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Hey guys shout out creeperchloe. She is helpful to me because she gives me ideas and she is a great friend.
Dottie POV.
   Finally it Friday. The whole gang are having a sleepover at Blaze house. But before we headed to his house we all went to the mall just like normal. We went to the mall and play games.
    Me and blaze were playing a racing game. I came in first place and blaze came in third. "I win." I said. "I was going easy on you." Blaze said looking at me. "Sure you were." I said looking back at him sticking my tongue out. We went to see Aphmau and Aaron. They were playing hockey and from the looks of it alpha was winning for once.
     "I'm surprised that Aphmau actually winning." Blaze whispered. "Yeah she is for once." I whispered back. We walked up to them. They finished there game. "I won." Aphmau said fist pumping the air. We looked at Aaron he smiled looking at Aphmau then at us. "Should we go find the others." Aaron said. We nodded. We found Erin and Daniel playing some other games but we couldn't find Rylan and June. I texted her.
(Text conversation)
Where are you????
Me and Rylan went to go look at some shops
I thought Rylan hated shopping?
He does but he came along
Ok. The gang is going to he food court if you want to join.
We are on our way there.
(End of conversation)
"June and Rylan are in there way to the food court." I said placing my phone in me pocket. "I wonder why they left the arcade without telling us." Aphmau said. We shrugged. "Who knows now let get to the food court before they do." Blaze said. We walked to the food court and saw June and Rylan. "Hey guys it looks like you beat us here." I said. Something smelled weird. June scent was different. It looked like blaze noticed too. "June scent smells different." Blaze whispered. "Yeah it does. Do you think he marked her." I whispered back. "I guess we have to ask to find out." Blaze whispered.
      "Hey June can I ask you something." I said. "Sure go ahead." June said. "Did Rylan mark you because your scent different." I said. June face went really red and so did Rylan face. "Y-y-yes he did." June said still blushing. We order food and ate then went back to the arcade.
     "We should go before it gets dark." Blaze said. We all nodded in agreement. We walked to his house. Once we got there we sat down in the living room and talked. "Blaze truth or dare." Aphmau said. "Dare." Blaze said. Aphmau smiled evilly. "I dare you to go over to your neighbor and ring there door bell but you can't run away you have to tell them that your the gingerbread man."  Aphmau said. "Fine." Blaze said. He got up and walked out the door. A few minutes later we heard blaze runner back in the house and locked the door. "Everything okay." I said looking at him. "Yeah I guess he doesn't like gingerbread." Blaze said looking out through the window. We laughed. We sat back on the couch next to me. "Aaron truth or dare." Blaze said. "Dare." Aaron said. "I dare you to kiss Aphmau for 20 seconds." Blaze said. "Okay." Aaron said. Aaron kissed Aphmau. "20... 19... 18... 17... 16... 15... 14... 13... 12... 11... 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1." Blaze counted down. They pulled away blushing. We played truth or dare for awhile. (I couldn't think of anymore truth or dare questions.) I fell asleep in blaze.
Dottie dream
Me and blaze were sitting under a tree. We were just relaxing. He kissed me on top of the head a few time then layed his head in top of mine. I closed my eyes for a second then everything that I saw went to  something that I never want to see again. Blaze and Bella were kissing. I cried and blaze walked over and slapped me. "Bella was right you are worthless and weak. One one cares for you so just go kill yourself or I can kill you myself." Blaze said. His words felt like daggers. I saw everyone one there standing behind blaze. They were all smiling and nodded in agreement with Blaze. But this wasn't the blaze I know and love. But he was right. I should kill myself. I saw a knife and I grabbed it. I lined it up with my heart. I closed my eyes. "Please let this be a dream." I whispered to myself.
End of the dream
I sat up straight. I was a sweating. And I was breathing heavily. I gripped the bedsheets I was shaking uncontrollably. I guess I woke up Blaze because he woke up. "What wrong." Blaze said sitting up and wrapping a arm around me. "I had a nightmare. You were kissing Bella. And you called me worthless and weak you also told me to kill myself or you could kill me yourself. The gang was with you." I said between sobs. Blaze hugged me and I cried into his chest. "Sshh it okay I would never hurt you nor would the gang we are all here for you and we will always be." Blaze said. He checked the time. It was one in the morning. I felt my eyes go heavy. I fell to sleep once more hoping for a peaceful sleep.
Blaze POV.
    Earlier I carried Dottie to my bed everyone else fell asleep in the living room. I woke up to a movement. I heard Dottie breathing heavily and feel her shaking. I sat up and wrapped an arm around her. "What wrong." I said. "I had a nightmare. You were kissing Bella. And you called me worthless and weak. You also said told me to go kill myself or you could kill me yourself. The gang was with you too." Dottie said between sobs. I pulled her into a hug and let her cry. "Sshh it okay I would never hurt you nor would the gang we are all here for you and always be." I said. Soon she stopped crying so I knew she was asleep. I stay awake for a few more minutes just in case Dottie had another nightmare.
Hey guys
Hope you enjoy this chapter. 1090 word were put into this so I hope it at least a little long. I will be posting the next chapter soon. And once shout out to creeperchloe she is a great help because she helps me come up with ideas for this story.
Anyways guys stay awesome and have a great day
The fire is out.

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