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Delirious' pov
I snapped out of my angered state and looked at one of my friends in shock. I felt my body begin to tremble when I saw Evan, Luke, Ohm and Tyler looking at me with fear.

"I-I.... I...," I couldn't get my words out. I was afraid of myself and what I could do. What I'd done. My heart pounded against my chest and rang in my ears. I tried to breath but nothing seemed to reach my lungs as the world darkened a little and began to spin.

"Delirious?" I heard Evan say, him reaching towards me. I backed away, not wanting to hurt him. I saw the hurt in his eyes that drowned out his fear but I couldn't do anything about it. He stepped closer and I backed away more, my back hitting something cold and smooth.

"P-please.... I d-don't want t-to hurt y-you," I choked out and he stopped, turning back to the others. I felt my legs grow weak and numb and I suddenly fell to the ground, unable to catch myself as I landed on my forearms. I let out a hiss as pain shot up my side from my previous injury and the new pain in my arms.

"Delirious!" I heard several shouts that began to meld together and became fuzzy. I couldn't understand anything around me as my heart beat took over and I felt like I was being pulled underground.

You should kill them for looking at you like that.

"W-what?" I breathed out, my eyes widening through my blurred vision. I could see fuzzy outlines or people but no faces.

You heard me. They think you're a monster. They're afraid of you. They always will be.

"No. You're wrong," I mumbled through gritted teeth.

You know they're afraid of you. You saw their faces. They'll never look at you the same again. May as well get rid of them.

"I don't care how they look at me. You're the monster. You made me do it. You made me do all of it," I hissed out, unaware that my words were heard by others.

All those people deserved to die. They were bullying you remember. I saved you. I got rid of the problem.

"You created another problem for me. One I'm stuck with now," I growled, numb to the hand on my shoulder.

But I stopped the bullying. I can do it again if you want. These people aren't your friends. They just felt sympathy towards you because you were alone. They don't care about you.

"Shut up," I said, my voice shaking.

Why? Because I'm right? You know I'm always right. Just let me take over. I can get rid of them for you. Then they won't have to think of you as a monster.

"I said SHUT UP!" I screamed, grabbing my head and trying to shake his voice from my mind. I felt strong hands grabbing my face and was suddenly aware of everything around me, as if being snapped back to reality by the touch. I felt my tears, my heart beat, my uneven breaths, the grass beneath me, my clothes on my body and the wind through my hair.

"Jon, can you hear me? Please, answer me. You're scaring us," Evan's voice cut through and I felt completely calm. My mind went blank, my heart felt like it stopped and my breath was pulled away. My tears seemed to freeze against my icey cold face and my eyes became dull. I was scaring them. I am a monster...

"Delirious?" Evan asked, his voice shaking. "Please talk to me buddy. Say something."

I was silent as their constant questions floated through my head and vanished as new words appeared. I didn't blink, I didn't breath, I didn't move. I just sat there and stared off into space.

"I am a monster," I whispered. I was surprised anyone could hear it from how quiet it sounded. I could feel a fingers run through my hair and a soft hand against my face. I blinked and the faces of my friends looked back at me, their expressions unreadable.

"You're not a monster Del, what makes you think that?" Luke said, his expression becoming worried and concerned yet confused.

"Yes I am. You're all scared of me because of it," I said, fresh tears falling down my face.

"We aren't scared of you Delirious. You just shocked us at how suddenly out of character you became," Ohm said, trying to use words that wouldn't make me feel worse but I did.

They'd be scared if they knew the real me. If they knew I wasn't out of character at all.

"Delirious?" I was pulled from my thoughts by a soft voice. I looked up and was surprised to see Tyler giving me a concerned look. I never knew his voice could get that soft.

"I asked you why you were talking to yourself before and asked what happened," he said, his voice staying calm but concerned. I looked down as my blood ran cold and my vision flashed red from all the people I'd hurt...

"He wants me to hurt you. I don't want to though. He won't leave me alone," I sobbed out, too scared of drowning in my thoughts to care about how scared they'd be of me anymore.

"Who's he?" Tyler asked, keeping his voice low.

"..." I couldn't answer that. He didn't have a name nor a face. He didn't exist outside my head. The only time he has really existed was when he'd use my body to...

"Can you at least tell us what he wants?" Tyler asked when he saw I wasn't going to answer. I let out a sharp shaky breath as a heavy wave of his thoughts crushed me. I felt my breath beimv stolen away from me again and my vision darkened so quickly I thought I'd died.

"He wants me to kill people..."

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