Chapter 3: I am a Girl!

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Chapter 3:

I am a Girl!

The beautiful pink building I had been admiring since episode one of OHSHC was right in front of my eyes. The chauffeur stopped the limo at the entrance and turned his head to face me.

"Miss. Himura, we have arrived at your school! I will be here after school to pick you up"

The chauffeur got out of the limo and opened my door for me. I walked out embarrassed with myself. I should have looked closer at the dress the maids were trying to show me. It was the girls' uniform for Ouran Academy. Now I would be showing up to school in "commoner's clothes" as the rich people of Ouran Academy would say. The chauffeur offered to take Momo home with him but I didn't trust him so I insisted on taking Momo into school with me. Before I walk away from the limo, I ask the chauffeur one last question.

"Is this the first day of school?"

He looked at me with concern just like the maid did.

"Well Miss. Himura, technically it is not the first day of school for everyone else, but it is your first day of school since you transferred here."

I nod and accept his answer. I never realized how huge the school was until today. I walk up to the main entrance and walk inside the school. I pull up my hood so no one will be able to see my face. I pause as I'm walking through the halls and realize I have no idea what class I am in. The first bell rings meaning the first class has started. The halls are completely empty. Every time I take a step, my steps echo loudly throughout the empty hall. A teacher steps out of his classroom to address the loud noise.

"Excuse me young lady, you should head to class, you are already 30 minutes late."

My voice quivers as I reply.

"Sir, I don't know what class I am in."

The teacher scratches his head in confusion.

"Young lady, what is your name?"

I sigh in relief because that is one question I can answer.

"My name is Oksana Himura, I am in 1st year."

I guessed on my year because I was a freshman in real life so I assumed I would be a 1st year here. The teacher slightly smiled.

"Oh, you are in my class! I was wondering why I was missing a student. It is ok to be late on your first day, I understand you just recently transferred to Ouran Academy."

I nod as he invites me into the classroom. I look up at the sign above the class as it reads, "Class 1-A". I walk into the classroom and everyone stares at me. I am ready to crawl into a corner and die with embarrassment. The teacher formally introduces me.

"Class this is Himura"

The girls and boys in the class look me up and down except for a couple in the back row who aren't paying attention. The teacher shows me to an empty seat in the very front row. I pull him to the side.

"Sir, I was wondering if I could sit in the back row. I have anxiety in big groups like this and don't want to be the center of attention."

The teacher rolls his eyes at me.

"Miss. Himura, get used to it."

I was surprised by the man's sudden change of attitude. I thought Ouran Academy had a policy to make all their students happy. Well, I guess screw that idea. As I was drawing on a piece of paper laying on my desk I realized I was forgetting something.

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