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Quick question, listen up bitches. I'm writing a different story with my usual ships I write so do you guys want me to finish this or come back to it? Please answer or I won't fucking know what you want.

Delirious' pov
I woke up in an unfamiliar room and began to freak out a little before backtracking the events of last night. I remember falling asleep on the couch next to Vanoss and Caroonz so this must be Evan's room. Speaking of the two, they didn't seem to be getting along as much as usual last night. I wonder what happened.

I got up and was thankful I still had my mask on before heading downstairs. Luke was asleep on the couch but there wasn't anyone else in the living room. Bryce and Ohm were meant to be sharing one of the spare bedrooms while I took the other. I guess me and Vanoss just swapped rooms.

"Morning," a voice called as I entered the kitchen, making me jump. "Shit. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I looked up to see Evan sitting on the bench across the room. I let out a sigh and giggled to myself on how on edge I was letting myself get. I shook my head and walked over to him, jumping up on the bench in front of him.

"Morning," I hummed, feeling a lot more awake than yesterday.

"You fell asleep pretty quickly last night. Didn't even make it to the champions round," Evan said in a deep voice. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I was sleepy mkay," I said. (Can anyone else imagine that with his usual stutter in it? Cause I can)

"Mkay? Well, if you say so," Evan said with a smirk. I shook my head and was about to ask him about what was going on between him and Luke when Luke himself walked through the door.

"Morning," I said politely as he noticed us. He seemed to avoid contact with Evan and just look at me.

"Yes, a lot of mourning indeed," he said, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. I felt my heart beat a little faster, having both of them in the same room so close to me. I still don't know who I like more between the two and no one has asked me anything so I'm just going to leave it that way.

"Oh cheer up man. Don't let the time bring you down," I said with a hidden smile. He looked at me confused before shaking his head and laughing.

"You're a weird one Delirious," he said, choosing to lean against the doorframe he stood in.

"That's why they call me Delirious," I said, striking a weird pose. Both Evan and Luke laughed but it quickly fell silent again. I let out a sigh before jumping down from the bench and heading towards the door.

"What's wrong Del?" Evan asked concerned. I turned to him and pulled on a smile I knew he couldn't see, but felt I needed to.

"Nothing. I'm just going to sit down," I said, trying to sound as calm and cheerful as I could.

"Oh, okay then. My mum should be back to make breakfast soon before she goes out. She makes the best pancakes ever," Evan said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Cool. I can't wait to try them and see. I can make some pretty good pancakes too," I said, an evil smirk crawling across my face as I remembered playing last night. We started off playing some GTA. Evan was on his computer while I was on the tv screen and I may or may not have crushed him with my car.

"No! That isn't funny Delirious," Evan said, realising what I was referring too. I laughed and ran out of the room, jumping onto the couch and getting comfortable. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to see Bryce and Ohm coming down them.

"Morning love birds," I teased. They looked down and me as both their faces turned red and they stuttered out for me to shut up. I laughed kicking my legs up onto the couch so no one else could sit down, Bryce doing the same on the other couch.

"Delirious move," Ohm said sternly but I shook my head.

"Nah, I was here first man. Go snuggle with Bryce," I teased. Ohm's face turned red but a smirk crossed his face.

"Okay," He said with a shrug. He walked over to Bryce's couch and picked up his legs, sitting under them, before laying them across his lap. He stuck his tongue out at me as I pouted slightly. I was trying to get them to cuddle so I could take a picture but I can't now. Eh, doesn't really matter.

"NO YOU BACK OFF EVAN!" I heard Luke shout from the kitchen. I quickly jumped up and ran in to see Luke and Evan glaring daggers at each other.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked, feeling anxiety building in my chest from the thought of people fighting. I pushed the feeling away and tried to focus on the situation at hand.

"Nothing," my two friends said at once, still glaring at each other.

"Clearly something is happening between you two because you look like you're ready to stab each other," I said, hoping they didn't take my sentence seriously.

"Let's just say we both want the same thing but only one person can have it," Evan said, looking at me as his face softened a little.

"What is it?" I asked, they both remained silent for a moment, neither one of them breaking eye contact.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't concern you Delirious," Luke said, trying to calm his voice.

"Well if it's making my friends argue like this then it clearly concerns me. I want to help," I said sternly. What does he mean it doesn't concern me. I'm their friend, they trust me right? Then again, I wouldn't trust me.

"No, it's nothing Delirious. Just... arguing over who gets the biggest pancake," Luke said even though it was clearly a lie. Before I could say anything else though Luke stormed out of the room, Evan leaving shortly afterwards. I let out a sigh before sadly trudging back to the couch and talking with Bryce and Ohm.

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