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Delirious' pov
I walked through the woods to my house. School was out for the weekend and I wanted to go to Evan's for the gaming night but my first obstacle was my dad. He doesn't entirely like me hanging out with friends. I was lucky to even be allowed to stay up late playing with them.

"Hey dad!" I called as I walked inside. I heard commotion in the kitchen and went to investigate. My dad stood over the bench cutting up some meat. Probably for dinner.

"Hey dad. Can I go to Vanoss' this weekend for a gaming night?" I asked, grabbing a glass of water.


"Awe come on dad. They're laid back and won't do anything wrong."


"They won't do anything like that dad. They aren't like my old friends."


"I'll be back before five on Sunday. And I'll do all my chores for the week," I bargined.


"Tomorrow. Vanoss said he'd pick me up from the school at 9 so I'll have plenty of time to get ready."


"Awe come on pleeeeease. I never get to go out."


"That was different. Please can I go."


"Fine. I'll help you tonight but can I go?"


"Yes! Thanks Dad. I love you," I said, giving him a kiss on the check before running upstairs to tell the others. I opened my laptop and immediatly joined the call we always used. Only me and Evan were in it at the time.

"Hey Evan!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah Jon?" Evan said, his smile evident in his tone.

"I'm allowed to come tomorrow!" I cheered with joy.

"Yay! So you want me to pick you up at the school?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll be there at nine," I said.

"Okay. I'll be there too," Evan said as Luke joined the call as well.

"Hey, what are you guys talkin about?" Luke asked.

"I'm allowed to come to the gaming night!" I said happily.

"Great! That's awesome. Have you been to a gaming night before?" Luke asked.

"Ah, no. My dad never used to let me out. I only went out once and that's when...," I trailed off as I remembered what happened.

"When what?" Tyler's voice came and I realised him and Ohm had joined the call while I was talking.

"It's nothing. Hey ah, I need to help my dad out tonight if I want to go so I'll see you tomorrow," I said quickly.

"Oh, alright then. Bye Jonno," Evan said. I felt myself blush a little at the name.

"Yeah, see ya later Jonny boy," Luke added as I left the call. I felt my face burning hot. I had to admit I kinda have a crush on both Vanoss and Cartoonz but I don't know who to pick let alone if they like me back. I'll just give it a while and play dumb. Maybe one of them will make a move first and I won't have to choose. But then what will happen to the other?

"Deep breath Delirious. Don't let your mind run now. You'll figure it out. I can see what happens at the gaming night and go from there," I said to myself before getting up and going back downstairs.

"Hey dad. Want some help with dinner or are we eating after we're done?" I asked as I entered the kitchen again.


"Alright. I'll just go grab my things and I'll be right back," I said, heading off to grab everything.

Evan's pov
I sat thinking as we played. Delirious seemed a little distracted in the call. Something was bothering him and it had to do with his past I know it. What happened that threw him off so much with just the thought of it? But he did sound adorable when he stuttered when I called him Jonno. Why did Luke have to call him Jonny boy after though?

"YO! EARTH TO EVAN. CAN YOU READ ME?" Tyler said loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, ah yeah?" I answered, seeing that I was a hunter in prop hunt. But wasn't I a prop before?

"Dude, you've been spacing out all round. What's up?" Cartoonz asked concerned.

"Oh, nothing. I was just day dreaming," I said with a nervous laugh.

"Now that's a lie. Come on Evan you can tell us things. We're your friends," Tyler urged.

"Fine. I was thinking about how bothered Delirious sounded when he thought about his past. He just completely stopped talking," I said, finally moving and searching for props.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. I'm sure he's fine though. If we need we can check up on him tomorrow okay," Ohm said before screaming as I found him.

"Yeah I know. But I'm still worried about him," I said truthfully, taking a drink of my cola.

"Awe, is Evan concerned for his little boy friend," Tyler said in a teasing tone. I breathed in my drink and spat it all out, choking and coughing. I heard everyone laughing as I began to breath a little better.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered out, still coughing as the soda (or fizzy as I prefer) burned my throat and lungs.

"Ohhhhh, does Evan have a crush on little Delirious?" Ohm asked teasingly.

"N-no I don't!" I objected but that just made me look even more guilty.

"HE DOES!" Tyler cheered.

"No I fucking don't!" I shouted, blushing like mad from embarrassment.

"Don't deny it Evan. We can tell you do. Don't worry, we won't tell him," Ohm said.

"Better fucking not," I shot as I finally stopped coughing.

"Awe, so you admit you do," Tyler said slyly.

"Shut up would you," I said, a smile forming on my face.

"Okay okay. I will. But you should toooootally tell him tomorrow," Tyler urged.

"What? No!" I said quickly.

"Why not?" Ohm asked.

"Because I don't even know if he likes me back. I'm not telling him shit and neither will you guys," I said sternly.

"Fine fine. Good point. But if you don't tell him I'm going to," Tyler said quickly.

"I'm in with that," Ohm added.

"This is why I don't tell you guys who I like," I said sarcastically, shaking my head.

"Hey, where's Cartoonz? He isn't in the call anymore," Tyler pointed out. I checked and he indeed wasn't in the call. But he was just before. Why did he leave and when? Was it because we were talking about me liking Delirious? I'll have to ask him about that tomorrow when I get the chance.

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