Chapter 13: Shiro

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Chapter 13:


The weekend is almost over and I had an awesome two days with the Host club. Today is Sunday and I have to do some homework for school. I am dropped off at my house and run inside. I feel like someone is watching me but I don't know who it is. Is Yukino here? I don't see her. I am very paranoid lately. The twins approach me with rage in their eyes.

"I can't believe you!" Ruka yells.

"You betrayed us both!" Rin pouts.

"What are you talking about?" I am confused.

"A girl came here saying you were dating both the Hitachiin twins." They say.

"You are such a slut! Dating two men at once? You disgust me." Rin pushes me to the ground.

"Don't talk to me that way. Do you honestly believe a random girl you don't even know?" I wipe the tear from my eye.

"She said her brother saw you with them." Ruka forms a frowny face.

"Who is this girl?" I ask.

"She said she was the Queen of Ouran Academy." Rin laughs.

"I know who you are talking about now. Are you sure she said brother? I thought she was an only child?" I mumble.

"Nope, she said twin brother actually, maybe he is cute! We could date him!" Ruka squeals.

"Yukino has a twin?" I ask.

"I guess so. Oh well. We are busy right now so bye!" The twins say before leaving.

I walk to my room and grab a sketchbook from my book bag. I wonder what her twin would look like. I draw many versions of a boy version of Yukino. The doorbell rings and I realized I have spent 5 hours drawing the twin of Yukino. I go to answer the door but nothing is there except a box. I open it in my room. It reads in red lettering, "I will never give up.". I sniff the note and realize it's blood. Whose blood is on the note? I am terrified. I call Haruhi on Ruka's phone.

"Haruhi, it's an emergency. I need you to come over. Please don't invite the others." I whimper into the phone.

"I'm coming." Haruhi answers.

Haruhi comes to my house and we sit in my room.

"What's with all the drawings?" Haruhi looks around the room.

"You know Yukino?" I ask her.

"Yes." Haruhi answers.

"Apparently she has a twin so I was drawing him to see if I could guess what he looks like." My hands are shaking in my lap.

"I got this note left on my doorstep, it's anonymous." I hand Haruhi the bloody note.

"Is this blood?" Haruhi looks freaked out.

"Yes." I look at her frightened.

"I don't want to live here alone anymore. Can you stay with me?" I beg her to stay.

"I guess. For a little bit." She smiles and hugs me.

"That's good enough I guess." I laugh.

I look out my window and see Yukino standing there. She has a disturbing smile on her face. She holds up a sign saying, "If I were you, I wouldn't let anyone else get involved. They might get hurt." The sign scared me. They might get hurt. Haruhi could get hurt. I can't handle this. It turns night and me and Haruhi fall asleep.

Time skip to Monday morning...

"Ready to go to hell?" I ask Haruhi.

"If you mean school then yes." Haruhi smiles.

We walk out of the house and walk to school. When we arrive, I go to class and the teacher pulls me over.

"You are in huge trouble young lady. Pretending to be a boy in the Host club? This is just making me want to take you out of this class even more. Maybe you should be in class 1-D." The teacher yells at me.

"Sir, please don't take me out of class 1-A." I plead for mercy.

"I will think about it. You have to focus on your work more. Stop drawing in class. Also stop talking to yourself in class. It's very disruptive." He glares at me.

I sit in my seat and draw pictures of what I think Yukino's brother looks like. I am obsessed with the idea of there being another Yukino out there. I am actually terrified. What is wrong with me?

"Himura Oksana, please report to music room 3." The intercom announces.

I feel so embarrassed because I have been introducing myself with my first name first instead of last name. I excuse myself from class and walk to Music Room 3.

"You came." A boy says.

My eyes widen. Is this her brother? He looks nothing like her though. His hair is black and his eyes are blue.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Kuro. I am here to deliver a message from Shiro." He bows to me.

"Who is Shiro?" I ask him in confusion.

"You don't need to know." Kuro smirks.

"What is the message?" I ask him in curiosity.

"He says a girl by the name of Yukino will send messages pretending to be him. She will mark messages with blood. He wants you to know he is not even in Japan right now and is not the one sending you those messages." Kuro crosses his arms.

"How did you find me?" I ask him.

"Yukino is his twin sister, he knows exactly where she is always. He is also aware that she has a disliking for you." Kuro tells me everything with a straight face.

"This is all so sudden." I say.

"I must leave now. Have a nice day Oksana." Kuro bows to me and leaves the room.

"I am way more confused now than I was before I came to school." I think out loud.

"Why is that?" A voice talks from behind me.

I turn around and see Yukino standing there with her hands on her hips.

"What did I tell you about being in here?" She rolls her eyes.

"What is wrong with you? I know you are the one sending me the blood notes." I yell at Yukino.

"You are being stupid. If I wanted to send blood notes, I would cut you open and use your blood." Yukino giggles.

She leaves the room and I am left once again, in a more confused state than what I was in before. Okay so, Shiro obviously has enough power to send a messenger here instead of coming here himself. It is odd they are named Black and White. Kuro means black and Shiro means white. Yukino also has something to do with snow which is white. I am thinking too far into this. I honestly am done trying to solve all these loose ends. There is too much going on at the same time.   

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