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When you get used to comments and now there's barely any 😢. I'm drowning in votes... on other stories 😂

Cartoonz pov
I slowly walked along side Delirious. He was looking down and fidgeting an awful lot. I wanted to ask about the medication he was meant to be taking but he seemed uncomfortable about it. I didn't want him to feel pressured so I didn't ask.

"You want some company at home? We can stay with you to help if you'd like," Evan offered, looking at our nervous friend.

"Ah.. m-my dad sh-should be h-home," Delirious answered, his voice trembling.

"Guess that means we get to meet him. Here, I got you this," I said, handing him a blue hoodie. "Though you'd like it. It's new so you don't have to wear the same one all the time."

He carefully took the clothing item from me and felt it's soft fabric. He turned to me and gave a slight nod as a thanks. I smiled at him as we reached my car and I unlocked it, letting everyone get in.

Evan, being the idiot he is, shouted shot gun and jumped into the seat next to me. I rolled my eyes and helped Delirious into the seat behind me after he insisted he was fine in the back. I got in the drivers seat and started the car before turned to Delirious with a sheepish look.

"Ah, where do you live again?" I asked. He was silent for a while, as if contemplating whether to answer me or not.

"Ah, just go to the school and I'll point it out from there," He said nervously. I only gave a silent nod and headed to the destination given. It was quiet for a while until Evan turned the radio on and began to sing to it quietly. I smirked as a song came on that I knew and I began to sing to it as loud as I could.

Evan gave me a weird look but smiled and joined in. We'd done this several times before and he knew there was no point in trying to get me to stop because I'd only sing louder.

I looked at Delirious through the rear view mirror to see him looking between the two of us. I gave Evan a nudge and he knew what I was trying to tell him and turned to Delirious, trying to encourage him to join in.

He seemed shy about it but gave in after a while and began to sing with us. He wasn't the worst of singers but he wasn't the best either. But that didn't matter as we were having fun and laughing along together.

The song finished as we neared the school and Delirious fell silent again. He would mumble directions every now and then but other than that he didn’t speak. We finally reached a gravel driveway that led into the forest. I slowed down and turned to Delirious.

“This the place?” I asked and he nodded. Evan gave me a look before I continued driving into the darkening forest. A wave of nervousness and anxiety washed over me as a dark house came into view. I pulled up out in front of it and looked at the looming figure. It was as if it was reaching for me but I shook it away and turned to Delirious.

"Why don't you show us around dude?" I asked, my anxiousness showing in my voice.

"Y-yeah. S-sure," Delirious responded, also sounding nervous.

He got out of the car and waited for us to join him before dragging himself towards the front door. It was as if he didn't want to go inside but we still followed. Just before we reached the door though it opened and a tall figure stepped out.

I felt everything in me drop as fear took over as I looked up at the dark figure. Delirious let out a sigh and stepped up to the male, giving him a hug as if he wasn't as terrifying as he was.

"Hey dad. I'm back. Sorry I was out so long. I had some... complications," Delirious said, rubbing his arm. The figure looked at him but said nothing.

"Oh, these are my friends. Vanoss and Cartoonz. They ah... they helped me out earlier," Delirious said, seeming uncomfortable about the situation.

"..." Delirious' dad still didn't say anything but Delirious had looked up at him.

"They're not like them Dad. I forgot my medication is all and I got into some trouble but they helped me out of it. I would have walked home by myself but I apparently need to be watched for a few days," Delirious said. It was as if only he could hear his father speaking.

"..." His dad glared at us slightly through his mask and we took a frightened step back, me sinking into the hood of my jacket. Delirious let out a small excited noise and grabbed his fathers arm.

"You are? So can they stay and look after me while you're gone? In case I need help you know," Delirious asked and I didn't know whether to be happy or scared. The silence that followed as two eyes burned into me made my heart beat sound so much louder than it really was. After a few seconds Delirious let out a cheer and grabbed both our hands, dragging us inside.

"Thanks Dad. I'll come with you tomorrow, I promise!" and with that, we were inside the dark house and it didn't seem as bad anymore. The inside looked just like a normal house with white walls and photos but what caught my attention was the fact that there was four people in the photo.

Before I could get a closer look I was dragged upstairs and into a nicely decorated room. Posters and drawings hung from the walls and shelves were stacked with video games and movies. A flat screen tv sat in front of a bed with blue covers. A small brown teddy bear rested between two pillows.

"Is that your bear Del?" Vanoss asked curiously. Delirious' posture seemed to change at the mention of it.

"Yeah. My mum got it for me before... I moved," He said, his shoulders dropping.

"It's okay dude. I have a little owl that I sleep with. I just put it away when others are over," Vanoss said with a smile.

"I have a little red fox that sits on my nightstand. She's the cutest," I said honestly. Delirious' shoulders returned to their normal state and he gave a slight nod before walking over to the shelf full of movies.

"So, what should we watch before we go to bed?"

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