Chapter 7

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In my life I had never been a reason for a celebration, seeing Eric going all the way for me made me feel uneasy yet so overwhelmed. He was starting to be one of the most important people in my life though I tried denying it at first, I only hoped he felt just as much for me. He took me to the most expensive hotel in town to celebrate my results,it might be a small thing for someone but to me it was the beginning of a lesser storm.
"Eat as much as you want, its your day girlfriend!" He said attempting to make fun of me "Honestly I'm proud of you,you've gone through so much, it's been a long and hard road for you. You've taken a lot of negativities from people yet it didn't stop you from dreaming, I hope you get all you deserve and that is only the best. You are a strong person, you worked so hard to get this and I hope you wont stop any time soon. You are special Char,really special" he said seriously looking deep in my eyes and I absentmindedly started crying "I mean it, now stop crying I will start crying as well, I don't wanna mess up my Christmas clothes okay?" he said again
"I'm sorry I didn't notice, that was really sweet, no one has ever thought so much of me. Thank you Eric, I'm glad I met you because I think you are special too, I'm really glad we are friends. Thanks for all this" I said looking back at him.
"You deserve it, now lets head somewhere, anywhere you want. Its your day today,C'mon Jamie baby" He stood up from his chair and picked up Jamie.

"Its my day yet you can't even wait for me to finish my drink? How nice if you Eric!" I said picking up my bag.
"Shut up and walk little lady!"
"I so hate you Eric" I said playfully and he knew what I felt for him now is far from hate.
"I love you more Char baby" he replied.
"I swear!......" I said.
We finally decided to go to a park with Jamie. We let her play around for about two hours and we would ride with her at time. I ended up having the greatest day of my life, who would have thought Eric would be a little light in my life. The way he treated me with so much respect and Jamie with so much love brightens up my days.
'Why do you have to be only my friend?why aren't you my blood brother? why can't my family feel this much for me' I thought to myself.
"Hey hey hey Char,hello are you there?" He said saving in my face trying to get my attention. I just hugged him.
"Thank you for everything Eric, I cant believe you came in my life just a month ago, You know you made it a whole lot better" I said to him
"Its okay Char, I'm glad you are in my life also. You are an inspiration. Let's go now before your boss come"
"Oh yeah, back to my life! But I'm happy I got a High School Certificate now"
We drove home in total silence listening to Beyonce's Listen, my all time favourite. It felt right for my situation, its like the song was speaking to me, breaking away from all the negative things that was said in my life,people who made me feel like I was less yet I had so much more to work on. The next song he played was One Direction's Drag Me Down,which happened to be one of my favourite also. Eric would look my way all through the song but I didn't pay much attention to it. We arrived at home before I knew it and Eric left me at the gate because he had to take care of something quickly then come back. Sadly when I got home the doors were open with all my belongings out of the house.
"Where the freaking fuck were you Charlotte? I had a plane to catch! I've waited for you for more than two hours now, I tried calling you and you were ignoring me, I called Eric but his sister answered his phone so don't fucking lie to me whore! in fact don't answer,take all your things and get the fuck out of my house. I'm done taking care of prostitutes, there is your money now get out!" She shouted at without even letting me answer her first while handing me the money that she owed me.
"I swear I was with Eric, please believe me I don't even have a boyfriend I just went out, please don't fire me you know I don't have anywhere else to go please" I begged her
"Girl I don't give a damn,get out!"
I was pushed out forcefully with my baby in my hands, There wasn't much I could do because Thandie had already made up her mind, my clothes were already out of the house. I only had a few thousand rands in my account. I decided not to trouble Eric with my problems and since I didn't have much luggage I just called a taxi to get me to a nearest cheap location.
"Oh God I and my baby also deserve happiness,why is our happiness so short lived?" I asked no one in particular.

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