Chapter 8: My Name is Yukino

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Chapter 8:

My Name is Yukino

I leave Ouran Academy with a slight smile on my face. My dreams are coming true, maybe not exactly the way I wanted, but they are coming true one way or the other. I wasn't expecting to be a Host. Kyoya said nothing is official until he does a background check on me and my family.

I arrive at home and run inside since it is pouring down rain. I see my mother standing inside waiting for me.

"Oksana, come with me, now." My mother says with a serious look on her face.

"Can I put away my stuff first?" I ask but am suddenly pulled away into a hallway.

"I need to ask you something very important." My mother looks into my eyes.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We should probably go into a more private room. I don't want any maids listening in to our conversation." My mother looks both ways before pushing me into a room and closing the door behind her.

"Are you truly Eito's daughter?" She looks as if she is about to cry.

"Who is Eito?" I give her a confused look.

"Eito is your father. He is my husband." My mother stutters.

"Oh, um, yes." I answer her question.

"Don't lie. You are different from the Yukino we know." She whispers.

"I'm sorry. Who is Yukino?" I ask, still not understanding the meaning of this discussion.

"It is your real name. We started to call you Oksana after the Japanese Mafia tried to target our family. We wanted to keep your identity secret. So, when anyone searches Oksana Himura nothing comes up." She explains to me.

"I have to tell you the truth. I am not Yukino. I was never Yukino. Eito is not my father and you are not my step-mother." I come clean, not being able to keep my mouth shut any longer.

"Well I know you weren't my step-daughter. Yukino is the illegitimate child of Eito and a woman from Italy." She comes clean as well.

"I am not Yukino though. One morning I woke up in this house and have been here ever since. My name is Oksana Himura and my mother's name is Kotoko. My father has been out of my life since I was little. I am not from this world." I let out the last thing I thought I was ever going to say.

"I don't understand what you mean. Not from this world? Are you saying you are not related to our family at all?" My mother starts to cry silently.

"I am from a different world. I don't know how to explain it. I have no relations to your family other than sharing a last name." I look at the floor so I don't have to face her.

"Where is Yukino then?" My mother mumbles under her breath.

"If I knew I would tell you." I scratch my head.

"I have to go to my room. I need to process everything." My mother walks out of the room in tears.

I stand in the room for a while as tears start to fall from my eyes. This woman has lost her daughter, was it my fault? Did I somehow replace her? A maid walks into the room and rushes to me.

"Miss Himura, are you okay?" The maid asks.

"I'm fine. I have to go now." I walk out of the room and grab a raincoat from a hanger and walk out of the house.

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