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Cartoonz pov
It's been a week since we started our project and we've really gotten to know Delirious. He hangs out with our group every day and plays video games with us at night. He's really good if he isn't sleepy.

"Awe, is Delirious tired after staying up all night playing? Do you need a lil nap with teddy bear?" Vanoss coed. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that he was also close to Delirious.

"Shuddup," Delirious mumbled, laying his head on the desk.

"Awe, lil teddy bear boy is gonna take a widdle nap," I mocked in a childish voice.

"Go away Billy," Delirious mumbled, wrapping his arms around his head.

"Who's Billy?" Bryce and Ohm asked, laughing after.

"Apparently I'm Billy," I said with a chuckle. Everyone laughed more but Delirious didn't respond. He had fallen asleep.

"Poor little guy. He got most of the kills and Mvp's last night. He must be exhausted," Tyler said, leaning back in his chair next to Evan.

"Yeah, he's awesome at video games. No one can escape his wraith," Bryce said in a deep voice. We all laughed again but quietend down afterwards. The bell rang and people started coming in, making a lot of noise but Delirious didn't wake up. He was so cute sleeping.

"Alright class... Is that Jonathan?" The teacher asked, looking at Delirious.

"Yeah Mrs. Your class is so boring he fell asleep already," Evan said, making everyone laugh.

"Can you wake him up Luke," the teacher asked me.

"No. Your lesson took all the energy out of him that the only thing that can wake him now is the bell of freedom," I said with a smirk.

"What ever. If he fails it will be your fault," Mrs warned.

"Or yours for having such a boring lesson," Evan said. The teacher looked like she was about to yell at us but turned around instead. Evan gave me a brofist behind Delirious' chair and we presumed our normal routine in this class. Talking and paying no attention to the teacher at all.

~time skip to the bell of freedom~

The bell finally rang and everyone but me and Evan left. We woke Delirious and he sat up slowly, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He was so adorable. He looked around and realised class had ended, climbing to his feet unstably.

"Woah there buddy. Careful," Evan said, both of us supporting him.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I.... Hey," He stuttered. I smiled at how cute his stutter sounded and grabbed his bag, still supporting him.

"Let's go kiddo. We have art to do," I said softly.

"I-I-I like art. I get to be with you guys," Delirious mumbled, leaning more into me.

"That's sweet an all but we first need to get there. Come on Del, wake up a bit," Evan said, shaking Delirious a little. He woke up and stood up by himself. I wanted him to lean on me more but it would have looked kinda weird to others I guess.

"Alright alright. I'm awake. It's you guys fault I'm this tired anyway. You made me stay up late playing with you," Delirious said, stretching and waking up a little more.

"Hey, you didn't have to play with us you know. If you were tired you could have said so," Evan said simply.

"Fuck you Evan," Jon shot, clearly defeated in this.

"I mean, you can if you want to," Evan said with a smirk and I think I saw a hint of a blush on his face. Maybe it was just me.

"Shut up Evan. You can't get a homeless person to fuck you if your life depended on it," I said with a smirk.

"What if it was the homeless person's life on the line. Then they would want to fuck me in order to live," he countered as we headed down the fairly empty class.

"Can you guys just shuch up!" Delirious said annoyed. I held back a laugh at his mess up.

"Shuch up?" Evan asked what I didn't. "Yo Luke, you need to shuch up."

"Why don't you shuch up Evan?" I shot back laughing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Delirious groaned. He still looked cute even though he is mad as fuck.

"No no Delirious. It's pronounced Shuch up," Evan said posh like. I chuckled more as Delirious rubbed his face under his mask.

"You guys will be the death of me I swear," he yawned, entering our art class first.

"And the Killer is awake!" Brock called across the room. Delirious froze for a moment and seemed a little nervous before shaking his head slowly.

"Hey, shut up okay. I'm tired as fuck," Delirious sighed, sitting down in his seat.

"No remember, it's shuch up," I said with a snigger. Delirious looked at me unamused and let out a groan.

"Don't make fun of me when I'm weak," Delirious whined.

"What did you guys do to him?" Brian asked.

"Woke him up," Evan and I said symaltaniesly.

"Oh, that's all," Brock said with a giggle.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!," the teacher called, getting everyone's attention. "Work on your projects and don't break anything."

As usual the class burst into noise and everyone got into their groups. Evan went and got our project and stuff while I pulled out my book and pencils. We had already designed and coloured in what we want out sculpture to look like.

Delirious did the sketching and shading then Evan created the 3D blueprint of it online. I colour coded it and now all we needed to do was sculpt the teddy bear. We were all going to do a piece each and Delirious didn't look entirely up to doing anything today so he'll have to do his piece next week.

"Hey Delirious?" Evan asked, placing everything down on the table.

"Hmm? Yeah?" Delirious responded, sitting up again.

"You wanna come to my place this weekend? I'm having a gaming night with some of the guys and thought you might want to come," Evan asked. I'd forgotten about that. Maybe I can find a way to tell him I like him at Evan's house if he comes.

"Yeah sure. I'll ask my dad when I get home," He answered. This might just work.

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