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Delirious' pov
I slowly walked towards the school with tired eyes. No, fuck tired eyes; I was tired everything. Helping my dad took longer than expected, a lot longer, and I ended up with no sleep last night. So much for staying up late with the guys.

"Hey Delirious!" Evan's voice called out to me. I looked up to see him leaning against a tree near the front of the school.

"Hey Vanoss *yawn* what's up?" I asked as I approached him.

"Dude, how much sleep did you get last night?" He asked, looking me up and down. 

"Ahhh, pass?" I said like a question.

"You didn't get any sleep did you?" Evan said with a sigh.

"Dude I'm fine. I just need a coffee," I said with another yawn. (Ah, fun fact. I don't like coffee)

"I'll make you one when we get to my place. Come on, no one will be there for an hour if we can get there fast enough," Evan said with a laugh.

"Shut up. I can walk still," I said, following him to his house. He guided me inside like I was blind and sat me on the couch.

"I'll be right back with your coffee. Just stay awake until then would ya," Evan said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah. Get to it slave," I said with a smirk. He shook his head with a laugh and hurried into the assumed kitchen, returning a few minutes later with two steaming cups.

"Here you go your majesty. One cup of coffee for you," He said in a posh accent. I laughed and took the cup from him.

"Thank you slave," I said. We both laughed before I turned away and took a sip of the coffee, not letting him see my face.

"Hey, why don't you let people see your face?" Evan asked the question I wish he didn't.

"I just don't okay," I said, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh... okay then," Evan said. I was glad he didn't try to push me into telling him.

"Hey ah, what are we going to do until the others get here," I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh ah... I wanted to know if...," Evan began but sighed when he didn't continue. "I wanted to know what game you wanted to play until they show up." I looked at him through my mask. That was the first time I had ever heard Evan stumble over his words. What ever he was going to say must be really bothering him.

Evan's pov
I can't believe I chickened out like that. I had full opportunity to ask him out and I freaked out. I let my nerves get to me. So now I decided I would ask him if he wanted to see a movie with me next weekend and ask him out there.

"Hey Evan! Can you go get some more Food and drinks. We're almost out," Ohm called as he stared at the tv monitor, fiercely battling Bryce in a 1V1. I sighed and stood up, heading into the kitchen to get more food.

The noise of my friends and the game were drowned out as a wall blocked the way and the door closed behind me. I grabbed some more chips and lollies from the cupboard and opened the fridge and grabbed three bottles of fizzy drink. I closed the fridge and jumped when I saw Cartoonz standing behind it.

"Holy shit you scared the crap out of me Luke. Don't do that again you ass," I said as I tried to recover from the fright.

"I know you like Delirious Evan," He said monotonously. "But he's mine."

"W-wait what?" I asked confused.

"Delirious is mine so I suggest you back off," Cartoonz threatened.

"Wait, you like him too?" I asked in shock.

"No shit Evan. Why do you think I hung up last night when you guys were talking about how cute you two would be together?" He asked, sounding sad and angry.

"I-I didn't realise," I stuttered out but I felt determined to make Delirious mine.

"Yeah well, don't even think about asking him out because I'm going to," Cartoonz said strongly.

"Yeah well, let's see who asks him out first," I said. Shit, I should have just asked him earlier when I had the chance. Just as Luke was about to answer back Delirious wandered through the door and looked at us suspiciously.

"What are you two doing?" He asked, looking between the two of us.

"Nothing," we both answered in unison. Delirious didn't seem convinced as he grabbed a full bottle of coke and left again. Cartoonz gave me a glare before leaving the room as well. I let out a sigh and grabbed everything I'd come for, heading back to the others. I saw Bryce beating Ohm at the game but Ohm wasn't even paying much attention anyway as he shifted closer to Bryce. Smooth Ohm. Smooth.

I sat down next to Delirious, Cartoonz on his other side. It was just us tonight. The others came last night it was clear that Ohm was focused on Bryce and I already know that Bryce also has a crush on Ohm so this is probably going to end well for them but this situation with me, Cartoonz and Delirious is going to be a bit more difficult.

I turned back to Delirious to see him struggling to open the bottle of coke he had with him. I smiled and took the bottle from him, easily opening it. He thanked me before pouring himself a cup, drinking from a small straw I found him so he didn't have to keep lifting his mask.

I could see Luke glaring at me from the corner of my eye but I ignored it as Bryce cheered with triumph. I looked over to him to see that he had beaten Ohm in the game but they were sitting so close their shoulders touched. The real winner was Ohm in this round.

"In you face Ohm! I beat your ass," Bryce cheered happily.

"Why would you beat my ass? Is it just that irresistible?" Ohm said with a smirk. Bryce's face lit up a bright red and he looked away from Ohm. I laughed and returned my gaze to Delirious to see that he had already fallen asleep. I should probably take him to my bed so that we don't wake him with all our noise.

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