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When you're tired as fuck and forget to write ahead... not the first time I've done this either.

Delirious' pov
I sat slouched in my char, my arm propping my head up as I stared blankly out the window. Several thoughts flew through my mind at once, slowly drowning me deeper and deeper in my own mind before a loud bell rang out, yanking out of the ocean of words.

I slowly packed up my things and began to dawdle out the now empty class. It was the end of the day and I already hated the real world. I only had friends in my first two classes, being left to myself in the other lessons.

I sat at the back of the class and stopped paying attention as soon as the teacher began talking each time. I couldn't focus and no matter how hard I tried to listen it wouldn't work... so I stopped trying.

"Hey Delirious! How was the first day?" Cartoonz asked as he came running up to me. I forced a smile so my voice wouldn't sound so drained.

"It was okay," I said, my cheerful tone surprising me by far. Cartoonz nodded and began blabbering on about how annoyed he was with different teachers and stupid students in his classes. His voice was soon tuned out like the rest as my thoughts once again took over.

I was slowly forgetting the fake world my mind had created but a few things made me realise something. In the fake world I was cheerful and pretty energetic, but the real world I had to fake being happy most of the time and slugged about places.

I was really close to all my friends and everyone got along like best friends. Here I barely talked and people see,ed to be seperate within the group. My father was almkst always at home but now he's barely ever at home. And, both Luke and Evan were close to me. Now I'm not sure.

"Jonathan?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Luke's voice and a strong hand on my shoulder. I blinked a few times and looked around, we were outside in the school parking lot. It was almost empty and barely any students were around.

""Dude, are you okay? You just stopped and stared off into space. You wouldn't reply when I called your name," Luke said with worry in his arms.

"I-I'm f-fine. Just... thinking," I said, almost slipping back into thoughts again.

"What about? You seemed pretty deep in thought," He said, leading me to his truck.

"Just... stuff," I mumbled. He gave me a worried glance before opening the door for me. I climbed in and buckled my seat belt. He climbed into his seat and started the engine, pulling out and heading to my house. I think at least.

With the silence in the vehical it was easy for me to slip back into my thoughts. I thought about the real world and how different it was to the fake world my mind had created. But some things were still the same.

I was still close friends with Luke; though, not as close in the fake world. Evan seemed to be close to me as well but at the same time he wasn't. He didn't show up at either lunch break at school and I wondered where he was.

Tyler and Mini are still close to each other. They seemed to be dating at least but they would stick to themselves and almost ignore everyone around them. Brock and Brian would do the same with their girlfriends. Ohm seemed to be caught in his own world like I was while Luke just talked about different video games he liked to me, even though I couldn't listen properly.

The group in general all seemed... distant to each other. Maybe the fake world was what I really wanted the whole time, for everyone to be close and talking no matter what relationships were going on between each other. But how do I explain the whole murderer thing?

"JON!" I jumped at the sudden loud noise and turned to Luke in shock. He had a worried yet cheeky look on his face as he stared at me. "You keep zoning out homie. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I... I don't know," I mumbled, getting out and heading towards the nice looking house. I remembered this as being the house I lived in with my mother and sister so I just walked straight in.

My sister was in the kitchen cooking something. She looked up and smiled at me when I came in but I ignored her and blindly walked to my room, closing and locking the door. I didn't feel up to talking to anyone.

I looked at my bed but didn't lay down. The soft blue sheets didn't seem welcoming to me. I dropped my bag to the ground and leant against the door, sliding down until I hit the ground. I pulled my legs up to my chest as a wave of uncertainty and sorrow washed over me.

Maybe the real world isn't worth living in if everyone is so apart from each other. It's not like I'm any use to the world. I can't focus nor talk properly. I couldn't even show my face to the world. I have no special talents anyway.

I thought of all the different ways I could get out of this reality when it hit me. I took in a sharp breath of air when I realised where the murderer part came from. Even suicide had a killer...

High school troubles (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now