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Evan's pov
I felt fear send shivers down my spine at Delirious' words before he passed out. I'd managed to catch him as he slouched in my arms but I didn't know what to do with him. I looked at the others to see the same scared expression I had.

I heard a groan from near me and looked over to see the guy Delirious had knocked out was waking up. Tyler let out a low growl, stomping over to the guy and yanking him to his feet. I heard the male yelp and he latched onto Tyler's arms, trying to pull him off him.

"Why the fuck did you attack Delirious you dick!" Tyler yelled, making the male flinch as he tried to hide his fear.

"H-he's a m-monster. That bastard deserves to die for what he's done!" The make yelled.

"What do you mean?" Tyler growled, clearly pissed off at the dude.

"H-he murdered several people at our old school. He used to be my friend until the bitch nearly stabbed me to death. He ran off like a little bitch and left me to bleed out," the male spat.

"Do NOT! Talk about our friend that way and what do you mean he murdered people? Delirious doesn't seem like that type of person and yet we constantly hear about him being a killer. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let a killer roam free," Tyler said, though doubt wavered in his voice.

"H-he has to take medication for it. I used to see him taking it all the time after he got beaten up. I-I couldn't do anything about the bullying. He refused to let me help and never told me anything. After we broke up he just... snapped I guess," the man said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Wait, you two dated? I didn't know Delirious swung that way," Tyler said surprised, though no one else was. I looked at Ohm and he just shrugged.

"A gay knows a gay... except Tyler. He's an oblivious gay," Ohm said with a chuckle. Tyler gave him a glare before turning back to the male.

"What is your name?" He asked in a threatening tone.

"G-go f-fuck y-yourself," he stuttered out.

"Good to know, now why did you attack Delirious?" Tyler asked, his voice still sounding intimidating.

"I-I did it before he could attack me. There is no way in hell I'm trusting him again!" He yelled, shooting a glare at the unconscious make in my arms.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Luke asked, raising his brow.

"It wasn't the first time he's attacked me remember," the male said sourly. I felt Delirious shift in my arms and looked down to see a distressed look on his blood coated face.

"No!" He suddenly shouted, shooting up and gasping for air. He looked like he was struggling to breath so I quickly tried calming him down, Luke helping me out as well.

"DON'T LET HIM TRICK YOU! HE'S A MONSTER! YOU NEED TO GET RID OF HIM BEFORE HE GETS RID OF YOU!" The male began to cry out as he struggled in Tyler's grip.

"Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you!" Tyler yelled but he didn't shut up. So Tyler did as he said and punched him directly in the face, though he didn't knock him out instantly like Delirious had. The male regained his awareness before he began screaming out words again so Tyler kneed him in the gut, making him shut up.

"You should have listened to him," I turned to Delirious to see a devilish look on his face. It quickly twisted into pain and he seemed to be having a mental battle with himself. I remembered the words he'd said before he'd passed out; about the voice in his head that would make him do things.

"Delirious?" I said softly and his eyes shot up to me, several emotions flashing withing them. "Focus on me. You are Jonathan, our friend. The cool guy that stays up late beating our asses at video games and joking around in the mornings. You're kind, and friendly, and an amazing person," I went on telling him all the good things about him until he seemed to have calmed down, a blank expression resting on his blood and tear stained face.

"I don't want to be me," he whispered. I cupped his face in my hands and made him look at me.

"Don't say that. You'll get through this. We're all here to help you," I said, trying to get him to cheer up and smile.

"I hate being me Evan. I do horrible things and can't get rid of the guilt. I can't stop either or he comes back. But in the end, he still gets what he wants," he said, his voice deprived of any emotion, left sounding lifeless.

"You don't do anything horrible Jon. Don't beat yourself up for it," I said calmly.

"You don't understand Evan! Your mother didn't commit suicide. It was me! I killed her and I fell horrible because of it. And I can't take it back. I can't fix the dead Evan. And I hate myself because all I want to do is bring everyone back. I don't care if they bullied me or if I never knew the people. I just want this guilt taken away. I don't want to be the monster!" Delirious yelled.

I couldn't answer because I was frozen in place. He'd killed my mother? But it looked so much like suicide... did he make it look like that so he wouldn't be suspected? But mum was slipping away from us. She'd become really depressed lately and suicide seemed so believable.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. My father made me. He says I need to do it. To make me part of the family. He says mother was weak because she refused to kill people. He says I'm weak because I don't like killing people. He's always there. In my head. He's normal if I promise to go with him, to help him. But I'm misserable. I can't stand it! I don't want this anymore! I never did!" Delirious sobbed, sounding heartbroken and shattered. How do I react to this?

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