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Vanoss' pov
Me and Luke waited in front of the cinema to see if Delirious would come. I was nervous to see if he would actually show up and couldn't help but drum my finger against the table we were sitting at.

"Do you mind?" Luke asked, sounding annoyed. I immediately stopped and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous," I said truthfully.

"So am I but I'm not drumming the shit out of the table," Luke said but lowered his voice to a calming tone. "Let's just look out for a blue hoodie. He only wears that."

I nodded and looked towards the entrance, searching for the blue sweater I'd become so familiarized with. I saw several blue things but none of them were Delirious. I was starting to think he wasn't even going to come when...

"Hey guys. What are you two doing here?" I jumped and looked to the left of me, seeing someone in a red jumper. After a second glance I realised that the person was Delirious.

"What's with the red jumper? That's our thing" Me and Luke said at the same time.

"Oh, I just thought I may as well wear something new," Delirious said casually. Me and Luke gave him a blank look and he sighed. "My father made me wash blue."

"That would explain it better. Anyway, what brings you here?" Luke said, also sounding casual.

"Can I not go to the mall whenever I want to?" Delirious tried to counter but we shook our heads.

"You barely ever leave the house unless there's a pretty good reason. Come on. spill," I said, knowing he came because of the note.

"Come on guys, I don't always stay inside do I?" He tried to counter but it ended up sounding like a question to himself more that a point being made.

"Yes you do. So what bring you here? A note maybe?" Luke said and Delirious gasped quietly.

"How'd you know?" He asked surprised.

"Because we wrote it," I answered.

"Okay? Why not just ask me to come?" He asked.

"Because it's way more fun this way and we weren't sure if you'd agree knowing us after what's been happening lately," I said quickly.

"Which is why we asked you to come here. We need to explain a few things to you," Luke finished. Delirious nodded and quietly sat in front of us.

"Well, as you know, me and Cartoonz have been fighting lately," I started.

"But we're friends again now after seeing how it affected you," Luke continued.

"And we're sorry for causing you so much pain. It was a stupid and childish thing to do what we did," I said, avoiding actually telling him the reason.

"We didn't even stop to see if it was okay with you in the first place. I guess we were too caught up in trying to be the best we didn't pay attention to what we actually wanted," Cartoonz said, also avoiding the topic.

"And that is?" Delirious urged, wanting to get to the chase.

"You," me and Luke said at the same time again. Delirious fell silent, looking at us both through his mask as he tried to see if we were telling the truth.

"What?" Was all he could say.

"We both like you but only one person can date you. That's why we were fighting. We don't even know if you like guys so it was a stupid thing to do really," I said, shrugging.

Delirious was silent again and I was beginning to think he would just get up and leave but he just sat there. He finally moved and rubbed his face under his mask, probably to clear his head and take in everything.

"I think I'm dreaming, that's what it is. Yep, this isn't real. Somebody wake me up," He said. I reached over the table and grabbed his arm, getting his attention.

"It's not a dream," I said seriously.

"Oh good. Understandable cause my dream just came true," Delirious said in an excited voice. I looked at him confused, sharing the same expression with Cartoonz.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Well, I kinda like both of you but I thought I'd have to make a decision on who I like more but I can't then there's the problem of whether either of you like me back or guys at all and having to hide everything from both of you and everyone else especially my father and-," Delirious said super quickly, seeming to not stop and take a breath before I cut him off.

"Wait wait, you like us both?" I asked.

"Maybe," Delirious said in a high pitched voice.

"So there was no need for us to fight anyway. You can't decide on who you like more," I asked to clear up. Delirious nodded and rubbed his arm nervously.

"Well, that solves several problems but creates a new one. What are we going to do about this?" Luke asked. They both looked at me.

"How would I know? I've never been in this situation before," I said with a shrug.

"Okay okay. If it's alright with you Delirious, how about me and Evan take you on a date each. You get to know us both a little more and maybe see who you like more. Amd if it doesn't work out with the first person and you still have feelings for the other and vise versa, then go with them? I don't know, it's an option but it doesn't sound good near the end part," Luke said.

"I'm fine with that. It might fix a few things too," Delirious said. They once again turned to me and I sighed.

"Fine, we'll do that. But first, let's go watch this movie together. There's a really cool horror movie I want to see," I said, wanting to see the movie so bad.

"What's it about?" Luke asked as we headed towards the cinema entrance.

"It's just about this psychopath that goes around killing people. Apparently it's based on this kid that murdered a whole bunch of people at school one time but I don't know," I said. Delirious seemed a little nervous as we walked up to the counter. Maybe he doesn't like horror? That would be a surprise if he was.

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