Chapter 9

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I was happy to see Eric,I had missed the guy. He came to see me as soon as 06:30 even Sandy found it sweet but she had to rush to work. I had nothing to do but catch up with Eric,he was gentle enough to offer me help with cleaning. I put on some Kendrick Lamar and J Cole to listen to while we were clean. For the first time in years I was genuinely happy with a male figure,I had come to hate men you would think I was a bitter lesbian. I nearly gave up on life at some point but the thought of my baby growing up with abusive people around her stopped me.
At 11:30 we were done cleaning.
"Thanks hey, I owe you one" I said to Eric.
"Oh you owe me a lot sweetheart! You made me go through a lot and you are gonna pay for it Char,you are taking me out with your first paycheck" Eric replied while holding my gaze looking dead serious.
I took Jamie and started feeding him.
"I don't even know if I will get the job but if I do I will definitely do that" I told him looking and sounding just as serious. I sure meant every word I said.
"You will get it, a little faith young lady! now feed our baby so we can chill with her watching Shameless,I got the whole thing in my laptop" Eric said.
Just as I finished feeding my baby my phone started ringing,I checked and saw it was none other than Sandy.

"hey girl" I answered.

"hie Char,why was your phone off?" She said over the phone
"No it wasn't, it was on all this while,wussup?"
"Your bank called,you put my number as an alternative so they called my when they couldn't get hold of you."
"Oh sh*t what did they say?! did I?!" I said panicking a little.

"You got the job dear,congrats! drinks on you on your pay day! and we are getting you new formal clothes so get in town soon with your little boyfriend at 13:30 coz I'm closing early today. Don't worry about the money I got you honey". Sandy said,by the time she finished talking I was crying. Eric was now besides not knowing what to say because he had no idea what was going on.

"Char are you crying? no no no stop! you deserve this dear,now wipe those tears and be fast coz you only got one hour to get here so we can shop coz you are starting work tomorrow lil sis,bye baby girl" She then hangup without letting me thank her.
"Char what's wrong?who called?why are you crying Char?" Eric was now fuming besides me.
"I don't deserve this Eric! I don't deserve you, I don't deserve Sandy! I don't deserve what's happening now" I said crying.
"What is going on Char?"
"I got the job Eric! I am starting tomorrow and guess what I do not have formal wear....well I did not have formal wear and Sandy offered to buy me the clothes right now. We are meeting Sandy in an hour so we better be fast" I finished and breathed out heavily.
Eric just picked me up while I was not aware and started running around screaming.
"I can not believe this! finally! don't you freaking tell me you don't deserve this! you deserve everything and more. You are not perfect but baby you are damn well close! smile,live coz this is only the start!" My amazing person told me hugging me tightly.
"I love you much" I said hugging him even tighter.
"I love you more baby!" he said
After a minute of hugging him I realised what we said to each other.

"oh my God! you know what I meant right? I love you like a friend" I said stuttering.
"Hahaha ye-yea-yeaah now we got to go" I don't know why he was stuttering too but I brushed it off and went on to prepare for my shopping.
After all was done we went to town with Jamie and met Sandy just in time. We spend the rest of the day shopping and I was happy about how Sandy was getting along with Eric. Them and Jamie had become the most important people in my life. After shopping Eric treated us out and went back home early since I was starting work the next day.
"Sandy thank you for everything,I can't pay you enough for all this. Thank you" I said to Sandy after Eric had gone.
"Stop this Char. I see you as the sister that I never had. I will do everything I can for you and I am sure you would do the same for me" Sandy said shutting me up.
"I would,we only just met but you have become so important to me, you love me genuinely and I have come to love you just as much" I said
"Yes I so love you,now go sleep you gotta wake up early tomorrow, don't worry I will be with Jamie tomorrow and I will also visit a few pre schools to get her enrolled,night" she said going to her bedroom.
"Night Sandy,thank you very much" I told her before she closed her door.
I got in bed with my angel and it did not take me long to sleep peacefully. For the first time in three years I had peace

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