Chapter 12

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"Oh well.... I don't know how you are gonna take this but mmmm..I mean I-I..oh Lord!" He said not being able to finish what he wanted to say. It started worrying because by the looks of it whatever he wanted to say was hard for him.
"Eric what is it? it's just me your Char hahaha" I said trying to butter him up.
"Okay I have strong feelings for you Char. I have known this for long now but I was just scared to loose this,us. You are a great person,undeniably amazing,strong, smart and I would be crazy not to mention how beautiful you are. If you can just give me a chance. I love you,that much I know. I really do love you Char, you and Jamie. Its been a torture being just your friend and I know I'm putting our friendship on line but it's really been hard. I can only hope you consider these my feelings" He took a deep breath after completely shocking me. I didn't know what to say,we went through hell and back together. I looked at him trying to find something to say but I didn't think of any,I tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.
"Say something Char, anything at all. You are really killing me here" Eric said sounding desperate. I knew I liked him a little bit too much but love? Of course I loved how he loved my daughter and how he respected Sandy.
"Char please?" he said before I could say anything. The sad face on his face hurt me a little.
"I don't know Eric, this a lot to deal with right now. I just need time" I was proud that I finally said something.
"Alright,understandable. Take all the time you need I will be waiting on you" He said sounding so gentleman like. It was getting late and I had church the next day so I decided to call it a day.
"You are a really great guy Eric and right now all I need is your patience, you have been an amazing friend and the thought that we might loose it all scares me. What if we don't work? we will never be the same again!" I tried to make him see the point,what he was putting on the line. There was much at risk,our friendship and his relationship with Jamie.
"I know but its becoming too much for me. I have tried but I want more,we could be great. Just think about it" He said looking deep in my eyes, the truth and his love for me was written all over his face.
"Alright but I have to go now while there are still cabs" I replied him.
"I will drive you, let me go get Jamie" he said walking to his bedroom where my baby was playing. Seeing how adorable he was with Jamie on his shoulder I decided to tease him.
"Ncaw Jamie you are on daddy's shoulders? argh you guy are goals! I'm keeping, daddy lets go" I said taking his hand.
" I can only wish! You are not being fair" He said walking out of the house.
When we got home he bid me goodbye and left. I was tired and had no energy for Sandy's hundred so sneaking was my only way. I took Jamie in my arms and went through the back door as quiet as I possibly could. Once I was finally, free from questions I put Jamie,who was surprisingly quiet, down I went on to switch on the light since it was dark inside.
"I knew this was gonna happen! I knew you were not going to let me flourish! sneaking in like that.. little fool! now you know why I am here so out with it sister girl" Sandy said almost giving me a heart attack. My amazing Sandy was sitting on my bed not planning to move. I knew I was caught and there wasnt so much I could about it so I started laughing.
"We don't have all night Char I know you are tired and we got Church tomorrow" She said again getting under my blankets making herself comfortable. I compossed myself,put my baby in bed then got myself under the blankets also.
"Alright we had a good time,great food but then he said he loves me and he wanna be with me,not as friends" I said
"Oh my gosh I knew it! I told you Char, oh my God you guys would look really great together. I saw this coming,the way he looks at you,the way he treat you with respect, the way he loves Jamie like his own! you guys were meant to be together" She took a deep breath after preaching her gospel to me.
"I don't know Sandy, I don't really know. I admit I obviously thought of the possibility of us together romantically and I kind of have feelings for the guy but Im scared. What if we don't workout? I can't loose him Sandy!" I told her honestly and she started laughing really loud.
"You said romantically hahaha how old are you?" she laughed even harder.
"Of all the things I said you heard only that? be serious Sandy" I said turning to the other side ignoring her
"No sorry.. okay what if you work? what if he is the one? take a chance I know you like him, give love a chance and if you don't work you'd probably be just good. You have been through so much" She said walking out of my room.

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