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When you're not up to living cause all you want to do it sleep...

Delirious' pov
I sat tapping on the desk to my final class once again. The only upside to being alone is that I have a lot of time to think. It's like I had a choice really with my mind so easily wandering and my focus leaving me instantly.

I thought about the way people reacted now and in the fake world. The world that I longed to go back to but didn't know how. The world that never really existed. The world I actually felt I belonged in.

Sure there was a few problems with it but at least my friends were close to one another. At least we all got along and talked amongst eachother instead of staying in smaller comversations. At least I didn't have to deal with all... this.

I could focus better and talk to people with confidence. I could stay up late playing video games and be able to joke about it with everyone in the morning. I could walk around with my mask on and only get a few odd stares instead of everyone looking at me like I didn't fit in... and I didn't.

I didn't belong here. The only person that really talked to me about stuff was Cartoonz. Evan hadn't come to school all week so I couldn't talk to him. Tyler and Craig stopped hanging with the group at lunch; going off somewhere secret together. Marcel and Scotty hang with different people, along with all the others really. All that were left was Cartoonz, Ohm and I.

But Ohm didn't seem to be in as good as place either. He would stare over at Bryce and his group then look down in sorrow. Something tells me the 'fight' had affected him more than it had affected Bryce. I felt bad for the guy. All he ever does is put others before them and care for others wellbeing. I wonder what the fight was about...

"Delirious? Dude, dude are you okay?" I jumped when a concerned voice pulled me from my thoughts. I spun around to see Cartoonz standing in front of my desk, the room once again empty.

"Oh," I mumbled, standing up and heading out of class. I didn't bring anything cause I never pay attention and the teacher said it was fine since I'd already missed majority of stuff.

"Dude?" Luke's voice made me stop. I looked up at him sadly through ,y mask to see the worried expression on his face.

"What?" I mumbled, my voice low and dull.

"Are you okay? The bell rang 20 minutes ago and I've been waiting for you for ages. You didn't even respond after I called your name a million times! What's wrong?" He said, sounding desperate.

I thought about it for a moment. What was wrong? That I wanted to live in a world that didn't exist or that I couldn't focus enough to answer him. It was as if I wasn't even there and it was just my body. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face and I was pulled into a tight hug.

"It's okay. Don't worry. You don't have to answer," Luke whispered to me. And for once, I didn't get lost in thought as I held him closer to me and let all my emotions flow out onto his shirt as tears. It felt nice being able to cry after keeping everything in so long.

"C-can w-we... g-go h-ho...me," I stuttered out with a croaky voice. I felt him rub my back to calm me down more before a low vibration  rumbled against my head as he hummed a response.

"Yeah. I'll get you something to eat on the way. Ice cream?" He said, looking at me with a smile. I nodded, returning one before looking around for my mask. It had been knocked off during the hug and landed a few steps away from me.

I picked it up but before I could put it back on a hand tightly grabbed my wrist. I let out a gasp and looked up to see no one was there. I let out a struggled choke and stumbled back, Luke catching me and helping me balance.

"Dude, are you okay?" He asked, extremely worried now. I stared at the empty room before looking down at my arm, the sensation of someone touching me lingering. I let out a shaky breath but nodded, quickly pulling my mask back on so he wouldn't see my terrified expression.

What the fuck had just happened?

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