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Delirious' Pov
I nervously waited as Cartoonz set up his computer. I didn't really know how to act or what to say. I don't even know if I acted the same way in the real world than I did in the dream world.

"Dude, are you alright? You're shaking," Luke said, making me jump from the sudden noise.

"Oh, ah. Y-yeah. I'm o-okay," I said, my voice shaking along with my body.

"Dude, calm down. Take a deep breath. Don't worry alright. The guys won't bother you with too many questions. If anything they'll ask if you're alright and if you can play with them. They know you struggle to communicate with people, especially after what happened to you. You nearly died," He said, rubbing my back to calm me down.

So I was pretty similar to how I first started out in the dream. Maybe I can try to work towards being more comfortable around people like I was closer to the end. Besides the who murder thing. Where ever that came from.

"A-alright," I mumbled, my mask catching my still shaky breaths. When I was completely calmed down, Cartoonz joined the group call and we were greeted with a whole lot of yelling and screaming. Luke turned to me with a chuckle.

"Golf," He stated simply. I chuckled before hearing the other end go quieter.

"FUCK YOU GUYS! I'M NEVER PLAYING WITH YOU AGAIN!" A voice that resembled Tyler shouted.

"Oh, but you will. Just wait until tomorrow, the same thing will happen," Luke said, making his presence know.

"Cartoonz! How's Delirious? Is he out of the hospital yet?" Ohm asked. I felt a warm feeling in my chest as everyone started asking about me. A smile formed on my lips behind my mask and I let out a quiet laugh, gone unheard to everyone else from how much chatter was happening.

"Can you guys shut up!? If you be quiet you'll know that he's right here with me listening to you bitches scream at each other," Luke said, making me laugh.

"Delirious! How are you feeling?" Ohm asked as everyone else stayed quiet.

"Well, besides a headache from you assholes, I'm fine," I said with a laugh.

"At least he's still Delirious. That laugh tells it all," Mini said, making everyone laugh.

"Hey, wanna play with us? We're playing golf," Brian asked.

"Oh I know what you're playing and I'd rather not join. The game cheats," I said, crossing my arms and pretending to sound angry. This made everyone laugh again until Tyler screamed again.

"THIS BALL IS TOO BIG FOR THE FUCKING HOOOOOOLE!! WHYYYYYYYYY! JUST GO IN YOU STUPID PUSSYYYYY!!!!" everyone laughed even more, some even saying they couldn't breath while Mini said he couldn't see.

"Alright... I think we're just gonna lay back and relax. Delirious here needs to rest," Cartoonz said once everyone had calmed down. We all said out farewells before Cartoonz left the call.

"So, we can either watch a movie or just talk. What do you want to do?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"I'm tired. Let's just watch a movie. We can talk tomorrow when I'm not tired," I said, rubbing my face under my mask. He nodded and motioned me to sit on his bed before setting a movie up on the tv. (What's ya fav movie pansies?) I felt myself drifting off instantly and soon enough I was fast asleep.

~Dreamy dream~
I was walking down the halls of what looked like a school. I was alone in the hall full of other students. I kept my head down and my hood up as my mask covered the tears, bruises and red marks on my face.

"HEY LOOSER!" A voice shouted from near me. I ignored it, figuring they were talking to a friend or someone else. Thats when I felt a hand on my shoulder spin me around and shove me into a locker.

I began to panic as I stared into dark eyes. I had no idea who the person was or what I'd done wrong to get their attention but soon enough fresh tears fell down my face as I lay on the floor in pain. At least they didn't get to see the pain and tears they'd brought to me.

"Are you okay?"  A deep voice asked. I looked up to see a male around my age wearing a red jacket, his hood pulled up over his head with small black horns sticking out the top. I shook my head in response to his question and groaned in pain.

"Do you need help?" He asked, his eyes never leaving my mask. I shook my head again, trying to get up but only falling again as more pain spread through my body.

"You need help. I can bring you to the nurse," he said, his hands shifting in his pockets as he glanced around the now empty halls. "It isn't far from here. You can't walk on your own though. Your ankle looks broken." I looked up at the mysterious boy with curiosity.

"H-how do y-you kn-now th-that?" I asked, my voice shaking from the anxiety building up in my chest.

"It's sticking out," He stated, pointing the the lump in my skin that surely meant my ankle was broken. No wonder I was in so much pain. I was quiet for a while before looking at the boy.

"Ah, c-can you h-help me?" I asked shyly, looking down again quickly. I felt warm arms gently wrap around me and I was lifted off the ground. I felt myself blush as the stranger carried me down the halls with ease.

"The names Luke. But I like Cartoonz," he said, his voice friendly. I was quiet for a while again before figuring there's no point in hiding from this make who obviously isn't going to hurt me.

"Jonathan. B-but I d-don't like b-being called th-that," I said, my voice cracking slightly at the memories.

"It's okay. I'll call you Delirious cause of your cool mask," Cartoonz said cheerfully. I smiled at his response, feeling happy for the first time that day.

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