Chapter 14

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*A picture of me and Sandy on top*

Just as expected I woke up really late to the point that i forgot that it was a work day. To add to my misery I had forgotten to charge my phone the previous night so I just decided to leave it home. I ran around like a headless chicken trying to clean up any mess so I can drop Jamie at school but Sandy beat me to it, my daughter was ready for me when I thought I was going to bathe her. I cleaned my self well.
"You're a life saver but why didn't you wake me up?" I said to Sandy.
"I thought you were taking an off day today, you had a long day yesterday, you know. I was about to call your office to let them know you're not feeling well" she said taking my breath away.
"Whatever I did to deserve you? You are so considerate sometimes I forget we are not even related,I really love you sissy" I hugged her tearing up
"Believe it or not I've learnt a lot from you, now take your phone and charge it at work coz I will be checking up on you, I will come home early again so don't worry about our baby, I will take her from school. Blood didn't make us sisters but fate sure did, I've always wanted a sister and now that I do I won't let go and also a niece to top it. Let me enjoy this,we are family now" She said petting my back. It seems like she was oblivious of what the pep talk made me feel, how it hit deep "I'm sure Eric is looking for you also,you guys should date already" she teased making me blush.
"Oh shut up please! I'm glad you're in my life,you don't even know how much I love you. Thank you for everything. Let's go before I start crying, we don't wanna get fired" I said knowing my emotions were getting the best of me
"I love you too, get in the car Jamie, move Char" Sandy said jokingly.
We went on to leave my baby at her school. Luckily I wasn't late and some of my work mates expected me to be absent. I put on a brave face and acted like the previous day never happened. Putting my phone on charger I started dealing with adulthood struggles, working. Minutes then into hours and lunch came with Eric on my office door with McDonald's in his hands.
"Delivery for the most hardworking,smartest,most beautiful girl I know" he said getting in.
"Gosh you can be so thoughtful,I wasn't going to go to lunch today,too much work and I'm behind schedule" I said taking the food from him.
"Well lunch came to you ma'am, bon appétit babe" he said
"Thank you,it's a good feeling knowing there is someone you can count,someone who cares and who know you as much as you know me" I said looking at him
"You can always count on me and if I offend or hurt you just know it will never be intentional, I care too" he said with a serious face making sure I got every word and that I see he meant it.
" This quickly escalated hahaha but I'm forever grateful, I know you can never hurt me" I said eating my food.
"Don't worry about it, I got you."
We spoke all through lunch break,talking about nothing and everything. One thing that I knew that time for sure was I would never get tired of Eric,there was never a dull moment with him. In my eyes he was starting to be perfect,realization hit me hard when he said those three magic words before he left.
"I thought I liked him but I sure didn't see this coming' I said to myself taking my phone from my charger and switched it on.
I had a lot of notifications but I decided to start with what matters the most that moment,my university applications. I checked my emails and two messages caught my eye and I opened the old one first
From University of Johannesburg
Dear Applicant
Your application to study Clinical Laboratory Sciences at University of Johannesburg has been put on a waiting list,we will notify you once there is an opening. Thank you.

Not being happy about this message because there wasn't any time left,schools were opening in a week I opened the second one from Unizulu

Dear Miss Charlotte
Your application to study Biomedical Technology part-time at University of Zululand has been accepted....

I didn't read feather because of how happy I was, finally things were starting to work for me, I was finally working on my dreams. Not being able to keep it to myself I took a screenshot and send the two amazing people in my life in our group chat. I caption the photo
Me: guys it's finally happening! I got it in 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Sandyoh well I can't say I'm surprised, it can only be God honey,congrats!!!! You buying drinks
❤Eric❤ Well that's no surprise at all, I'm so happy for you Char, you deserve this and more...@Sandy better yet, drinks on me ladies.
Me : I owe you guys a lot,thank you for making me a part of your lives... Yes drinks on somebody😂😂😂😂🙈🙈
Sandy We love you but you buying with your Eric, I just wanna celebrate today 😂😂😂😂😂😂
❤Eric❤ come to think of it,she must buy😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sandy Let's just have free drinks 😂😂😂😂
Me :You two fools!!!😂😂😂😂 you're supposed to be buying but anyway I will buy,chill and go back to work.
Sandy :Okay boo. Congrats again,love you and bye 😘😘
❤Eric❤ bye Sandy,bye Char I love you both differently 😘😘
Me :😂😂😂😂 love you both too much 😘

I decided to check my notifications, deciding on Facebook fist I opened the application. I saw my baby daddy had posted on my wall and it already had replies.
Tom Johnson =>Charlotte Jeking: I want you back, you're mine
Eric Davids: She was never yours to begin with. GTFOH!!!
Sandy Murey: The nerve!!! Never cross my path,I'm looking for you!

Tom Johnson: I'm talking to my baby mama not y'all so STFO! I know that bih still got it bad for me and y'all are jealous.
Eric Davids: Bruh get over yourself you were just a sperm donor,you might have done what you did and deny it,resulting to the best gift in the whole world but that doesn't mean you have to disrespect her like that and claim her as your own where else you never owned up to your mistakes. You're a monster,it would have been better if your dad had worn a condom,you're a waste of an egg! . You made her go through shit but you know what she found family and I for one will love her unconditionally forever! Her and our daughter who unfortunately got your blood running through her veins. Go ahead be an asshole. You and her other stupid fake friends thought she will amount to nothing but you didn't know her like Sandy and I do! Stay away from her and our daughter. Take this as a warning.

Tom Johnson: oh you're the broken girl's girlfriend?sweet now f off you're starting to get under my skin

Eric Davids : I'm not her boyfriend though I would kill to be,she knows this but even if I remain her friend I will be everything that Jamie need/want in a father. In my heart she is mine!
Sandy Murey : Don't waste your time on this psycho,he deserves to be in jail for what he did,let's just love her and our angel. I'm so worked out right now and my hate for him just intensified.
After reading all those replies I felt tears on my cheeks,I was so hurt by what Eric did. There were over 700 likes on Eric's replies from people I don't even know,people who are not even on my friend list,nearly 1500 friend requests. After checking some of their walls I realized they were talking about my story,cursing Tom for what he did. How can he publicise my life like that? On my wall? Why didn't they do it in their Private Messages? Now everyone knows everything about me.
I texted him that very moment.

Me: I thought you loved me, I was ready to give my all to you,I was going to tell you how much I love you today. I thought you were the one I could count on,trust with everything I have but you went on to tell the world my story. Did you ever stop to think if I would appreciate it?Do you even care Eric?do you care about my feelings.
Thank you for everything,don't come near me or my daughter again,ever!!
It was nice knowing you. goodbye Eric

After that I went back to work with a broken heart pretending like everything was fine

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