Chapter 13

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Days passed by and Eric would call me just to see how I was doing though I had not replied him yet. Days turn into weeks,weeks into a month but he still insisted on waiting on me. The thing that scared me the most was that if I reject him he was going to keep his distance for a while,if not for long. The other thing was that if I give him a chance and we don't work he was going to stay away from me also to work on his feelings.
I knew then that I had feelings for him but I know we were going to change either way. I decided to do what was good for my heart, what I thought was right for both of us. So I decided to lay it on him as soon as possible.
It was on the 18th of January and I was trying to get in college or university, anything that was going to allow me to study Biomedical technology part-time. Most of the centres had already close so my chances of getting in any were slim. I applied to the varsities around KwaZulu natal, even the ones closed and went back to work. Most of the people,my coworkers were absent that day so I was pretty much doing everything.
I was currently at the information desk when I felt two figures getting close to where I was sitting. I didnt lift my head to look at them like what I was supposed to do, somehow I felt something heavy on my chest. Something was wrong.
When I lift my head I came face to face with the person who hate me the most and the hate was just as mutual, If it wasnt even strong from my side. My mood changed that very moment and they proceed to sit infront of my then desk.
"Goodmorning miss" He said
I just stared at him, he didn't seem to recognise me. It seems like I had changed way too much in those nearly four years for him not to recognise me. I met some of my old high school classmate the previous week and it didn't take time for them to recognise me. I decided to attend them before I get fired but I was going to let him know who I was.
"Good morning sir, how can I help you?" I replied sounding as normal as I can.
He snapped his head and it seemed like he recognised my voice but I really looked different so he ignored his thought. Of course how can he expect an uneducated,unemployed, failure (as he had labeled me) 20 year old mother of a nearly 4 year old to be working in a bank.
"I would like to take a loan if its possible?" he said.
In my mind I had a lot of questions like what got him to want a loan,if he is broke and what had happened to his money that he bragged about always. But this wasn't the time.
"okay I would like to check your credit history first then find someone to help you 'Dad'" I said calling him dad a little louder for him to hear, typing on my computer. When I looked at him he had a look of confusion "It's Charlotte! geez what kind of a father are you? anyway what can I expect from a person like you?"
The look on his face was priceless,he looked completely shocked yet not ashamed. That got me angry.
"You have done well for yourself, who would have thought? who did you sleep with to get you here?" he said.
Such attitude,the shameless, the nerve? it was all amazing. I always thought if we meet somehow whatever he say wasn't going to affect me but boy was I wrong. I stayed put for minutes, my tears on the edge. My heart breaking all over again.
In as much as I told myself to be strong,that I must not cry in front of him to make him feel like he had control over me, I couldnt control myself so I decided to find someone to help him and his friend.
"You know what I dont have time for this, I got a lot of good things going on to let you ruin it. I won't let you or anyone make me feel shity about myself again and be careful what you say, I might not get this loan approved. Im your boss right now and I got zero respect for you" I left him stunned. Usually I wasn't the one to stand for myself but life changed, I wasn't young,weak and voiceless as I was previously. So I told my co worker to help him and that he is my father,she didnt ask any questions because she knew my story. I went to the bathroom to cry my heart out.
I had to get to my desk anyway so I washed my face,applied make up then went back. There were email notifications on my phone but I ignored them and drown myself in sorrow and work.

I went home as soon as 4pm, I was not in good so I didn't want to talk to anyone. I got home and luckily Sandy was there feeding my daughter.
"Hey baby, ncaw aunt Sandy picked you up at school today? thanks Sandy" I said trying to fake a good mood.
"It's okay Char, she is sleepy let me take her to bed. Have this coffee for now I will be back now" she said taking Jamie to her room. I felt like I was losing my baby to Sandy,they were becoming too close,she would just call and tell me she already took Jamie from school. That made me a little jealous yet appreciative of the fact that I had found more than a friend. She came back and just looked at me.
"Okay now what happened at work? tell me whats going on and don't lie to me" Sandy said looking worried.
"My dad came,he wanted a loan and he think I slept with someone to get to where I am" I told her
"Are you okay?gosh I really hate your dad! don't listen to him, don't let it get to you. You know yourself, you are an amazing kid who is raising a baby just as amazing. I mean look where you have been! with no one, you are strong. Don't lose sleep over a dumb old fool who might be jealous of the person you've become" Sandy told me,she hated my father as much as I hated him.
"You are right but its hard Sandy, I try to be strong but hearing him saying all those things hurt me so bad" I said wiping my tears
"I know, he is your father and he is supposed to be protecting you. You hurting is only normal" she said hugging me.
We spoke until late then ordered pizza because no one was in the cooking mood that day.

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