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Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been busy and haven't had any good ideas for this really. Sorry

Delirious' pov
It had been a few months since I 'woke up' and it's been torture. I would feel or hear things when no one was there. Whispers in my ear; my name being called; someone grabbing my hand or stroking my hair. I was going insane!

I didn't tell anyone about it but I'm pretty sure they've all realised how on edge I've become. That is, if they even pay attention. Luke and Evan have. They ask me what's wrong every time I jump or when I look around for no reason. I say it's nothing but they don't believe me anymore.

"Come on Delirious! That's the fifth time you've jumped in the last ten minutes. What's bothering you? And don't say nothing because clearly something is," Evan said, surprisingly agitated.

I looked to the floor, trying to avoid their eyes and the conversation. How do I explain something like this? It's not normal for people to feel things when nothing is there. Am I being haunted?

"Jonathan!" Luke's deep voice made me jump. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He quickly stepped up to me and removed my mask, I let him. He frowned when my tears began to trail down my face and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back as everything that was going wrong flooded into my head. The friend group, my feelings for people, and the ghosts that haunt me plus my own mind over thinking every little thing. I couldn't take it.

I couldn't hold it in much longer. I let every thing out. I told them everything and didn't even care if they hated me after. I even told them about my confusing feelings for them and the world I apparently dreamt up.

After I just cried as they sat there in silence. I'd buried my face into Luke's chest and didn't plan on showing myself any time soon. But, Luke pulled me away from him. He gave me a soft, sympathetic look.

"Why didn't you tell us this earlier? We could have helped you with everything," he said in a quiet voice. It only made me cry more for how stupid I was. When I pulled away again I couldn't stand the looks they gave me. I got up and ran.

I don't know where I was running to but soon I was outside of the house and running into the forest on the outskirts of town. I didn't know if anyone was following me but the further I ran the easier it became to run. It felt like something was being lifted off of my chest and clearing my lungs. I felt as if I'd broken free from an eternal darkness.


I didn't stop when the whispers began.

"Keep going."

"You're nearly there."

"Don't stop."

I kept running, doing as the voices said. They began to grow louder until they almost seemed to be talking right next to me but when I looked no one was there. I suddenly tripped and fell to the hard ground, grazing my hands.

"Get up."

"Don't stop."

"Keep going."

Tears stung my eyes as blood dripped from my hands. I stuffed them into my pockets and got up, feeling dizzy. I felt like throwing up as i used a tree for support, its' bark digging into my open wound.

"Who.... who are you?" I breathed out.

"Just keep going."

"Don't stop."

"You'll be okay."

My vision darkened a little when I tried to walk and I fell to the ground once again, unable to keep going.

"Please, tell me who you are," I asked with the last energy I had left.

"We're your friends. We're helping you break free. Now keep going!"

I didn't question it, or couldn't really. I just got up and began to slowly walk somewhere. I just followed what the voices said, not bothering to question them anymore. I didn't believe what they'd said about being my friends but I didn't care really.

"A few more steps, then you're free. Come on, you can do it."

At this I stopped. What was I doing? I was following the orders of strange voices  I didn't even know where they came from. Was I really about to do as they asked? I mean, I have been so far.

It was only now that I realised I was standing in front of a large cliff. A few more steps and I'd fall to my death. I was glad I'd stopped to think because I hadn't been paying attention as to where I was going before.

I took a step back but something on my shoulder stopped me. I turned to see a fragmented image of Vanoss. He was wearing his red jacket like usual and his hair was all messy. He looked worried though.

"Delirious. It's not real. The cliff isn't real," he said. His voice sounding further away than he stood. I frowned, not knowing what he was trying to say.

"Jonathan!" I spun around, seeing Evan and Luke standing a few feet away from me. I glanced at the faded image then to the real, solid thing. Was I seeing double?

"Delirious, what are you doing out here? Come back home, please," Luke said, his voice soft.

"Don't listen to them. They aren't real. This is all fake. Just take a few steps back. You won't fall," Vanoss said beside me, the fragmented one that seemed to break the closer the solid one came.

"W-what the hell is happening?" I asked, not directing it to anyone in particular.

"What do you mean Jon?" Luke asked and I felt something in me snap.

"Stop calling me that! I hate that name!" I growled. He stopped walking and didn't say anything more.

"They aren't your real friends Delirious. Your real friends would never call you anything you didn't like," Vanoss said as his image blurred more. His voice sounded stronger though.

"Jon? What's wrong?" Evan asked, taking another step towards me. I instinctively took one back, forgetting about the cliff behind me.

"I said DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled, taking another step back when I lost my footing, falling backwards over the edge of the cliff...

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