Donate Blood

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I have been depressed and outraged at what President Trump has done and is doing to the United States of America.  It is clear he is not the people's president and he has zero interest in governing.  He is in this for himself only—to grab whatever he can and pander to his ignorant base of followers.

These are not normal times in the USA.  A great majority of the world also agrees. The protests overseas recently prove that he is not an acceptable world leader.  The people are speaking loud and clear—at the very least, he needs to resign. 

I cannot protest 24/7 in the streets.   I feel out of control watching the actions of this administration—especially the Human Rights violations (atrocious behaviors—return the Immigrant children!).  As I reflected on how to help, I decided to look within my local community and see where I can be of service in these turbulent times.

I am disgusted daily by Trump's nefarious actions and the complicit GOP that stands silent, however, our daily life is still moving forward. It may seem like life is twisted and chaotic, but there are people who are in need. And although it is important to keep apprised of current events, we must remember that, for example, there are sick people suffering in every city in the USA.

The urgent call for O+ blood came to me in a text from the Red Cross.  I am an O+ blood type.   My blood can be used for: O+, B+, A+ and AB+ and is the most common blood type. 

Being INFJ, it is not my first choice to go out of my comfort circle and do things like this.  It gives me anxiety and stress.  So it is all the more meaningful to me that I made my appointment and was able to schedule a Double Red donation.  

This type of donation is when a special machine separates the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells.  After they are separated the red blood cells are donated and the plasma and platelets are returned into my bloodstream.  The great thing about Double Red is that this allows me to donate 2 pints of blood instead of one whole blood pint.  And with returning the plasma and platelets I do not feel woozy after a donation.

I left the donation center feeling like I did something positive in this world that is filled with negativity.  As I sat there donating, I sent out positivity and healing energy with every drop.  Love will always trump evil. And in my own way today I feel victorious.  I truly believe I made a difference for someone.

I may not be able to stop what Trump is doing, but I certainly can make decisions to actively help in ways that are meaningful for me.  I feel less distraught today because of my choice. And, in my opinion, even small things can make a difference.  After all, the USA values of love, equality, acceptance, kindness and so much more cannot and will not be broken by this madman in office.   We will prevail!   Love will conquer all!

I hope each reader here finds ways to contribute and not fall into the darkness that is happening around us.  Look for ways to be the light in your own community and greater world.  And if you are able, maybe donate blood please. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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