We The People

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For months, obviously coinciding with the new president, I've had this icky feeling. Like there is a tar-like filthy film coating everything. It is even seeping into my brain. I can't wash it away no matter how hard I try.

It's insidious and evil and it's tenacious in is ooze over everything we the people hold dear. I can't scrub it. No matter how much I try. There's no solvent I have found to break through this mess. No amount of prayer or positive thinking or just laughing it off as absolutely ridiculous has helped. The scandal and unbelievable facts keep marching out daily like a huge black cloud covering everything. 

This negativity and evil is being perpetrated right before our eyes and I'm not sure how to stop the spread. Friends and family being divided, circletalk debates with zero conclusion, people who support the president standing on the wrong side of history.

This is what the birth of an authoritarian regime looks and feels like. A man and his group of people are actively gutting our society as we know it. Most likely for his own gain for power and money?  I really do not see the goal or endgame.  But I do know there is no caring or respect for we the people. We see this devastation when people are persecuted for their religion, tossed out of wheelchairs to be arrested for protesting, and the top leader choosing a foreign government over our own country. We the people! The suffocating daily creep of nefarious choking sludge being spewed from sea to shining sea is happening. America the Beautiful must not be destroyed.

We the people must wake up.  We must stop the spread of tyranny.  We cannot be desensitized to the hatred and anesthetized by the constant flow of scandalous breaking news. The bizarre talk from the president of "hoaxes" and the "witch hunts" and the "fake news" are all ways to tear us down and are a part of the filth.

A fragile man projecting the very darkness he has inside--broadcasting for all to see. Bearing his soul in the most vulnerable way by allowing us to see the empty shell inside. No sane person would lie and wreak havoc the way he does. But a narcissistic psychopath would act this way.  This man fits the text-book research that even I, as a casual reader of psychology, can plainly understand.

I know I said I'm not sure how to stop the spread, but that's just my fear bubbling up with the toxicity clouding my thoughts. I know quite a bit and I am willing to put the effort in to resist.

We the people are a strong force when we come together for a cause. We can influence change. We can be passionate and compassionate and focus our righteous indignation when needed. We can see an issue and band together to be heard. We can affect change! And we have and will continue. But today it is even more essential because we are in a major crisis. We the people need to be strong supporters for our country. Resist the force currently doing unbelievable damage.  Not only for ourselves and the  current world, but for our future generations.  When we are strong and healthy we can share and do good for ourselves and others.

When history is written, I implore the people today to consider where they stood and if they would be proud of themselves as this terrible story is retold indefinitely.  Did you sit back and hide, support this tyranny by making excuses for this man, step out and protest, talk to your neighbor, explain to your children that this is not acceptable coming from the president, fight for our country or any of the other myriads of ways to act in this dire situation?  We are the people who are currently being called into some sort of personal action.  This is the time of our lives and as Lin-Manuel so astutely says in the title of his Hamilton song:  "history has its eyes on you".  

This icky sludge will start to recede when we the people collectively start to clean up and focus on the values we hold dear: love, kindness, integrity, honesty, community, loyalty, peace, respect... and much more. We cannot bow down to this regime--we the people can and will show each other, the greater world and history how we came through victoriously.

We The People!

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