Chapter 5

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The struggle was waiting for my results those weeks. I knew I did try my best but the fear of failing after all that I went through was traumatising me. The days were getting closer and each day wasn't so good because of the situation at home. With all these years you'd think I was used to it but the only thing I was used to was pretending. I was grateful though. My parents never try to find me all this while neither the people I thought were my friends. I vowed that I would make something out of my life and shock everyone who thought otherwise. I had taken the first step already so I just had to wait then take the second one when my results were out, failing wasn't an option.
"Charlotte I'm going to see David with Joseph, don't ruin my house " I heard miss shouting from her room
"Alright miss" I said to her.
Because miss wasn't home I also decided to take a walk around. While I was walking with Jamie I met a snob
"Hello there" he said
"Hello to you too" I replied
"I'm Eric Davids and you are?"
"Charlotte" I replied him
"Nice to meet you Charlotte, and who is this cute one?" he said touching Jamie's cheeks
"Jamie, my daughter"
"Gosh how old are you?"
"I'm 19 and so what!?"I said annoyed
"Aren't you supposed in school or something"
"Okay bye" I walked away with out looking back. 'I don't owe anybody but Jamie anything! even the people I used to call my parents' I said to myself as I was walking back home, my mood was ruined already.
Miss Thandie wasn't back when I got home so I decided to take a nap for an hour or less.
I slept and woke up after 40 minutes then started preparing dinner while I was feeding my baby, living there and do what I had to do taught me so much about multitasking. In the middle of cooking I heard miss' car but I didn't pay much attention to it. I then heard her getting in and talking to someone, I was a little surprised because we barely had visitors except David who acts like he lives here. One hour later I was still cooking and they were still talking, they seemed to know each other very well. I went on to serve the food then call them, Surprise surprise the person miss came with home is my dear Eric Snob Davids. I tried not to look surprised but he recognized me
"Oh so you live here with Thandie? how come I didn't know you?" He said sarcastically
"She is the girl I was telling you about, you know each other?" miss sad. I didn't know what was said but I knew it was bad.
"Oh okay. Well I don't judge people unless I know their story, and no I don't know her, I only met her and her daughter today " his reply shocked me, it was nothing I was expecting. I literally dropped my mouth but Miss' look told me that there was going to be hell soon after Eric leave . Deciding that I didn't want this to go any feather I walked to the dinning room to perfect everything then went to my room since I wasn't allowed to eat in her house. I warmed my leftovers from lunch the feed my daughter and myself. She was tired so it didn't take long to put her to sleep and go to the main house to clean and do the dishes.
"Bye Charlotte, kiss Jamie for me" Eric said as soon as I got in the house, I was even surprised he remembered her name.
"Alright goodbye" I said then he walked out with miss and I started taking care of the dishes. After about five minutes I heard miss coming and she came the kitchen where I was.
"Oh now you walk around trying to find men huh? you want another bastard? not in my house bitch,how did you meet Eric? I hope you didn't brainwash him with your whore story" she said
"I didn't talk to him that much, I have too much to worry about in my life and a snob isn't going to be an addition to that under what circumstance" I said angrily because being accused falsely was never my thing.
"So you are back chatting me" the she slapped me across the cheek "Know your place! don't talk to Eric, he said he is coming tomorrow but he never come here without a reason, if the reason is you then your  shithead is out of my house" she said and walked out.
I was left breathless, for whatever I did God was punishing me continuously. Can my life get any better?  each day was worse than the other.
I went to sleep early that night and woke up the next morning just as early. I did my morning routine and went back to my room to prepare my own breakfast and Jamie's. After I was done I bathed her, changed her clothes then give her toys to play with outside to entertain herself so I can go wash dishes in miss' house. She was in the bathroom with her son when I got there so I did my work quietly. She usually eat snacks for lunch so there wasn't much to cook. Just before I was done she came.
"Morning miss" I said
"Eh morning, Eric will be here in 20 minutes so go to your room and don't come out until I tell you to" She said and walked out.
I went to my room and started playing with Jamie. I even taught her a gospel song I remember from my childhood but she was too young to catch up, she can't even speak well. I went to tickle her and she laughed until she peed in her pants
"Gross Jamie gross! why didn't you tell me?but I still love you though" I said kissing her face.
"I wuv you mummy" said my two and half year old sweetheart. It made me smile I felt my cheeks getting wet and realized I was crying.
I took her to the bathroom and cleaned her then I decided to sleep a little. That's when I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it and found Eric there
"Hello can I help you? does miss need me?" I said confused.
"Ho-o slow down Charlotte hahaha miss? Thandie said you are here so I came to chill" he said forcing himself in. 'seriously?' I thought
"Well I don't remember inviting you in and miss won't like it as well so get out please" I said still standing at the door.
"I'm sorry I'm not going anywhere and I'm not here to judge anyone. Thandie told me a lot about you, I actually don't trust her and it's  your story to tell so tell me because I won't move until you do" he said making himself comfortable.
"Okay I was drunk, got raped by my dear boyfriend then later my parents drove me out of their house and I lost all my friends in the process. When I gave birth I walked around trying to find a place to stay, that's when I ended up here, now can you please go I don't want to suffer for this also, I've endured enough" I told him. 
"Wow you've gone through a lot, you are too strong for your age,wait what do you mean 'endured enough?' explain" he said while standing
"You have to go now, you've heard enough" I pushed him out
"I will be back before I go to varsity you won't get rid of me that easily.." I closed the door while he was still talking and went to sleep, I wasn't going to be beaten up for some brat.

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