 and I've already made breakfast" he said laughing.
That woke me up and I made my way to the bathroom
"Argh stop laughing at me, you kept me up until midnight" I said closing the bathroom door and went on to brush my teeth and take a shower. After I was done I went to his kitchen to find breakfast neatly put on the table with a rose and a card besides my plate. I sat and picked up the card to read the message in it

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