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Cartoonz's pov
Class started ten minutes ago and Delirious hasn't shown up. I felt bad for being harsh on him this morning but he had walked away before I could appolagise. I haven't seen him since but I know I'd need to talk to him soon.

"And why are you late Jonathan?" The teacher asked bitterly. I looked up to see him sadly standing in the doorway. Without a word he walked up to the teacher, handing her a note, before slowly walking towards us.

I expected him to take his usual seat in between me and Vanoss but he walked up to Bryce and Ohm instead. They shared a few quiet words before Delirious sat next to Ohm. I felt a twinge of sorrow and guilt consume my emotions as I turned to Vanoss. He returned my expression before looking away again, his sunglasses covering the black eye I had given him.

Of coarse! Delirious was upset over me and Evan fighting all the time. He's just been trying to help and we've been pushing him away. Our stupid need to best each other has made him feel isolated. He probably thinks he caused us to fight. Well, he kinda is the reason but we were the ones who chose to fight over him.

I quickly wrote down my thoughts and slid the note over to Vanoss. He cautiously read it, trying to not get caught by the teacher, before writing his response and sliding the note back to me.

I think you're right. We should probably talk to him about it but I'm not sure if he's gonna listen or not.

I turned to him and nodded, trying to think of a way to fix this when the bell rang. I was about to get up and leave but one of the classes 'hotties' stopped me. She played with her hair and pulled a flirty smile.

"Hey, you wanma go out?" She asked me. I was surprised as my eyes flicked to Delirious. He was looking at us but quickly turned and left.

"Ah, no thanks," I said truthfully.

"Please. You're really hot," she urged but I shook her off before leaving without a word. Evan was surprisingly waiting for me outside. He looked up at me as I approached.

"So what'd you say to the slut?" He asked with a smirk. I laughed and shook my head.

"It was a no for the hoe," I said in a deep voice. We laughed together and it felt nice to finally be friends again. Our concern for our friend taking over our urges to come out on top.

"So, what are we going to do about Delirious. He seemed so down and I don't like it. We were both such jerks to him this morning and have been since we both found out we liked him. He doesn't deserve any of it," Vanoss said as we headed to our next class. The same class we had with Delirious.

"Well, we could tell him the truth. And all of it. Even the part where we both like him. He needs to know," I said, a little upset. I didn't know if he liked either of us let alone guys in general and I was kinda afraid of rejection.

"Yeah..," Vanoss said and I could tell he felt the same as I did. But we had to tell him. We couldn't just leave him in the dark like we have.

"Hurry up you two. You're late," the teacher said before we all laughed. "I don't care. Just get to work on your projects everyone."

Oh right! We haven't finished working on that. Actually, we haven't really worked on it all week. We should get to it qui- my thoughts cut off when I saw Delirious working on the teddy bear sculpture we had all started. Everything was pieced together perfectly and he had started painting already. It looked marvelous.

"Hey Delirious. Did you do all that yourself?" I asked amazed. He nodded, not saying anything or even looking at us. Me and Vanoss shared a glance before I nodded his way. He could probably say it better than I can.

"Hey ah, Delirious. We're-," he began but was cut off by a blonde chick grabbing his arm.

"Hey Evan. I think you're really cute. My friend thinks you look cute too Luke. We were wondering if you'd want to go out with us," the blonde said, her brunette friend standing next to her shyly. Two in one day. What is this?

"Ah, No thanks. We don't even know your names," Evan said awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm Lily and this is Jesse. Now can we go out?" The blonde said desperately.

"No, that wasn't my point. We don't know you well enough to date you," Evan said, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Oh, well. We're having a movie night tonight. We can get to know each other there," Lily said, clearly not getting the hint.

"He said we don't want to date you guys now leave us alone," I said angrily. Lily looked at me shocked before grabbing her friends hand and storming off. I let out a sigh and turned back to Delirious but he had moved over to talk to Brock and Brian. 

I let out a sigh and took my usual seat and continued working on the paint for our model. Evan sat next to me, letting out an annoyed groan. I looked over at him as he removed his glasses and rubbed his eye. I felt bad for hitting him.

"Sorry about your eye dude. I don't even know what I was doing," I said ashamed.

"Yeah, me too. For you know, scratching you and giving you a split lip and all," he said, putting his sun glasses back on so no one could see.

"Man we're terrible friends," I said with a laugh. Evan joined in before settling down and watching me paint.

"You know, that blonde gave me an idea. How about we invite Delirious to the movies and talk to him then," He said in thought.

"I'm not sure if he'll come knowing it was us. He'll probably think we're gonna fight again," I said sadly.

"We don't have to tell him we're inviting him. We could write him a note and get Tyler to give it to him or something. We can ask him not to tell him who invited him," Evan said smartly.

"That... just might work."

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