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Delirious' pov
I was snuggled up on the couch with Luke and Evan on each side of me. We were watching a horror movie and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I wasn't really a fan of horror but I still watched. Suddenly, a loud noise rang from the tv and I let out a scream, grabbing my teddy bear and holding it close to me for comfort.

"Teddy, hold me," I said, momentarily forgetting the others were behind me. I turned to them to see a slightly disappointed look on their faces but they smiled when they saw me looking. Maybe they were expecting it to be scarier or something.

"You two okay? You seemed more scared of my house then this movie," I said, a smirk playing across my hidden face as a blush spread across theirs.

"We weren't scared!" Evan said quickly, his voice going a pitch higher than usual.

"Yeah, we were just... ah, shocked... that you lived in such an isolated area," Cartoonz continued.

"Oh please, you two were shaking like leaves," I teased, leaning closer to both of them.

"Noooo, we were just cold. It's very shady in the middle of a forest. Lots of... trees," Vanoss said.

"Yeah, there's so many shadows you can have a dinner party with them," Cartoonz said, making me chuckle.

"Man, you two are adorable," I said, my face reddening when I realised I'd said it out load. "Ahh, I mean, are you hungry? I am. I'm gonna go get some food." I quickly got up and ran out of the room.

Instead of going to the kitchen I went to the bathroom to wash my face. When I did, I lifted my shirt to reveal the pure white bandages that wrapped around my torso. I don't even know how I'd managed to hurt myself just by falling but it hurt none the less. A shiver ran down my spine as my body felt cold but I ignored it.

I let out a sigh as I dropped my shirt back down and quietly left the bathroom, heading downstairs into the kitchen where my dad stepped inside covered in blood. My eyes widened and I ran over to him.

"Dad what the fuck? You can't wander around the house looking like this when my friends are over. They'll freak!" I whisper-shouted and he shot me a glare through his mask.


"I know but please, don't let them see you looking like you've murdered someone," I asked, glancing over my shoulder to the stairs that led to my room.


"I know you did but dad, please stay out of sight. I don't want them to be afraid of me. They're good friends..." I trailed off as a frown crossed my face. My father knew I wasn't straight but he didn't know I had a crush on both the boys in my bed.


"Thank you. And please be quiet. We were watching horror movies and they might get jumpy if they hear you walking around," I said, forcing a smile onto my face even though it was pointless. It just helped with the tone I was trying to use.


With that, my father turned and left in silence. The atmosphere around me shifted and suddenly it didn't feel as cold anymore. I sighed again before heading to my room where my two friends were fighting over what character in mortal combat was best. They turned to me when I entered and smiled softly.

"What happened to getting food?" Evan asked, a sly look crossing his expression.

"We didn't have anything I liked and I ate all the ice cream this morning. Should have gotten more earlier but I was kinda having a moment," I said with a shrug, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"About that, how are you feeling?" Evan asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just... tired I guess," I mumbled, feeling exhausted by my own words.

"Lay down. We should all be getting some sleep," Cartoonz said with a smile before flopping back on the bed. My bed was big enough to fit all of us on at once so we did just that, being too lazy to set anything else up.

I turned off the tv and lay down in the between my two crushes. Evan was on my write while Luke was on my left. Honestly, being in bed with them I couldn't feel any happier. Even though we weren't close together I still felt a warm feeling in my chest from how close they were just being in the same bed.

"Goodnight," Cartoonz said as he faced the wall.

"Yeah, goodnight," Evan said, doing the same.

"Night..." I was left staring at the ceiling, feeling less warm by how far they suddenly seemed. I let out a quiet sigh before closing my eyes, taking a few deep breaths before letting it steady out and fall silent within my mask.

"You really sleep with that on?" Vanoss asked, stirring me awake within seconds.

"Well, not usually but.. you know," I said, a tight feeling seeping into my chest and crushing my lungs as both boys now sat up and looked at me.

"Why do you even wear it? Doesn't it make it hard to breath?" Vanoss asked. I shrugged.

"I've gotten used to it after forgetting to take it off so often. No big deal," I said, avoiding his first question.

"Why do you wear it? Surely you aren't that ugly. Or do you just want to be mask buddies with your dad?" Luke asked to which I to giggled in response.

"No its just... I have insecurities. I don't want people looking at me okay," I said, my voice falling quiet and my breath becoming hot in my mask.

"You do? I never took you as a type with insecurities," Luke said with surprise.

"They never do. But that don't stop how I feel okay. It's my problem so don't worry about it alright," I said, laying back down and hanging my arm over the holes in my eyes. I felt my mask being pushed up against my face but didn't bother adjusting it so it felt comfortable.

"Dude, we're here if you want help with anything like that. But we understand your reasons. Goodnight," Evan said before the room fell silent and I dozed off.

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